Why Is Qatar Mucking Around in Gaza?
Citat:When Tehran stopped sending money to Hamas after the group failed to publically support Iran's embattled ally in Syria, Qatar saw an opportunity to split the Palestinian group from its long-time sponsor. While its $400 million donation is earmarked for humanitarian development, not only is such support fungible, but there are doubtless other financial arrangements being made between Qatar and Hamas on this trip -- further strengthening the ties between the Palestinian Islamist movement and Doha.
Katar je poćeo da se javlja na političkoj areni Bliskog Istoka nesorazmerno njegovoj veličini. Oni dele ono veliko plinsko polje sa Iranom, za koju svaki ima svojo variantu. Ako šiitska alianca puca, onda imaju oni več rešenje.
Sigurno ima potporu svih Arapa.