Zuri se amerima za kiparsko naoruzanje...sto da kupe,sto da daju dalje...turci ce biti odusevljeni
Citat:Secretary Blinken determined and certified to Congress that the Republic of Cyprus has met the necessary conditions under applicable legislation to approve exports, re-exports, and transfers of defense articles to the Republic of Cyprus for FY2024.
The International Traffic in Arms Regulations ITAR will be amended to reflect the new policy, effective October 1, 2023.
Opet se potpaljuje nesto
Citat:TRNC President Ersin Tatar:
There is no north or south in this matter.
Since the Greek Cypriot community says, 'we are in charge of the whole island', we are claiming rights in all seas under the name of the “Turkish Cypriot State” by removing the North.