Citat:akcija je bila u stilu "Rambo" Cool
doticni komandosi (sumnja se na Irance i njihove elitne jedinice ) su tecno govorili engleski , potpuno opremljeni kao Americki vojnici i nevjerovatno lako su usli u bazu prosavsi sve kontrolne punktove i uspjeli su i pobjeci sa otetim vojnicima !
naravno , nastala je paklena potjera u koju su se ukljucili svi resursi Amerikanaca
komandosi su uspjeli da se dokopaju predgradja i obliznje oaze sa gustim rastinjem i okruzeni sa svih strana potjerom , pobili su otete vojnike i ostavili vozila i izgubili se u nepoznatom pravcu bjezeci pjesice , pri tome su minirali odstupnicu koja je kostala zivota jos jednoga Americkoga vojnika (komandosa Delti )
nisu ih uhvatili !
znaci ? elitne jedinice postoje i kod Americkih suparnika , ocigledno vrlo vjeste i ubojite
Auu,sad kad te zgembo uvati na**bo si
Dopuna: 27 Feb 2010 14:18
Evo ''demokratije'' na delu..
Pitam li se da li njih uopste neko kontrolise.Verovatno ne cim mogu ovako da se ponasaju.
Blackwater under spotlight over Fallujah incident
Thu Sep 27, 2007 3:59pm EDTBy Sue Pleming
WASHINGTON, Sept 27 (Reuters) - U.S. security contractor Blackwater, under investigation in the shooting deaths of 11 Iraqis this month, came under criticism again on Thursday over an ambush in 2004 in which four of its staff were killed.
A report by the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform detailed a chaotic run-up to the March 31, 2004 incident in Fallujah when four Blackwater employees escorting a convoy were killed and their charred bodies hung from a bridge.
Gruesome photos of their mutilated bodies were published in major newspapers and the incident turned American public opinion sharply against the war. A few days later, the U.S. military launched a major offensive in Fallujah.
Posto neki vole da se nasladzuju, mogu ih naci na netu nista lakse...
evo jedna slikica samo za raju
Da bi ovo poteglo citavu ofanzivu koja ce kasnije uslijediti na faludju.
mislite da ovako treba da se skrnavi necije tjelo je bolesno.
A sad u vezi istrage za njihovu pucnjavu:
Istraga se jos vodi protiv Black Watera neko ce morat platiti za njihove vec veoma znane kaubojske ispade, BTW rad u iraku im je zabranjen, a u avganistanu su isto pod istragom. Znaci ima neko ko o njima vodi racuna...
Blackwater Worldwide is being investigated by the Department of Justice for allegedly trying to bribe the Iraqi government following the 2007 shooting incident that caused the death of 17 Iraqis, according to an article in the New York Times. The piece cites unnamed officials with knowledge of the investigation.
The anonymous tipsters said that the investigation began late last year and confirms an earlier report by The Gray Lady that Blackwater execs ok'd secret payments of $1 million to Iraqi officials to buy back their support.
The DOJ has its hand on a handwritten note which establishes that Blackwater hired a high-profile lawyer due to his ties to top Irqi officials, though the company explained the hire as a way to help it disperse reparations to victims of the shootings.
The lawyer, Jaafar al-Mousawi, said he was not aware of any plans to bribe officials and the media "misinterpreted the purpose of the victims’ fund as intended bribes."
According to the paper, Blackwater ex-employees confirmed to the paper that payments were intended for officials, with only a small portion to go to victims.
Of course, this is just another episode in the extended saga of Blackwater since the 2007 shooting. The Center for Constitutional Rights charged the military company with war crimes and, in 2008, the DOJ charged five Blackwater workers with manslaughter and weapons violations. A federal judge dismissed the charges in December (a ruling the Obama administration has said it will appeal).
Kinezi "pikuju" na 60% ukupne iračke nafte. Za taj poduhvat imaju radnu snagu, tehnologiju i pare. Možda Amerima ostane samo AL Kaida i jurenje za gerilcima. Ameri ne mogu Irak da zadrže samo za sebe. Moraće da ga dijele. Ako neće...danas ima toliko načina da im se uzvrati i to da ih zaboli. Tako da generalno mogu oni da se pakuju, samo što to još ne znaju. Jedino ne bi valjalo da Irak postane novi Iran ili Saudijska Arabija. Do dolaska Amera Irak je uvijek bio napredan. A opet samostalni i napredni Irak po defoltu je opasniji za Izrael i od Irana. Tako da se pitam šta će biti...kad bude!
Hvala zgembo sa sliku divna je .Obozavam te ''retusirane''
Citat:A sad u vezi istrage za njihovu pucnjavu:
Istraga se jos vodi protiv Black Watera neko ce morat platiti za njihove vec veoma znane kaubojske ispade, BTW rad u iraku im je zabranjen, a u avganistanu su isto pod istragom. Znaci ima neko ko o njima vodi racuna...
Pod istragom kazes ? Nisam znao kad je neko osumljicen za zlocine da moze da nastavi da radi :
Citat:A US Senate investigation is looking into contractors hired by the Blackwater security firm. However, despite the constant atmosphere of scandal swirling around it, the company is still alive and well in Afghanistan.
From the Afghanistan war theatre to the Washington political theatre…
Code Pink protester Tighe Barry, who was present at the Senate Armed Forces hearing on military contractors actions in Afghanistan, said that during a break a Blackwater official approached him with threats.
