powSrb ::Irbis ::Samo jos Shirqat da zauzmu da osiguraju aerodorm.
Zasto su Iracani ostavlili ove gradove nego prave kotlove?
Осигурано је то све, немају терористи капацитет за контре против Ирачана, али ће они све то осигурати наравно.
Па ваљда им је лакше да их ставе у окружење па после заузму него овако фронтално.
Nebi bio problem da Kurdi nisu sa druge strane,a oni vise vile pare nego rodjenu majku,mrze i jedne i druge neprijatelj mog nepritelja je moj prijatelj bar kada oce da se bije sa mojim neprijateljem.
The news of Abu Omar Al-Shishani's death in #Iraq is being reported by Da'ish's very own propaganda outlet A'maq. BREAKING: Abu Omar Al-Shishani has been killed during clashes with #Iraq's forces in Shirqat. Confirmed by Da'ish.
Dopuna: 13 Jul 2016 22:17
Citat:#Iraq IA is currently building an Improved Ribbon Bridge on Tigris river near Qayyara AB.
Georgian family of top ISIS commander Shishani mourns his death
Борио се против Руса 2008.
http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/World/2016/Jul-15.....death.ashx Citat: Georgia: The family of one of the most notorious ISIS commanders, Omar al-Shishani, Friday received condolences from locals in his home village in ex-Soviet Georgia, apparently confirming reports of his death.
Dozens of mourners flocked to the house of Shishani's brother Tengiz Batirashvili in the village of Birkiani, telling AFP there was no doubt of the death of the warlord nicknamed "Omar the Chechen."
Amaq, a news service linked to ISIS, announced this week that Shishani died while defending Mosul, the principal city held by ISIS in Iraq.
The Pentagon Thursday acknowledged targeting Shishani in an airstrike near Mosul on Sunday, but stopped short of confirming his death.
"Tarkhan made a mistake and took a wrong path but his death is a tragedy nevertheless," Natia Tsatiashvili, a Birkiani resident, told AFP, using Shishani's real name...