Занимљив видео. Човек каже да је полиција у последњих 15 година изгубила (продала) више десетина хиљада комада ватреног оружја, које је завршило код банди. За то време влада се спрема да забрани легално поседовање оружја.
I Kamerun ima separatiste...pobili im policajce
Four Cameroonian policemen killed in ambush in restive Anglophone region Citat:At least four Cameroonian policemen were killed on Sunday when their patrol was ambushed by armed separatists in the restive Anglophone region of Northwest, according to security and local sources.
The patrol was ambushed in the town of Bali where armed separatists have intensified offensive on government forces in the last two weeks, an army official who asked not to be named told Xinhua.
Armed separatists published a video of the attack on social media, displaying weapons they seized.
Separatists and government forces have been clashing since 2017 in the country’s two English-speaking regions of Northwest and Southwest, where separatists want to create an independent nation they called “Ambazonia”.
Đabe ti je krećit. I da glasaš za one "prave", maznu ti glasove. Ne samo kod njih. Kad omerikens sumnjaju u ispravnost svojih izbora, šta očekivati od ostale "borarnije".
Slazem se stug, ali ovo je specifican slucaj. Ovi mucenici 27 godina glasaju ANC koji ih odra, ojadi, upropasti, rasturi zemlju, al redovno dobija izbore velikom vecinom.