nisam, samo sam se nadovezao s ovom modnom primjedbom.
Ja se nekako još uvijek konzervativno opirem da uz svaku stvar koja bi trebala biti duhovita stavljam one službene smajlije. Šta ćeš, Balkanac.
Malo mi je to debilno, podsjeća me na ono kad u američkim live showovima koordinator pokazuje publici onu tablu "Applause", kad trebaju pljeskati.
neka se ljudi malo potrude shvatiti šta je pisac htio reći.
The Afghan gov't overthrown by Taliban never existed - ex-soldier
Former US soldier discusses how myths, bad data, desire for promotions, corruption and waste underpinned the Afghan war. Citat:As officers wanted promotions, they were incentivized to put in big numbers, but not necessarily accomplish anything real on the ground.
Oficiri so hteli unapređenje, zato su lagali statistiku.
Citat:We were pretending that we were preparing them to do this on their own,” recalls Platner. “But since they were utterly incapable of doing it on their own, we were going on combat patrols and dragging along some Afghan cops to pretend they were doing a mission. So we operated basically as a US rifle company.”
Ameri su glumili, i sa sobom vodili Afgane i kao oni se borili.
Citat:While reports say the Afghan army was supposed to be 45% Pashtun – the majority group in Afghanistan that has also made up the backbone of Taliban fighters – the reality was that he thinks it never exceeded a few percent Pashtun.
U afganistanskoj vojski je bilo 45% Paštuna. U realnosti nekoliko %.
Citat:The result was that the local Afghans who were supposed to be leading operations had no appetite for any combat missions.
“They didn’t want to do anything, except steal from people,” he says.
This harsh statement is backed up by his experience dealing with the underpaid police.
“In the summer of 2011 at the height of the fighting season, the Afghan police I was advising had two magazines per man, and the entire district had one RPG round, one round for their one RPG tube, and they had no gas for their Ford Rangers we had bought them.”
U realnosti su vojnici imali dva magazina municije po vojniku, i jednu RPG granatu. I nisu imali goriva za njihove Ford Rangerse.
Citat:“Everyone knew the reason they didn’t have gas or ammo or money is because their leadership was stealing it.
I nisu dobili plate. Sve pokradeno.
Citat:“The Afghan army wasn’t real. The Afghan Civil Authority was never real. They never collected taxes. There were no courts outside of police robbing people. None of it ever existed...
Tako, da avganistanska država, njene institucije, vojska nije postojala.
Stanje na 2011 godinu.
Financijska situacija u USA je takva, da je predsednik izdao naređenje za povlaćenje. Što je prijašnji dogovorio.
Hipokrizija i bezocno laganje neoliberalnih mesija. Anything goes, u skladu sa potrebama trenutka
Sreca pa njihovi podanici imaju memoriju zlatne ribice
Citat:Biden, 2002: "History is going to judge us very harshly, I believe, if we allow the hope of a liberated Afghanistan to evaporate because we are fearful of the phrase nation-building."
Biden, 2021: "Our mission in Afghanistan was never supposed to have been nation-building."