IRGC is once again attacking the headquarters of kurdish positions in the North of Iraq with missiles and drones.
одразделения КСИР Ирана нанесли массированные удары барражирующими боеприпасами и баллистическими ракетами по позициям курдских группировок в различных частях Иракского Курдистана.
По данным проиранских Telegram-каналов, целью стали штабы и базы членов «Партии свободы Курдистана», признанной в Иране террористической.
Citat:Russian FM Lavrov arrived in Baghdad, Iraq
Lavrov is expected to hold talks on Monday with Foreign Minister, Prime Minister,President,Speaker of Parliament and former PM of Iraq,Nouri al-Maliki.
Lavrov to also visit Mali, Mauritania and Sudan
Sergey Lavrov will discuss the intensification of trade, economic and military-technical cooperation;
Sergey Lavrov will discuss prospects for building up business partnership in the fuel and energy sector.
Opet turski dron u akciji na kurde
Citat:Turkish UCAV strike targeted a vehicle belonging to PKK members in the town of Pençvin, east of Sulaymaniyah, Iraq.
200 km away from the Turkish border.
At least 3 PKK terrorist killed.
Ameri hoce da daju nesto pvo sistema Peshmergi
US: Congress wants to give air defence systems to Kurdish fighters in Iraq Citat:US lawmakers are looking to get air defence systems into the hands of Kurdish Peshmerga fighters in northern Iraq after the region was struck by a series of missile and drone attacks by Iran and Turkey.