Afrička barutana


Afrička barutana

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99970

U domu svrgnutog predsednika Gabona pronadjene torbe pune kesa...spremao bezaniju,ali ga shebase...snimak je na linku
Citat:After a coup in the country, the military found suitcases full of money in the family home of the deposed president.
The bags were filled with bundles of banknotes, francs, dollars and euros.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99970

AU suspendovala Gabon iz clanstva
The African Union suspended Gabon's participation in the organization

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99970

Gabon dobija prelaznog predsednika
Rebels In Gabon Appoint Republican Guard Head Brice Oligui Nguema As Transitional Leader
Citat:The head of the Republican Guard, General Bris Oligi Nguemu, has been appointed to the new presidents of the republic in Central Africa Gabon for an indefinite period.
According to Le Monde, citing a statement from the military, he will remain in power until new elections are held and a legitimate president is appointed. Oligi Nguemu was elected chairman of the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions by unanimous vote.
Gabon rebel leader General Bris Oligi Nguema will be sworn in on Monday to become the country's interim president, France Press reported.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99970

Africki lideri u strahu...Kamerun i Ruanda reformisu bezbednosne snage...smenjuju se generali i ostali sa njima
Rwanda, Cameroon make major changes in their military positions after Gabon coup
Citat:Like Cameroon, the Rwandan government has made major changes to its national army.
In particular, by the decision of Paul Kagame, several high-ranking army officers were dismissed, including the influential General James Kabarebe.
(12 generals were dismissed.)

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99970

Francuski ambasador u Nigeru dobio obavestenje da mu se ukida diplomatski imunitet...francuzi prete da ako vojska Nigera pokusa bilo sta prema ambasadi ili bazi da ce ih napasti...ovi su im uskratili struju i vodu za sada...traze da francuzi napuste Niger do nedelje...ovi kazu da nece za sada
Citat:The new authorities of Niger demanded the complete withdrawal of French troops from the country by September 3.
At the moment, electricity and water supply are cut off at the base.

French troops reportedly given until September 3 to withdraw from Niger
Citat:The French Ministry of Defense has rejected demands from Nigerien rebels for French troops to leave the country immediately. According to reports from, the Nigerien military council has announced the suspension of the agreement allowing the presence of French troops on its territory. Nevertheless, France has declared that it will not comply with the rebels' orders and will maintain its troops in the country as long as the situation requires.
Currently, it is known that French forces not only have no plans to leave Niger but may also reinforce their troop presence by an additional 500 personnel, a clear sign of escalating tensions in the region.
According to sources, French military personnel have declared that any approach by armed groups to their military base will be considered a threat, demonstrating their readiness to repel any attackers.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99970

Francuzi imaju vojni kontigent i u Gabonu od oko 350-400 instruktora
French military presence in Gabon
Citat:About 400 French military instructors are in Gabon.
They are in charge of a regional military training operation and the situation in Gabon has not affected their activities.
The French base in Gabon is considered “one of the smallest on the continent”.

  • kljift 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 7160

Eh da je ziv, onaj kako se zvase, a da, za prijatelje Bob Denar. Ne bi dao da se ovako razvlace francuske imperijalne vrednote. Sve ovo podsjeca na "Divlje guske" iz 1978. Film je akcion, doduse sa stilom ali prvi dio filma sa angazovanjem, pogodbom, planiranjem i konacno dozvolom njihovog "druga Jovice" je gotovo dokumentaristickog karaktera. Kod velikog Ricarda Bartona nije moglo drugacije.
Nekoc se tamo motao i sin Margaret Tacer, takozvani Mark. Oko Ekvatorijalne Gvineje mislim da je bio slucaj. Koferi s novcem, najamni "radnici", teleksi. No sto bi se reklo, pali su. Bili su u emisiji "corkirani u inostranstvu". Ne znam sto je bilo sa Markom ali dosta neprijatna situacija za Margaret. I to u onim danima kada je mirno trebala da trosi svoju boracku penziju.

  • Pridružio: 22 Jul 2018
  • Poruke: 3770

kljift ::
Nekoc se tamo motao i sin Margaret Tacer, takozvani Mark. Oko Ekvatorijalne Gvineje mislim da je bio slucaj. Koferi s novcem, najamni "radnici", teleksi. No sto bi se reklo, pali su. Bili su u emisiji "corkirani u inostranstvu". Ne znam sto je bilo sa Markom ali dosta neprijatna situacija za Margaret. I to u onim danima kada je mirno trebala da trosi svoju boracku penziju.
Добио је новчану и условну затворску казну. Такви не иду у затвор.

  • ikan 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 03 Feb 2013
  • Poruke: 2913

Pogledam vesti i naletim na ovo:

Senegal mobiliše 900 vojnika i šalje u Benin za intervenciju u Nigeru.

Prvo mi bilo čudno ovo "mobiliše". Dok se oni uvežbaju, trebaće im par meseci.
Varoš u Beninu je Cotonou na samom moru. Kad se uvežbaju imaju do granice sa Nigerom 700 km i posle još 300 i kusur km do Niameja. Tu im blizu da se spoje sa Nigerijskim "južnim" krakom i zajedno da guraju...
Onda na wiki pogledam šta imaju od vozila, kad ono šareniš, al ajd, ako je pola ispravno imaće čim i da se voze, za bataljon im treba, MB četa i ostalo pozadina.

Ček reko da vidim izvor i ostali šta pišu, kad patka, niko, čak ni sami Senegalci ništa ne znaju o tome.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99970

Rus je sada u Burkini

Citat:Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yunus-Bek Yevkurov met with Ibrahim Traore Burkina Faso president

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