Poslao: 30 Jul 2014 12:40
- Pridružio: 28 Dec 2012
- Poruke: 2544
ako prošvercuju rakete (ili im neka strana služba doturi) Kub može da bude vrlo vrlo opasan, pogotovo po civilne avione
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 30 Jul 2014 12:56
- zixo

- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 23384
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Врло сам скептичан да имају исправне радарске станице за осматрање и навођење након 11 и више година стајања на отвореним или затвореним магацинима. О обучености на тим системима да и не говорим.
Poslao: 30 Jul 2014 15:34
- Pera Ždera
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 19 Sep 2013
- Poruke: 3375
Дешава се и ово по Ираку,
"Припадници организације „Исламска Држава Ирака и Леванта“ (ИДИЛ) уклонили су крстове са свих 30 цркава и манастира у Мосулу и претворили сиријску саборну цркву у џамију, саопштава Седмица.Ру позивајући се на Асирску међународну новинску агенцију."
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Poslao: 03 Avg 2014 21:05
- djox

- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 102942
Citat:03 August 2014
There have been a number of new developments on the ground between last night and this afternoon:
Most significant is the third attempt by the ISIL armed groups to assault Haditha. Fierce clashes took place around the town, but the gunmen were not able to penetrate into the town; on the contrary, there was a fierce response by the 'Awakenings', tribal, and the security forces supporting them, in addition to the participation of airforce. We do not yet have any casualty assessment arising out of nearly four days of military operations.
In Al-Baghdadi, between Haditha and Hit, the Ayn Al-Asad military base was hit by rocket fire, but we do not yet know the outcome. An 'Awakenings' position in Al-Baghdadi was targeted by an explosive device. Flyers were also distributed warning those who support the security forces of being killed if they do not declarer their 'repentance'.
In Hit, one individual was killed by a silenced weapon in the town center, prompting an investigation, and closing down of some districts through a partial curfew.
In Ramadi, clashes resumed in the city's western sector, in districts that are still controlled by the gunmen. Other parts of Ramadi appear to be secure and have not experienced any military activity. We have taped a large demonstration by hundreds of Ramadi residents who were demanding the intervention of the security forces and government officials to allow them to enter the city to seek new ways of making a living, following the destruction of their homes in central and southern Ramadi.
In Fallujah, numerous residential districts were bombarded yesterday; 4 residents, including one woman, were killed and 7 others, including 2 women and a child, were wounded as a result.
In Al-Garma, the situation is unchanged, with shelling and intermittent clashes continuing in most of the town's districts, including some government buildings and positions, such as the, water, electricity, and health centers.
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IS zauzeo grad Sinjar koji su drzali Peshmerga,jer se ovi povukli.IS u ofanzivi oko Mosula
krenuli su na Jazirah i Mosul dam,a Peshmerga se povlace.
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IS zauzeo grad Wana u blizini Mosula u kome se nalazi velika brana,
Peshmerga se i iz ovog grada povukli.
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IS u Zummaru u kamionu zaplenjenom od Iracke vojske
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Peshmerga se povukli iz Sinjara,ostavivsi za sobom vozila,bazu i skladiste oruzja.
Tom prilikom u borbama je poginulo 16 vojnika Peshmerga .
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IS dao ultimatum Peshmerga da se povuku i iz grada Shaykhan.
Jos slika iz Sinjara,koji je pao u ruke IS.
Cim su isli u Sinjar, IS je unistio hram Sayeda Zeinab.

-U blizini Ein-Zala(Zummar) IS zauzeo jos dva naftna polja,sada kontrolisu pet.
-Iracke snage stavile pod svoju kontrolu mesto Al Awja,koje se nalazi 10km od Tikrita.
Citat:-IS controls now 5 Oil field in Iraq: A'jeil, Al-Ghazi, Al-Kiyara, Ein-Zalta and Batma.
-Iraq security forces (ISF) fully control Al Awja, south of Tikrit.
source:Rudaw news
Poslao: 03 Avg 2014 21:47
- Pridružio: 08 Feb 2011
- Poruke: 54
- Gde živiš: na drugom spratu
^ Jeee pa dokle više taj IS(IS)? Je l treba neko da propusti kroz šake Saudijsku Arabiju ili koga već da ove glavoseče prestanu više? Mislim kako se tamo vojske ne mogu organizovati jer je već očigledno da suviše zemalja imaju zajedničkog neprijatelja u vidu IS...