


  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101661

Napisano: 28 Okt 2013 0:02

Bagdad: U eksplozijama 65 mrtvo

Citat:U seriji napada u šiitskim četvrtima u Bagdadu i oko iračke prestonice, kao i u gradu Mosulu, poginulo najmanje 65 ljudi.


Dopuna: 07 Nov 2013 22:57

U Iraku poginulo 19 ljudi u dva samoubilačka napada
Citat:U dva samoubilačka napada na jednu vojnu bazu severno od Bagdada večeras je poginulo 19 vojnika, izjavili su bezbednosni i lekarski izvori.


Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 29 Jun 2013
  • Poruke: 138
  • Gde živiš: Sarajevo, Jugoslavija

Iračka skupina preuzela odgovornost za napad granatama na Saudijsku Arabiju

jedini put ka sprecavanju divljanja i bombaskih napada Al Qaide, odnosno S. Arabije. bojim se da ce morati poduzeti jos radikalnije poteze, al na dobrom su putu. na silu se odgovara silom, ostale mantre su zabluda.

  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2880
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

Letter from Kurdistan
Citat:A cooperative Ankara, a weak Damascus, a preoccupied Tehran, an overwhelmed Baghdad and a host of anxious investors formed the ingredients for an audacious pipeline project. It began furtively in 2012 as a natural gas pipeline designed to feed the domestic Kurdish market. When the pipeline quietly skirted past the power plant it was supposed to feed, underwent a conversion to transport oil and began heading northward to Turkey, the secret was out: Turkey and the Kurdistan Regional Government were working to circumvent Baghdad and independently export Kurdish energy.

As the pipeline construction progressed, Kurdish peshmerga forces continued spreading beyond formal Kurdistan Regional Government boundaries in disputed areas and held their ground against demoralized Iraqi army forces. And in the name of guarding against a real and persistent jihadist threat, Kurdish forces built deep, wide ditches around the city of Arbil and are now building one around the disputed oil-rich city of Kirkuk, marking the outer bounds of a slowly expanding Kurdish sphere of influence.

A Complicated Future

We have now arrived at the question of when, and not if, Kurdish oil will flow to Turkey without Baghdad's consent. The completion of the tie-in of the pipeline at a newly constructed pumping and metering station at Fishkhabor near the Turkish border, bypassing the station controlled by Iraqi federal authorities, marks the boldest foreign policy move that Turkey has made in a very long time.
Turkey has put itself in a position where it can receive 250,000 to 300,000 barrels per day of crude from Iraqi Kurdistan (potentially including crude that could later be pumped from the disputed Kirkuk field through the Khurmala Dome complex in Kurdish territory) at the Turkish border. From Fishkhabor, the crude will reconnect to a 40-inch pipe that runs parallel to a 46-inch pipe traveling westward to the Ceyhan port terminal. While the 46-inch pipe of the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline in federal Iraqi territory is operating at just one-fifth of its capacity due to disrepair and frequent militant attacks, Turkey and the Kurdistan Regional Government are essentially appropriating the section of the 40-inch pipe lying in Turkish territory to complete their independent energy project.

The age-old Turkic-Persian rivalry will reawaken in Kurdistan as Iran reinforces its Shiite allies in Baghdad to pressure the Kurds, using military operations in its own Kurdish region to justify cross-border interventions. Iran is also already starting to discuss energy exploration in the border region with Iraqi Kurdistan, asserting that if Arbil has a problem with such activities, it can take it up with Baghdad. But the sharpest tools Iran and its allies in Baghdad have to undermine Turkey's alliance with the Kurdistan Regional Government are the Kurds themselves.

The past decade of Kurdish unity between Massoud Barzani's Kurdistan Democratic Party and Jalal Talabani's Patriotic Union of Kurdistan is highly anomalous and arguably temporary. Iraq's Kurdish region has effectively been split between the Barzani and Talabani fiefs politically, militarily and economically, with the Kurdistan Democratic Party ruling the northern provinces of Dohuk and Arbil and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan ruling Suleimaniyah to the south. Though the two parties have demonstrated the ability to suppress their rivalry in times of extreme stress or opportunity, the fault lines that intersect this fractious Kurdish landscape are still present. On the surface, the Kurdistan Democratic Party and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan have united their peshmerga forces into a single, unified ministry. In reality, the political lines dividing Peshmerga forces remain sharper than ever. Further complicating matters is the political rise of the Gorran movement, a faction that broke away from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan now that the latter is suffering from a leadership vacuum. Though the Gorran can only claim votes at this point, it is only a matter of time before it, too, develops its own peshmerga forces, creating an even wider imbalance of power among Iraq's main Kurdish parties.
Read more: Letter from Kurdistan | Stratfor
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I u Kurdistanu dogaja. Svaka partija svoju vojsku....To neće biti dobro. GUZ - Glavom U Zid

  • Lokalni politikant
  • Pridružio: 24 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 640
  • Gde živiš: Sever

U Iraku napadi se nastavljaju:

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101661

Napisano: 18 Dec 2013 23:14

Bagdad: Policajac se bacio na bombaša samoubicu da zaštiti ljude

Citat:U napadu bombaša samoubice severoistočno od Bagdada danas je poginulo petoro ljudi, uključujući policajca koji je, bacivši se na napadača neposredno pre eksplozije, pokušao da zaštiti šiitske hodočasnike.


