Poslao: 12 Jul 2012 21:03
- Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 20197
Kako volim kada pojedinci sa foruma imaju podatke da im razne sluzbe pozavide. Nastavite slobodno, nisam odavno gledao Pajtonovce.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 13 Jul 2012 00:34
- deri3891
- Ugledni građanin
- Pridružio: 06 Feb 2012
- Poruke: 351
War in August? US sends fourth aircraft carrier and dozens of underwater drones towards Iran
The US Navy has unexpectedly dispatched a fourth aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, along with a fleet of underwater drones in what is being considered just the latest move in a series of escalations leading towards a potential war with Iran.
The deployment of dozens of small, unmanned submarine-like watercraft was confirmed by the Los Angeles Times this week, which cites military officials speaking on condition of anonymity.
This particular type of craft, unmanned SeaFox submersible, are reported to be sent to the Gulf so that the US military can detect and destroy any mines that may be planted in the waterway by Iranian officials if they escalate efforts to block the Strait of Hormuz, a strategically important narrow stretch of water that exists as an immensely important conduit for any resources being moved in or out of the Middle East.
The Times says that the subs, at only 4 feet long and fewer than 100 pounds apiece, can move at speeds up to six knots at depths of 300 feet. The price-tag is reported to be $100,000 each, which includes an intricate waterproof television camera and a homing sonar system. The US rush-ordered a shipment in May in a deal with Germany under the direct of Marine Gen. James Mattis, the top US commander in the Middle East. It is reported that a fleet of SeaFox subs were deployed overseas several weeks back, but has only been confirmed now.
The United States has already sent three massive aircraft carriers to the waterways outside of Iran, including the USS Enterprise, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and the USS Abraham Lincoln, and will now add the USS John C Stennis to that fleet in August. Unlike these behemoth ships equipped with billions worth of weaponry and service personnel, America’s other new addition to the battlefront is invisible to those on land and can be controlled from anywhere in the world.
"In the Cold War, minesweeping warfare was a large part of what the Navy did, but we have lost a lot of our minesweeping capability," Christopher Harmer, a senior analyst at the Institute for the Study of War, tells the Times. "The SeaFox is a relatively simple, off-the-shelf system that we can put off our minesweepers but also any surface ship."
Harmer adds to the paper that although Iran has the capabilities of coming through with its threats of closing the strait, the latest addition to the United States Navy would make sure a blockade wouldn’t last long.
"If they wanted to close the Strait of Hormuz, they could do it, but they would only be able to do it one time," he says.
The new fleet of SeaFox subs will accompany two massive aircraft carriers and a collection of F-22 fighter jets that America has already sent towards Iran. When the United States upped its presence in Persian Gulf earlier this year, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told reporters, “We want them to know that we are fully prepared to deal with any contingency and it’s better for them to try to deal with us through diplomacy.”
Izvor: RT
Poslao: 13 Jul 2012 16:08
- Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 835
Gomilanje vojske u Perzijskom Zaljevu: SAD šalje i četvrti nosač zrakoplova
Američka mornarica donijela je odluku o slanju i četvrtog nosača zrakoplova u Perzijski Zaljev, zajedno s flotom podvodnih bespilotnih podmornica. Vijest je potvrdio list Los Angeles Times koji citira neimenovane dužnosnike iz američkog vojnog vrha. Konkretne bespilotne podmornice SeaFox služe za uklanjanje mina.
SeaFox - bespilotne podmornice za uklanjanje mina
Američka vojska je do sada već poslala 3 velika nosača zrakoplova, USS Enterprise, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower i USS Abraham Lincoln. Najnoviji nosač koji bi trebao stići u Perzijski Zaljev je USS John C Stennis. Prema izvještaju, dolazak novog nosača zrakoplova očekuje se idućeg mjeseca, prenosi RT.
Pretpostavlja se kako je svo ovo gomilanje vojske u Perzijskom Zaljevu prije svega pokušaj zastrašivanja Irana. To je vidljivo i iz najnovijih komentara američkog ministra obrane Leona Panette, koji je izjavio: "Želimo da znaju kako smo u potpunosti spremni na svaki oblik angažmana, stoga im je bolje da pokušaju s nama pregovarati putem diplomacije".
No, Iran čvrsto poručuje kako se neće dati zastrašiti. General Mohammad Pakpour rekao je za vrijeme održavanja najnovijih vojnih vježbi kako će "iranska vojska odgovoriti na prijetnje svom raspoloživom silom", prenosi Press TV.
