May 20
Taliban militants captured ANA HQ and all defense posts of Dawlat Shah district of Laghman province, 2 humvee, weapons and ammunitions captured
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Најбољи је онај авганистански официр што каже:”Требали су направити нешто од неопходне инфраструктуре, као рецимо хидроцентралу, бар би се приходи нама вратили.”
Dopuna: 23 May 2021 11:41
mrav pesadinac ::Australijski dokumentarac u mogućim ratnim zločinima počinjenim od strane australijskih specijalnih jedinica tokom rata u Afghanistan 2012. godine. Kažem mogućim, jer još nisu tako zvanično okarakterisani.
Ovo je emitovano na ABC-u prije dva mjeseca, mada saga o mogućim ratnim zločinima australijskih specijalnih jedinica (SAS i 2. komando puk) traje već nekoliko godina. Medju specijalcima pomenutim u kontekstu ratnih zločina je i Ben Roberts-Smit, odlikovan Viktorijinim krstom za hrabrost pokazanu u Afghanistanu 2010. godine.
Наставак саге о ратним злочинима аустралијских специјалних снага у Авганистану.
Не спорим да су Аустралијанци свашта радили у Авганистану, али се извјештај мора узети са резервом баш зато што су га радили ови из ”60 минута”. Познати су по сензационализму, као и да су на све спремни за добру причу. Такође, Робертс-Смит је после повлачења из војске био директор супарничке телевизије у Квинсленду.
А тек што каки овај судија о принципима и вриједностима аустралијских оружаних снага. Американизовани су до те мјере да праве и исте глупости као Јенкији.
Ovo bi mi ko misevi nakupili u magacine da stoji jos 15 godina cekajuci postupak za rashod i furdu...Sreca ima inspekcija( GINA) na 5 godina pa nekad uspemo nesto i da bacimo...
Ko ce upravljati vaznom branom...
Power struggle on Afghanistan's frontline over key dam Citat:In the heart of territory under siege from the Taliban, one of Afghanistan's most important hydroelectric dams is at the centre of a power struggle that symbolises the battle between the government and insurgents.
Kajaki Dam, which provides power to more than three million people in the south -- including the cities of Kandahar and Lashkar Gah -- is controlled by government forces. But an extraordinary compromise sees authorities effectively allow the insurgents surrounding it to charge locals for energy.
This kind of compromise could become more common as US forces withdraw, leaving local government officials and Taliban commanders to find ways to grudgingly live with the status quo even as their leaders fail to agree on terms.
"It is not our choice. How can we refuse them electricity?" said Ghulam Raza, an executive of Turkish firm 77 Construction, which is working to triple the capacity of the dam.
Officials at the plant told AFP during a recent visit that about a fifth of the output was used by the Taliban-controlled districts of Kajaki, Sangin and Musa Qala.
The areas contain hundreds of hamlets and villages that are home to thousands of people.
The insurgents collect taxes each month from locals for the electricity they consume, said Abdul Razak, nominally the governor of Kajaki district but whose authority barely extends beyond his office and a few buildings surrounding the dam.
This tacit agreement doesn't stop the Taliban from constantly attacking the troops protecting the dam, and civilians stuck in the middle pay a heavy price.
"This electricity costs too many lives," the governor told AFP.