Dopuna: 27 Dec 2013 17:36

US to Send More Drones, Missiles to Iraq

Citat:According to a report in the New York Times, Iraq has requested ten relatively low-tech ScanEagle drones along with forty-eight Raven drones in order to track al Qaeda fighters who have been operating with impunity in the vast expanses of Anbar providence and in Western Iraq, which shares a border with Syria.

All of the drones will be delivered in 2014.

Seventy-five Hellfire missiles were also delivered to Iraq last week, the paper reported.


  • Pridružio: 01 Jun 2006
  • Poruke: 2061
  • Gde živiš: Malo tamo malo vamo

I jos malo...

In an attempt to beat back gains by Al-Qaeda-linked insurgents, the United States is moving “dozens” of Hellfire missiles and surveillance drones into Iraq.

According to a report by The New York Times, the decision comes after Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki requested help from US President Barack Obama during a meeting in Washington last month.

The situation in Iraq has become a serious concern over the last year, as insurgents from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria - Al-Qaeda’s regional affiliate - spread through western and northern parts of the country, as well as nearby Syria. More than 9,000 Iraqis have been killed in 2013. That figure includes three bombings that killed nearly 40 people on Christmas Day.

Despite the movement of missiles – 75 Hellfire missiles are being sent to Iraq alongside 10 ScanEagle surveillance drones – some experts believe the US response to be insufficient without the deployment of more powerful military weapons, such as armed drones. While Iraq’s foreign minister has suggested an American-run drone operation as a possibility, Maliki - who is likely running for a third term as prime minster - has yet to make such a request.

“We have not received a formal request for US-operated armed drones operating over Iraq, nor are we planning to divert armed I.S.R. over Iraq,” Bernadette Meehan, a spokeswoman for the National Security Council, told The New York Times.

According to Michael Knights of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, the reconnaissance drones aren’t likely to turn the tide against the insurgents, considering their small range.

“The real requirement today is for a long-range, high-endurance armed drone capability,” Knights said.“There is one place in the world where Al-Qaeda can run a major affiliate without fear of a US drone or air attack, and that is in Iraq and Syria.”

For its part, the Obama administration has stated that the current shipment of military supplies will be helpful because Iraq has essentially used up its cache of missiles, has no real air presence, and has little surveillance capability.

Other plans to provide Iraq with supplies have also stalled in Congress, where a bill to lease and sell the country's Apache helicopter gunships to Baghdad is languishing among concern that Maliki would use them to bully his political rivals. In the absence of American action, Maliki has purchased MI-35 helicopters from Russia.

Since the departure of US forces in 2011, Al-Qaeda has been able to re-establish its presence in Iraq by feeding off of Sunni resentment towards Maliki’s Shiite government. Through its base in Syria, the insurgents are able to deploy nearly 40 suicide bombers a month against Iraqi Shiites and Sunnis unwilling to fall under their rule.

According to local police officer Ayad Shaker, it doesn’t help that the country’s military capabilities aren’t as strong as they should be.

“I fought Al-Qaeda,” he said. “I am sad today when I see them have the highest authority in Anbar, moving and working under the sun without deterrent.”

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101661

U Iraku ubijeno 10 naoružanih ljudi, uhapšen poslanik

Citat:Iračke snage bezbednosti ubile su danas 10 naoružanih ljudi i privele jednog poslanika, u sukobima u oblasti Ramada posle razbijanja sunitskog protestnog kampa, a 44 poslanika podnela su ostavke zbog privođenja jednog sunitskog poslanika.


  • ikan 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 03 Feb 2013
  • Poruke: 2931

Irak: eskalacija sukoba u Anbaru - militanti zauzeli niz policijskih postaja, uključujući i u Falluji - 50 km od Bagdada, Maliki šalje dodatne trupe

  • Pridružio: 01 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 43
  • Gde živiš: ZG

Ovo se pretvara u najveću parodiju u povijesti....USA šalje hellfire rakete i dronove za napade na teroriste dok ih u susjednoj zemlji potpomaže. Gdje mi to živimo boga ti miloga....

  • Pridružio: 01 Jun 2006
  • Poruke: 2061
  • Gde živiš: Malo tamo malo vamo

lancelot ::Ovo se pretvara u najveću parodiju u povijesti....USA šalje hellfire rakete i dronove za napade na teroriste dok ih u susjednoj zemlji potpomaže. Gdje mi to živimo boga ti miloga....

Mozda ti to izgleda zato sto prilicno cesto ti promaknu bitne informacije, zato i takvo cudjenje...

U.S. Places Militant Syrian Rebel Group on List of Terrorist Organizations

WASHINGTON — The United States has formally designated the Al Nusra Front, the militant Syrian rebel group, as a foreign terrorist organization.

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