Bliski istok


Bliski istok

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102942

Borbe u gradu Tripoli(Liban)...ISIS napao luku Tripoli

Jos vesti iz Libana

Citat:-Syrian Air Force has once again assisted the Lebanese Army in Arsal by bombarding ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra positions.
-The Lebanese Army arrested 12 terrorists outside of the medical clinic in Arsal Lebanon Yesterday.
-The Lebanese Army was targeting the ISIS at the Abu Isma'el Mosque in Arsal.
-LebaneseArmy inspects the Wadi al-Hosn area in Arsal in order to redeploy forces in it.
- Lebanon's Tripoli port on fire.
source: RT3Lebanon

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2009
  • Poruke: 572

ISIS raspolaže ažuriranim podacima sa NSA satelita. Zato se sa njima teško boriti.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102942

Slike iz Arsala(Liban) iz koga se ISIS povukao...Hezbolah i Libanska vojska nastavljaju njihovo gonjenje u planinama oko grada.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102942

Arsal u pripravnosti....
Libanski vojnici zarobili su jos pripadnika IS.

  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
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Vidi se da su ISIS potpuno neracionalni ili da ih neko vodi da namerno stvaraju anarhiju po regionu. Pa oni su u ratu sa svima.

  • Pridružio: 29 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 3520

jazbar ::Vidi se da su ISIS potpuno neracionalni ili da ih neko vodi da namerno stvaraju anarhiju po regionu. Pa oni su u ratu sa svima.

Постоји једна мисао-да је анархија ред сам по себи и за себе... Twisted Evil

  • Pridružio: 29 Feb 2012
  • Poruke: 348

Napisano: 13 Avg 2014 12:03

Ovo je mail koji sam dobio ekspresno od prijatelja, Turcina iz Londona.

The Gulen movement aka Hizmet aka The Cemaat are incredibly powerful. Fethullah Gulen is probably one of the most powerful muslims in the world, if not the most. Up until just a couple of months ago he was Erdogans number one ally.

They have schools in nearly every country in the world, in Turkey they own newspapers TV channels, banks etc etc. Everything. However and most importantly most of Turkeys top police officers and judges are part of the movement.

When the AKP came to power Gulen was number one. So in the past 10 years they placed all their own people in these positions of power. One thing I have noticed is that children who graduate from Gulens private schools mostly go into studying law. they don't become doctors or engineers, its mostly law.

Now to get these kids into top universities there have been a number of cases where the kids from these schools were given the exam answers. So you got these kids getting top marks, getting into top schools. Now all those kids have graduated they hold key positions in Turkeys judicial system.

Who let all this happen? Erdogan and the AKP, they opened the door.

I have family members in Turkey who went to Gulens school and they say they are given the exam answer before the exam. One of my dads cousin even visited Gulen in Pennsylvania after his wife donated hundreds of thousands to the movement. People give away everything to the movement, from land to houses to building schools for the movement.

However now whats happened is both sides have realised that the other is getting too strong. When Erdogan won the last election with 50% the alarm bells began to ring. The man has support and lots of it. Erdogan got cocky and went after the movement by announcing that the government would shut down these private schools. This basically started the war.

Then you got ministers sons getting arrested and a massive corruption scandal arose. Now everyday on youtube leaked phone conversations are uploaded. Phone convos of every person of power in Turkey, from the Prime minister to the heads of certain newspapers.

So you have on one side a democratically elected dictator in Erdogan. I know sounds funny but thats what he is. On the other side you have a movement which has systematically taken over the legal system and throwing everyone who speaks against the movement in prison. You have judges who listen to the words of Gulen instead of following the constitution.

Both sides are right in this case. The government is right in saying you have this movement which has been listening to members of government and a lot of business men close to the government, on top of having substantial power in Turkeys legal system. The Gulen movement is right in saying that the phone convos reveal that the government is corrupt and that Erdogan sticks his nose into everything.

