Tigrejci na 380km od Adis Abebe
The fighters captured Kombolcha and its airport, said Getachew Reda claimed.
The large town is about 380km (235 miles) from the capital, Addis Ababa, and is the furthest south in Amhara that the TPLF has reached since pushing into the region in July. It suggested the TPLF was heading closer to the Ethiopian capital.
Tigrejcima i drugi prilaze
Citat:Tigray Rebels in Ethiopia announce joining forces with the Oromo rebels against country's military & Gov.
They are advancing in North, took towns of Dessie and Kombolcha in last 24 hrs. Abiy Ahmed sent call for arms.
Citat:The Federal Government has called upon people in Addis Ababa to register weapons and prepare to defend their neighborhoods. Anyone who is unwilling/unable to fight is encouraged to hand over their arms. Meanwhile, house to house raids are being conducted
Ameri stizu u Etiopiju,a za to vreme vlasti traze od gradjana da registruju oruzje i da se pripreme za odbranu glavnog grada
U.S. Envoy to Visit Ethiopia as Rebel Fighters Approach Capital https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-11-03.....ch-capital Citat:Ethiopia government told people to prepare to defend the capital.
Rebels say they are considering march on Addis Ababa
Earlier on Tuesday, authorities in Addis Ababa told residents to register their arms and prepare to defend their neighbourhoods.
Jos grupa je prislo tigrejcima
Citat:Nine rebel groups battling Ethiopia's government will "collaborate and join forces" Friday, they said in a statement announcing the alliance, which comes as fears grow of Tigrayan fighters advancing on the capital