Bliski istok


Bliski istok

  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25786

Govor Jordanskog kralja..objava

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 34883

Pokret Muslimansko bratstvo saopštilo je večeras da je smrt bivšeg egipatskog predsednika Muhameda Morsija (67), koji je preminuo od srčanog udara tokom suđenja za navodnu špijunažu, zapravo "ubistvo" prvog demokratski izabranog predsednika Egipta.
Iz tog pokreta Egipćani su pozvai da se masovno okupe na sahrani Morsija.
U saopštenju objavljenom na sajtu tog Pokreta, Bratstvo je pozvalo narod da se okuplja ispred ambasada Egipta širom sveta, prenosi Rojters.
Egipatsko Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova proglasilo je alarmantnu situaciju u zemlji nakon smrti Morsija i angažovalo hiljade dodatnih snaga bezbednosti nakon vesti o njegovoj smrti, prenosi agencija Anadolija.
Državne vlasti su takođe u okviru preduzetih mera pozvale oficire i policajce koji su bili na odmoru, a preduzete su i posebne mere predostrožnosti u državnim i privatnim ustanovama, crkvama i hotelima.
Takođe, odobren je i plan "C" kojim se omogućava pokretanje operacije protiv terorističkih struktura.

  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2880
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

U.S. Arms Sales to the Gulf Have Failed
Andrew Exum;U.S. deputy assistant secretary of defense for Middle East policy from 2015-2016 .

Citat:First, let me be impolite but clear: Despite spending billions of dollars on military hardware, our Gulf partners do not have very good militaries. They sport large collections of weapons and equipment—some shiny, some rusted—but not real capabilities.
Miljarde dolara ali rezultata nema.
Citat:When I was at the Pentagon in my last job, we determined that the majority of civilian deaths in Yemen were not caused by crimes of malice but by crimes of incompetence: The Saudi-led coalition’s air force simply could not plan and execute an independent air campaign that either accomplished its strategic objectives or, failing to do that, at least minimized civilian casualties.
Saudijci u Jemnu nemaju pojma.
Citat:As a U.S. military officer wryly lamented to me on a visit to one Gulf country, “Out of the three services here, sir, the navy ranks fourth in terms of priority.”
U mornaricu nisu dali puno para na Bliskom Istoku.
Citat:The silver lining to all this bad news is that none of our Gulf partners looks ready to challenge Israel’s qualitative military edge anytime soon, individually or collectively, and we retain some leverage over our partners so long as they remain reliant on us for their collective defense.
Bez Amera protiv Irana nemoguća misija.
Citat:But our Gulf partners will always claim we are abandoning the region; even permanently relocating the XVIII Airborne Corps to Kuwait would not change that. They did it during the Bush administration, they did it during the Obama administration, and I bet they are doing it today, during the Trump administration. That fear is grounded in a clear-eyed view of our presence in the region. They can see it makes little sense—not in our current numbers. They know, in their hearts, that we have bigger priorities elsewhere.
If only our hearts knew the same.

Oni znaju, da imamo prioritete van regije.

  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16141
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

^ Sad će morati na temelju preporuka SAD, Saudi da utrpaju još milijarde u mornaricu koju će im izgraditi SAD.

  • Stručljak-Penal
  • Pridružio: 27 Avg 2018
  • Poruke: 11358

Bolje Emiraćane, da se vrate vrednostima predaka, starih pirata.

  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2880
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

UK suspends new arms export licences to Saudi-led coalition
UK Court of Appeal ruled last week that arms sales to Saudi Arabia and its allies fighting in Yemen were unlawful.
Citat:Extant licences - those granted before this judgment - are not immediately affected by the Court Order. Exporters may continue to export under extant licences. But we are required by the court to reconsider the decisions we made about those licences."
Nema novih dozvola za izvoz oružja.
Citat:While we do this, we will not grant any new licences for exports to Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners (UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain and Egypt) which might be used in the conflict in Yemen," read a statement from the department.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 34883

Израиль готовится к третьему дню беспорядков, устроенных выходцами из Эфиопии.
С первого июля эмигранты блокируют дороги, дерутся с полицией и прохожими, жгут и переворачивают автомобили в Хайфе, Тель-Авиве, Кирьят-Ате и других городах.

  • Pridružio: 22 Jul 2018
  • Poruke: 3906

За оне који не говоре руски: "Етиопски јевреји су организовали уличне нереде у неколико градова Израела, након што су полицајци упуцали деветнаестогодишњег Соломона Текаха, пише „Јерусалим пост“. Демонстранти скандирају „Black lives matter“ („Важан је живот црнаца“). Они сматрају да су због боје дискриминисани."

  • Pridružio: 19 Maj 2019
  • Poruke: 408


  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2880
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

Saudi Royals Would Face U.S. Visa Restriction in New Senate Bill
Citat:Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Jim Risch, an Idaho Republican, plans to unveil legislation on Wednesday that includes a measure to bar members of the royal family who work in the Saudi government from entering the U.S., according to a person familiar with the legislation. If signed into law, hundreds of people could face the restrictions.
Republikanac u senatu, predsednik odbora za vanjsku odnose Jim Rich, predlaže, da se na SA političare stavi, zabrana ulaska u USA...
Citat:The measure is designed to put pressure on Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, although he would not personally be denied a visa since heads of state and the Saudi ambassador would be exempt.
Zabrana ne bi važila za Salmana i ambasadora.

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