“You do not need to hire these murderers,” Tighe Barry said. “I get a threat from these guy. He says he is going to kill me – this is how they react, this is how they run their business.”
After six months of investigations, the Senate Armed Forces Committee uncovered that the Blackwater company is riddled with problems.
At the hearing, defense contractors have taken center stage for a whole host of violations they committed – witnesses fired for drinking on the job, guilty of doling out AK-47s to contractors who should not have had them, negligence for not checking references in hiring a mercenary army.
“This is a question of whether contracting has gone awry or contracting has gone wild,” said Ben Nelson of the Committee on the aftermath of the hearing.
The meeting ruled that the actions of the contractors have hurt the national interests of the United States in Afghanistan.
“They keep killing civilians. I am sure some Afghans will decide to become insurgents,” said the chairman of the committee, Senator Carl Levin.
Lawmakers are sure that adequate supervision over contractors is necessary to prevent serious mistakes happen again and again.
However, Blackwater violations have been going on for years and its bad reputation is something average Americans are well aware of.
“That [is] the company we hired in Iraq to do security that committed all these crimes,” said Washington resident Rob Macgarrah.
And while the hearing continues, Blackwater is still alive and kicking in Afghanistan. The organization charged with killing 17 Iraqi civilians back in 2007 is today training the Afghan national army.
Istraga u toku ?
Citat:Iraq expels 250 Blackwater security guards
Published 11 February, 2010, 18:40
Edited 21 February, 2010, 03:50
Iraq has ordered 250 Blackwater security guards from the country within a week, following a US court’s dismissal of manslaughter charges against five company members in connection with killing 17 Iraqi civilians in 2007.
The Iraqi Interior Ministry says both current and former employees of Blackwater, one of three private US security contractors hired to protect diplomats in Iraq, were told of their expulsion a few days ago.
The decision is highly significant, Yasmin Khan from the campaign group “War on Want” told RT.
“The decision demonstrates the negative impact of the destabilizing force these companies have,” she said. “What we saw in Iraq during the US- and UK-led invasion was private military companies running riot and committing hundreds of human rights abuses.”
Now, when the US is sending more troops to Afghanistan and more companies of this kind are likely to be used, it is important to have these companies regulated more than ever, Khan added.
Blackwater is now called Xe Services
Cudni te Iracke diplomate cim im treba strana zastita.Mozda se plase jer mute nesto u ''crnim vodama''
Citat:Kinezi "pikuju" na 60% ukupne iračke nafte. Za taj poduhvat imaju radnu snagu, tehnologiju i pare. Možda Amerima ostane samo AL Kaida i jurenje za gerilcima. Ameri ne mogu Irak da zadrže samo za sebe. Moraće da ga dijele. Ako neće...danas ima toliko načina da im se uzvrati i to da ih zaboli. Tako da generalno mogu oni da se pakuju, samo što to još ne znaju. Jedino ne bi valjalo da Irak postane novi Iran ili Saudijska Arabija. Do dolaska Amera Irak je uvijek bio napredan. A opet samostalni i napredni Irak po defoltu je opasniji za Izrael i od Irana. Tako da se pitam šta će biti...kad bude!
Naravno da ce da ga dele,moraju nesto da daju Rujama i Kinezima.Ipak im treba podrska oko Irana.No videcemo kako ce se to odvijati.
Nikad Ameri nisu nista radili a da nisu uvek izlazili sa bar nekom koriscu.
Stim sto ce Iracani raditi na svojoj zemlji i svojoj nafti za bedne i pare i pitanje je dal uopste videti benefit od tih ''tendera'' verovatno isto kao sto smo se i mi ovajdili.
zgembo ::Nisam se osjetio prozvanim...od koga?? Nego sto ne znate ugovore vezane izmedju SAD i Iraka, pa to komentarisete banalno kao sto ti rece iz zabave pucaju (mo ). Ne ide tako, budalu ne mozes kontrolisat sta moze u trenutku da uradi, ali svaki ubijeni civil kosta vladu SAD puno, politicki prije svega...
Znaci, kada USA postavi marionetsku vladu i napravi banana drzavu od neke, ukine Evro kao glavnu valutu kao cenu nafte koju je Sadam uveo jer je stabilna i kao kontru americi, da odresene ruke americkim kompanijama da crpu naftu iz tudje zemlje i kontrolisu cene u dolarima, onda je to "ugovor" izmedju USA i Iraka?
Izvinjavam se. Nisam doktorirao na ekonomskom fakultetu pa mi je to sve strano..
Meni ako mozete da objasnite sta sam vec pitao jer nisam isao na ekonomski. Koji su to specificni ugovori i da li mozemo da dobijemo iste u word-u ili pdf-u na analizu?
Šta je sa Centrom u Tuvajti? Planira li nova iračka vlada opet da "loži" radioaktivne elemente? Zna li neko gdje je dokumentacija od Bulovog "super topa"? Pošto Ameri tvrde da im je SRJ devedesetih uvezala komunikacioni sistem da li je neko sa ovih prostora imao uvida u tu dokumentaciju. I na kraju postoji li spisak zaplijenjenog NVO od strane Amera u Iraku? Šta je sa onim ukrajinskim Kolčugama i ostalom aparaturom?