


  • Mrkva 
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  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2018
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Koliko vidim, gori jedino kod Basre, a povod bi bio sveprisutna korupcija dok su sanitarni uvjeti na nuli. A riječ je o prirodno najbogatijoj iračkoj guverniji. Ostale šijitske guvernije nisu toliko zapaljive, bar ne još.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
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  • Pridružio: 02 Feb 2017
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Mia Khalifa Mr. Green
Watch: #Iraqi protester says po.r.n - star Mia Khalifa is much better, more honest than local politicians. #Basra #IraqProtests

Sad sam siguran da ovo nisu suni Laughing

  • pein 
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  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
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Mia im podiže moral i kad je najteže. Mr. Green

  • powSrb 
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Napisano: 08 Sep 2018 15:39

Иран као одговор на напад курдских терориста на граничну патролу лансирао вођене артиљеријске ракете на базу PDKI партије у Ираку. максималан домет ракета је наводно 195км, погодиле су једну од зграда базе на удаљености од 180км од места лансирања из Ирана до Ирака. Мета је био састанак воћа терористичке скупине.

Снимци и фотке
Citat:BREAKING: Most likely the reports about launch of SAM in NW. of Iran are not true. In-fact Iran has launched precision guided artillery rockets at PDKI terrorist group base in Koya deep inside N. Iraq in response to Yersterday attack of PDKI at Iran|ian border giards.

BREAKING: The precision guided artillery rockets of IRGC Ground Force have hit the PDKI's base deep inside N. Iraq now. PDKI was thinking that its base in Koya was completely inaccessible but now it is completely destroyed.

BREAKING: These rockets were launched at PDKI headquarters at Koya, N. Iraq exactly during an important meeting of PDKI leaders. Some of key leaders of PDKI are killed in this attack. It was a response to yesterday's attack of PDKI against Iran|ian border patrol guards.

BREAKING: #PDKI claims that Iran has targeted a refugee camp in Koya, N. Iraq. But in fact it was their headquarters where also they were keeping their family members. #Hamas terrorists also are keeping their family members close their bases as human shield in Gaza

Citat:BREAKING: It is now confirmed that 8 Fadjr-5C precision guided artillery rockets are launched at PDKI HQ in Koya, N. #Iraq destroying the building killing 5 of PDKI leaders. Rockets were launched from Hamzeh garrison of IRGC NW. Iran & were guided by 2 Mohajer-6 UCAVs.

Fadjr-5C is Iran|ian equivalent of Israel|i made EXTRA precision guided artillery rocket. IRGC Ground Force has launched these rockets from its Hamzeh Garrison near Orumiyeh, NW. Iran. They flew 180km & hit exactly the meeting room of PDKI's HQ building in Koya, N. Iraq!

Babak Taghvaee

1m1 minute ago
BREAKING: PDKI members are accusing NechirvanBarzani, Prime Minister of Iraq|i Kurdistan to helping Iran's operation for taking-out PDKI's leaders in Koya today. PDKI was going to launch an attack at Iran|ian border posts tonight. Now two of its leaders are dead

Ово иначе није неки фанатични ирански извор, човек је против режима у техерану, али искрено пише о достигнућима војне индустрије, а и њеним недостацима. Свака им част за ово. Када су лансирали оне ракете пре годину дана на Сирију, промашили су све мете за 10ак метара, што поново није толико лоше имајући у виду која је даљина била до мета и и у каквим условима развијају те ракете сами.

Dopuna: 08 Sep 2018 23:59

Citat:BREAKING: It is confirmed now that 9 PDKI members including 5 of its commanders were killed after Zelzal precision guided artillery rockets launched by #Iran hit their headquarters in #Koya, #Iraq|i #Kurdistan today. Number of casualties might increase.

Снимак последице удара добро су их погодили, једна ракета их баш нађе у оволикој згради.
Citat:Imagine what could happen if #Iran had launched ballistic missiles at #PDKI's Headquarters in #Koya, #Iraq's #Kurdistan instead of the tiny Zelzal precision guided artillery rockets which were launched today! This is #PDKI's HQ after the rocket attack!

Dopuna: 09 Sep 2018 0:00

Citat:Today's rocket attack was a response to recent terrorist attacks of #PDKI against several #Iran|ian border posts which left several #Iran|ian border police forces dead. Most of the police officers who were killed by #PDKI were #Kurd from #Iran's #Kurdistan & #Kermanshah provinces курди убијају курде, ови курди више ни сами не знају где ударају

Dopuna: 09 Sep 2018 12:47

Ипак су имали више среће, и није артиљеријска паљба била. Само једна ракета погодила циљ, баш су имали сређе да погоде део зграде где се ови налазе...

Citat:#BREAKING: #IRGC has released details of their missile attack at #PDKI HQ in #Koya, #Iraq.No Zelzal-2/Fajr-5C artillery rockets were used! Total 7 Fateh-110 ballistic missiles were launched from "Ghazi-Tabatabaee" missile base in #Tabriz, NW. #Iran. Only a missile hit its target!

#IRGC has always been claiming that the Fateh-110 is a precision guided ballistic missile. But use of its long range version, the Zulfiqar during 2017 Deir ez-Zor missile strike at #ISIL proved unreliability & inaccuracy of the missile. Fateh-110 is nothing more than a shame!

  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2879
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

German Minister Urges Long-Term Military Presence in Iraq
Citat:German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen has said Germany needs to stick around to deliver training to Iraqi troops. She warned that "Islamic State" still has an ideological foothold.
Citat:She said that the focus of the Bundeswehr's mission in Iraq was "to gain peace."
Citat:A German parliamentary mandate for the military assistance program in Iraq was extended in March this year and is due to expire on October 31. It will likely be extended as well, although there has been pushback from the junior coalition partner in Chancellor Angela Merkel's government, the Social Democrats.
I Nemci treniraju irašku vojsku. Kako izgleda, do progona ISIS-a, i uspostave mira t.j. još dugo.
Ova misija je odvojena od NATO-a.
Citat:Berlin also has about 150 troops stationed in northern Iraq to train Kurdish peshmerga and runs a pilot training program north of Baghdad.
Obuka Kurda ostaje.

  • Pridružio: 09 Jun 2018
  • Poruke: 49

Napisano: 20 Sep 2018 10:52

Turska penetracija na severu Iraka

Dopuna: 20 Sep 2018 11:12

Iracke planincuge (slike su iz Aprila meseca)

  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2879
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

With Siemens deal, it's Germany to the rescue in Iraq
Citat:The Siemens deal, if it pans out, promises to get the country’s power grid back up and fully running. Worth between an estimated €8 and €13 billion ($11.75 – $15.25 billion) and, backed by the German government, the deal dwarfs past German direct investment in Iraq.
Siemens, investicija od 8-13 miljardi evra, elektrifikacija.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 34776

Известную модель, победительницу конкурса «Мисс Багдад-2015» Тару Фарес зверски убили в столице Ирака.
Окровавленную 22-летнюю девушку обнаружили в салоне её собственного спортивного авто. Её срочно доставили в больницу, однако медики оказались бессильны: Фарес скончалась.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 34776


  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 34776

PKK razvaljuje Turke na severu Iraka
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