Ako od svega šta je stavljeno na sto Arapi plate Egiptu ruski PVO onda se situacija menja.
Kako je Rasmunssen rekao prije dve godine: "Sledeča postaja NATO-a je Jeruzalem".
Cigi ::Ako od svega šta je stavljeno na sto Arapi plate Egiptu ruski PVO onda se situacija menja.
Kako je Rasmunssen rekao prije dve godine: "Sledeča postaja NATO-a je Jeruzalem".
Iran, UAE sign security agreement
http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/819861.shtml Citat:Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hassan Qashqavi said the MoU concerns cooperation between the two countries' coastal guards and fighting drug trafficking.
The 16-article MoU also includes judicial cooperation on criminal matters, such as the swap of prisoners, said the Iranian Foreign Ministry official.
Po ovim kratkim vestima nemam utisak da je UAE okrenula leđa SA. Bar još ne sada.
Potvrđena smrtna kazna članu vladajuće porodice u Kuvajtu
Citat:Vrhovni sud Kuvajta potvrdio je danas smrtnu kaznu za člana vladajuće porodice, osuđenog da je 2010. ubio nećaka, javio je Frans pres.
Citat:Šeik Fejsal Abdula Al-Sabah osuđen je da je ubio šeika Basela Salema Al-Sabaha u njegovoj palati u junu 2010. godine zbog, kako se navodi, prepirke oko članstva u bordu jednog sportskog kluba.
Kazna je konačna, ali kuvajtski emir može da je preinači u doživotni zatvor.
US Military Official: Iran Moves Fighters Off Disputed Island
http://www.defensenews.com/article/20131208/DEFREG.....ted-Island Citat:DUBAI — Iran has redeployed a squadron of jet fighters off the strategic disputed island of Abu Musa in the Gulf, a senior US military official said.
The official only described the redeployment of 10 SU-25 Frogfoot close air support and ground attack aircraft — including seven flown from Iraq to Iran during the 1991 Gulf War — as “recent,” but did not say if it was due to the interim nuclear deal signed in Geneva on Nov. 24.
Iran, UAE Close to Deal on Hormuz Islands
http://www.defensenews.com/article/20131208/DEFREG.....ted-Island Citat:DUBAI — Iran and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are close to reaching a deal on returning three Iranian-occupied islands in the Arabian Gulf to the UAE.
Sources close to the negotiations have stated that a deal for the return of the strategic islands to the UAE was laid out during the recent visit of UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al Nahyan to Tehran, and a response was presented during last week’s return visit by his Iranian counterpart, Mohammed Javad Zarif.
Citat:“I know that many nations, especially the United Arab Emirates, have suffered from the Iranian sanctions,” Kerry said. “Just today, I have learned that trade with Iran has dropped from $23 billion to just $4 billion. That’s a huge sacrifice.
Oman Will Not Join a GCC-Iran Conflict
http://www.defensenews.com/article/20131209/DEFREG.....ionstories Citat:Yousif Bin Alawi al Ibrahim, the Omani minister responsible for foreign affairs, on Saturday told a high-level panel at the Manama Dialogue — an event that included Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Nizar bin Obaid Madani, GCC Secretary General Abdel Latif Al Zayani and Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy — that Oman would not be part of “any arrangements or new arrangements for the gulf countries for confrontation in the existing conflicts.”
Citat:He said that the failure of the GCC to develop an economic system was because some member states believe the subject should be left to the future.
As a result of this, he said, when the financial crisis hit, the member states had to look into different patterns and forms of work during an era of conflicts.
Ako Iran vrati otoke onda je to nov početak odnosa sa UAE. Oman isto tako neće da se meša. SA i Katar ostaju u frontu protiv Irana.
Citat:Saudijska Arabija i još pet zemalja Persijskog zaliva dogovorili su se danas na samitu u Kuvajtu da uspostave zajedničku vojnu komandu.
Citat:Savet za zalivsku saradnju koji čine Saudijska Arabija, Kuvajt, Bahrein, Katar, Oman i Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati dogovorio se, takođe, da postavi osnove za zajedničke zalivske policijske snage i akademiju za strateške studije, navodi se u završnom saopštenju sa sastanka koji je prenela Kuvajtska novinska agencija.
Što se tiče Kuvajta i njihovih oružanih snaga, priča je otprilike ovakva:
Nezaposlena momčina, koja ne zna šta bi sa sobom, a uz to ništa i ne zna da radi i nikakvu školu nije završio, prijavi se u vojsku (plata oko 10.000 dolara) ili policiju (malo manja plata) i odvažno položi zakletvu (ako to kod njih postoji) da će braniti svoju zemlju (konkurs je stalno otvoren) .
Ili anegdota koju sam čuo dal od naših koji su tamo radili ili od stranaca (Engleza), nisam siguran:
1991 kada je Sadam okupirao Kuvajt, ljudi krenuli normalno na posao i sa čuđenjem gledali otkud tenkovi na ulicama. Posle ih potrpali u autobuse i deportovali u Saudisku arabiju i njihovi komentari su bili:
- Fini neki ljudi, dali nam da pijemo viski...
E toliko o Kuvajtu i njihovoj spremnosti da ratuju. Ni za svoju zemlju, a kamo li za druge
Citat:Passengers removed from Bat Yam bus after one person spotted bag with wires sticking out. Blast occurred as police sappers were attempting to neutralize object