Afrička barutana


Afrička barutana

  • Pridružio: 15 Mar 2022
  • Poruke: 1517

Koja je poanta ovih plaćenika ako su se predali u velikom broju bez ispaljenog metka? Šta su tamo uopće radili?

U svakom slučaju nebih im htio biti u koži.. Vode te u gomili na stadion, ne znaš da li na naslikavanje ili na masovnu egzekuciju... Embarassed

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103088

^^Obucavali vojnike DR Conga i ujedno ratovali sa njima gde treba
Pustili su ih sve da predju u Ruandu..evo sa prethodne strane citat
Citat:Mercenaries who were in the DRC fighting on behalf of President Tshisekedi have been disarmed by the AFC_M23 and are now crossing into Rwanda.

Amer zvao predsednika Ruande
Citat:Amidst the ongoing M23 rebel offensive in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which has received direct and indirect support from Rwanda, U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio held a call with the Rwandan President Paul Kagame to voice concern with the spiraling situation.
Additionally, the secretary impressed upon Rwanda’s principal decision-maker the need for an “immediate ceasefire.”

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  • kljift 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 7247

ccoogg123 ::Koja je poanta ovih plaćenika ako su se predali u velikom broju bez ispaljenog metka? Šta su tamo uopće radili?

U svakom slučaju nebih im htio biti u koži.. Vode te u gomili na stadion, ne znaš da li na naslikavanje ili na masovnu egzekuciju... Embarassed

Uh, placenici su obicno zastupnici evroamerickih gospodara ko sto Vagner zastupa Ruse. Nije to tamo veliki broj, par stotina ljudi okruzenih ogromnom neprohodnom teritorijom + stanovnistvo + neprijatelj. Mozda su se predali jer je stvar uredjena sa predsjednikom Ruande. Da su ispalili poneki metak ne bi imali vise nade u predaju nego borba do smrti. Mislim da tamo likvidiraju odmah, nema stadiona i `naslikavanja`.
Postojali su i nezavisni `vojni kontraktori` ali su njih nekako brzo stavili pod zabranu. Mada je i njihov rad bio totalno legalan.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 35480

На кадрах румынских наёмники, которые сдаются армии Руанды и повстанцам группировки M23.
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Бронетранспортёр AVGP Grizzly миротворцев ООН подбитый в столкновениях с группировкой М23 в ДР Конго. (23.01.25)

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103088

Drze predavanje ustani-sedi-ustani kontraktorima
Citat: "March 23 Movement" (#M23) disarmed European mercenaries who were fighting for FARDC in Goma, Capital of North Kivu.
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Snimci placenika
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Citat: Hundreds of foreign military contractors crossed into Rwanda from Goma on Wednesday (January 29) after surrendering to the United Nations, as Rwandan-backed M23 rebels consolidated control over eastern Congo's largest city.

288 Romanian mercenaries surrendered to Rwanda after crossing from Goma, now under M23 control.
An estimated 800 Romanians are active in the DRC, hired for security.

Citat:DRC :AFC/M23 leader Corneille Nangaa “We are in Goma to stay. We are Congolese.
We shall continue the march of liberation to Kinshasa. When they ask us to retreat, where do they want us to retreat to? We are not going anywhere.”
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Ruanda upozorava J.Afriku
Citat:“If South Africa wants to contribute to peaceful solutions, that is well and good, but SA is in no position to take on the role of a peacemaker or mediator. And if South Africa prefers confrontation, Rwanda will deal with the matter in that context any day”
-President Kagame

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Citat:Rwandan President Paul Kagame:

South Africa is pretending to be playing a peacemaker role in Eastern Congo.
South Africa dares even issue threats about what is likely to happen and so on.
Maybe they should have cleaned up the mess in Eastern Congo or fight back with those who tried to clean up the mess.

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Citat:Rwanda has called for a ceasefire in eastern Congo and for Congo to negotiate with the rebels.
Rwandan President Paul Kagame's request for a summit was left unanswered by Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi. Tshisekedi skipped a virtual crisis summit with Rwandan President Paul Kagame.
Instead, Tshisekedi addressed the nation for the first time since insurgency groups seized the city on Monday.
Rwandan Foreign Minister Olivier Nduhungirehe told Reuters by telephone that fighting in Goma would stop because it was now under rebel control.

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103088

Zarobljena tehnika

Citat:Pictures showing american made BATT UMG armored personnel carriers and ukrainian made 122 mm Bastion-1 MRLS captured by the M23 at the Inaternational Airport of Goma, January 30th 2025.

Citat:Pictures showing a soviet made Su-25 [FG-505] close ground attack jet and Mil Mi-8 helicopter captured by the M23 at the International Airport of Goma, January 30th 2025.

Citat:pictures showing soviet made 122 mm M-30 and D-30 howitzers of the FARDC captured by the M23.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103088

U DR Congu se nalaze placenici iz Rumunije,Bugarske i Wagnerovci

Citat:Guns for hire in DR Congo

Alongside Wagner, there are two other private military companies actively operating in the DRC: Bulgarian Agemira RDC and Romanian Asociatia RALF.
Mercenaries, consisting of various backgrounds including ex-military personnel, are taking an active role in the battles in the region. Often performing poorly despite their high salaries compared to regional troops.

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103088

Organizovan transport za placenike....snimak je na linku
Citat:Over 200 Romanian mercenaries who fought in Congo against M23 rebels have departed Rwanda for Romania.
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Citat:Congolese army, Burundian troops and local militias defended Nyabibwe, 50km north of Bukavu. The M23 rebels appear to have been stopped in this area for the time being, but Bukavu residents in the M23's sights are stockpiling supplies or fleeing into Burundi. Large numbers of civilians are being recruited to defend the city.
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Povlacenje MONUSCO i UN u Ugandu
Citat:A large convoy carrying MONUSCO and UN staff from the Democratic Republic of Congo has entered Uganda
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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103088

ISIS ubio 46 nigerijskih vojnika,a neke i zarobili
46 Soldiers Killed in Militant Attack on Nigerien Military Base in Tahoua
Citat:At least 46 soldiers of the Nigerien Defense and Security Forces (SDF) were killed in a coordinated attack by militants of the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (EIGS) on Saturday.
The assault targeted an SDF position in Iknewane, Tilia Department, near the Mali border in Niger’s Tahoua Region. Security sources described the attack as large-scale and highly intense, catching the military by surprise.
According to reports, the attackers, heavily armed and in large numbers, overran the base, destroying or seizing nine out of the 16 military vehicles stationed there. Weapons and ammunition were also looted.
In addition to the casualties, a dozen soldiers were reportedly taken hostage, while several others remain missing. Local sources confirmed that some soldiers managed to escape on foot and were later rescued.

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  • Pridružio: 22 Jul 2018
  • Poruke: 3989

dragoljub11987 ::Председник ЈАР потписао закон по ком земља може да се отима белим фармерима без надокнаде. Генијална идеја која се већ показала у пракси у комунистичким земљама а у задње време у Зимбабвеу.

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Иначе у "слободној" ЈАР данас има више расних закона него у време апартхејда.

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Због овога им Трамп укида сваку врсту помоћи.

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