Megapurpletv ::Klintonova o kandidaturi ali i o Iraku. Kaže da Iračka vlada mora da ispuni sve zahteve Amerike ukoliko žele pomoć.
Očigledno maske padaju. Činjenica da su u Iraku šiti večina ne odgovara Amerikancima i sada žele da to promene ili da rasture Irak. Verovatno će iči na ovo drugo. Znači ISIS je sve vreme Američki igrač.
Megapurpletv ::Klintonova o kandidaturi ali i o Iraku. Kaže da Iračka vlada mora da ispuni sve zahteve Amerike ukoliko žele pomoć.
Očigledno maske padaju. Činjenica da su u Iraku šiti večina ne odgovara Amerikancima i sada žele da to promene ili da rasture Irak. Verovatno će iči na ovo drugo. Znači ISIS je sve vreme Američki igrač.
Možda se konačno formira nezavisni Kuridstan. Čak i ako Ameri pocijepaju Irak - Iran će opet prosperirati sa Šiitima. Ovako ili onako izlaze na kopnenu granicu sa Kuvajtom i Saudijom.
Citat:First Iranian casualty confirmed:
IRGC forces are reported to have ambushed an ISIS convoy heading towards Taji, around 100 ISIS members reported dead.
Iranian forces enter Kurdistan Region Citat:Iranian forces have entered the Kurdistan Region and are based in Naft Khana, a border town near the city of Khanaqin in Diyala Province, which is under control of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK).
Kirkuk – Turkey oil exportation has been halted for more than 100 days Citat:According to an official from Kirkuk, the Iraqi Government has prompted oil exportation from Kirkuk to Turkey’s Ceyhan Port to be halted for more than 100 days.
Peshmarga Forces Protecting Kirkuk Gas Factory Citat:The Head of Gas Factories for Kurdistan Region, Bakhtiyar Abdullah Peshdari, stated that the Kurdistan Region does not have a gas issue and that production is increasing. He also said that Peshmarga forces are busy protecting North Gas in Kirkuk.