Its a right mess at the moment, clash of the Titans with everyone else watching hoping both would finish each other off. The problem is in Turkish politics Erdogan has no opponents. The rival political parties are a joke and still represent old secular Turkey. Most Turks from Anatolia don't want that, so they all go vote for Erdogan. Some don't like the guy but they have no choice. The only guy that can rip votes off Erdogan is President Gul. Everyone wants Gul to break away from the AKP and lock horns with Erdogan. The Gulen movement wants this, in this whole saga they have not said one thing negative about Gul. However Gul going up against Erdogan is highly unlikely

The gulen movement is a cult in a way, they are not like your average muslim. They don't grow beards, only moustaches at best they always dress formally. They are very loyal to Gulen, they are all extremely well educated. They all do try their best to get you on their side. I mean its like they educate you, get you a job, however they want something in return. Most of the time its half of your wage. its said the movement is worth around $20billion. They have considerable power, we just don't know how much

Dopuna: 13 Avg 2014 18:33

Evo jos nekih detalja o

The Kurdish situation is interesting. rumours are that Erdogan has promised the PKK that he would create an autonomous Kurdish region in the south east. Still linked to Turkey but they make the decisions. Erdogan though gets a majority of the Kurdish vote, reason is instead of being a Turkish nationalists he is a muslim nationalist so he appeals to Kurds more than any other political party.

Believe it or not but most Turks are warming to the fact of giving the kurds their own country. The Kurds themselves now don't want an independent Kurdistan, they want an autonomous region. Turkey is getting rich the Kurds would be stupid to just leave Turkey and join up with Northern Iraq. However now Turks think 'we getting richer but the south east is holding us back, we don't want them'. Kinda ironic.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102942

Stavicu ovde,pa ako neodgovara neka premeste...

SKANDAL U ITALIJI-Hrvatskog kapetana zaustavili s brodom punim tenkova i raketa

Citat:Brod je prevozio čak 27 borbenih tenkova američke vojske marke Abrams, šest vojnih vozila kamiona Taurus, mobilnu jedinicu za telekomunikaciju s radarom i 77 kontejnera do vrha prepunih vojnom, ratnom opremom svih vrsta i dimenzija počevši od raznoraznih raketa i minobacača! Hrvatski kapetan je zanijemio kad su mu priopćili da je brod u luci stopiran i da je pokrenuta istraga. Čudnovato ratno naoružanje koje bi moglo izazvati i diplomatski skandal, pronađeno je sasvim slučajno. A o nedeklariranom sadržaju broda koji je bio daleko teži od predviđene tonaže, nikoga 51-godišnji Hrvat nije izvijestio. Upućeni kažu da se o specijalnom sadržaju broda trebalo znati jer u takvim slučajevima svaki brod mora imati osiguranu pratnju.

Citat:- Krenuli smo 17.lipnja iz kanadske luke Halifax za Saudijsku Arabiju, a u Genovi smo imali autorizirani iskrcaj. Ne znam vam ja ništa drugo o tome. Ni tko je to kupio i da li je kupljeno ni tko to treba preuzeti i je li uopće plaćeno ili je poklon - pojasnio je kapetan talijanskim istražiteljima. Sjedinjene Američke Države su se uzvrpoljile doznavši da je brod u talijanskoj luci zapeo. U pismenom obliku i to osobno, muškarac s američkog govornog područja, donio je u tužiteljstvo "obrazloženje" i deblokadu. Između ostaloga na dokumentu je pisalo da taj teret mora ići dalje, dok se u Genovi treba iskrcati samo registrirani materijal za održavanje. S pleća hrvatskog kapetana, barem za sada, pao je kamen u ključnom trenutku dok su ga ispitivali oko tereta.

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102942

Slika i snimak zarobljenih libanskih vojnika iz Arsala.

Citat:Jabhat al Nusra publish pictures of the abducted Lebanese soldiers

  • Pridružio: 16 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 291

Jedno vrlo jednostavno objasnjenje situacije na Bliskom istoku...

Citat:Are you confused by what is going on in the Middle East?

Let me explain.

We support the Iraqi government in the fight against ISIS.

We don’t like ISIS, but ISIS is supported by Saudi Arabia who we do like.

We don’t like Assad in Syria. We support the fight against him, but ISIS is also fighting against him.

We don’t like Iran, but Iran supports the Iraqi government in its fight against ISIS.

So some of our friends support our enemies, some enemies are now our friends,
and some of our enemies are fighting against our other enemies, who we want to lose,
but we don’t want our enemies who are fighting our enemies to win.

If the people we want to defeat are defeated, they could be replaced by people we like even less.

And all this was started by us invading a country to drive out terrorists
who were not actually there until we went in to drive them out.

It's quite simple, really.
Do you understand now? AND

The most absurd thing is that the United States were training the ISIS forces last year in Jordan.

Prostije od ovog ne moze! Laughing Mr. Green

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