Poslao: 15 Jul 2012 19:44
- Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 144
Јужна Кореја обнавља увоз нафте из Ирана
Poslao: 16 Jul 2012 19:42
- deri3891
- Ugledni građanin
- Pridružio: 06 Feb 2012
- Poruke: 351
Brod SAD otvorio paljbu u Zalivu
Dubai -- Jedna osoba je ubijena, a tri ranjene kada je američki brod otvorio vatru na drugo plovilo u Persijskom zalivu, nedaleko od obale Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata.
Neimenovani zvaničnik konzulata SAD u Dubaiju je saopštio da se incident dogodio, ali nije izneo više detalja. Moguće je da je brod na koji je pucano greškom ocenjen kao pretnja u vodama Persijskog zaliva, nedaleko od pomorske granice Irana.
Jedan neimenovani zvaničnik službe bezbednosti Emirata potvrdio je izveštaj o žrtvama.
Američka Peta mornarička flota, čije sedište je u Bahreinu, saopštila je da istražuje današnji incident.
Izvor: B92/Beta
Poruka je jasna - Ne šalimo se.
Poslao: 16 Jul 2012 20:28
- Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 835
Napisano: 16 Jul 2012 20:10
deri3891 ::Brod SAD otvorio paljbu u Zalivu
Dubai -- Jedna osoba je ubijena, a tri ranjene kada je američki brod otvorio vatru na drugo plovilo u Persijskom zalivu, nedaleko od obale Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata.
Neimenovani zvaničnik konzulata SAD u Dubaiju je saopštio da se incident dogodio, ali nije izneo više detalja. Moguće je da je brod na koji je pucano greškom ocenjen kao pretnja u vodama Persijskog zaliva, nedaleko od pomorske granice Irana.
Jedan neimenovani zvaničnik službe bezbednosti Emirata potvrdio je izveštaj o žrtvama.
Američka Peta mornarička flota, čije sedište je u Bahreinu, saopštila je da istražuje današnji incident.
Izvor: B92/Beta
Poruka je jasna - Ne šalimo se.
Na čiji brod, zna li se? S obzirom da je nedaleko od obale UAE sumnjam da je iranski.
Dopuna: 16 Jul 2012 20:28
Press TV javlja da je vatra otvorena na indijski ribarski brod.
Citat:US vessel opens fire on boat off UAE coast, killing 1
A US vessel has opened fire on a boat off the coast of the United Arab Emirates in the Persian Gulf, killing at least one person and injuring three others.
The victims are reported to be Indian fishermen.
It was not immediately clear why the USNS Rappahannock attacked a small motor boat near the Dubai port of Jebel Ali on Monday.
The US consular officials in Abu Dhabi have confirmed the incident but refused to provide further details.
Local officials say the boat could have been mistaken as a threat.
The US Navy's 5th Fleet, based in Bahrain, says it is investigating the shooting incident.
Washington has recently built up its military presence in the Persian Gulf by sending an unspecified number of F-22 stealth fighters and warships to the region.
Poslao: 16 Jul 2012 21:25
- deri3891
- Ugledni građanin
- Pridružio: 06 Feb 2012
- Poruke: 351
Nema još zvaničnih podataka čiji je brod bio,samo da je u pitanju manji čamac.
Ne bi me ništa čudilo da je nasumično izabran čisto da se pošalje poruka irancima,mada kažu da je upozoren i da je izvodio nekakve sumnjive manevre u blizini američkog broda i da je procedura nalagala da se otvori vatra.
Realno gledajući mogao je da bude samoubolački napad u pitanju recimo,tu ne pomaže ni satelit ni bespilotna letjelica da se procijeni opasnost već se prati procedura predviđena za takve situacije.
Evo šta kaže CNN:
U.S. Navy ship fires at small boat in Persian Gulf
Washington (CNN) -- A U.S. military supply ship fired Monday at a small boat in the Persian Gulf after it came too close, apparently killing one person on board, two U.S. officials said.
The USNS Rappahannock, a fuel resupply ship, fired on what the officials called a "small, white pleasure craft" 10 miles (16 kilometers) from the Dubai port of Jebel Ali.
The small boat appeared to be headed for that port, the officials said, adding that their information was preliminary. The U.S. ship verbally warned the smaller boat when it was 1,200 yards (1,100 meters) away and fired at least one warning shot before the decision was made to fire shots to disable the boat, the officials said.
"In accordance with Navy force protection procedures, the sailors on the USNS Rappahannock ... used a series of non-lethal, preplanned responses to warn the vessel before resorting to lethal force," the Navy said in a statement.
"The U.S. crew repeatedly attempted to warn the vessel's operators to turn away from their deliberate approach. When those efforts failed to deter the approaching vessel, the security team on the Rappahannock fired rounds from a .50-caliber machine gun."
Officials described the course of events as standard procedures when a small boat gets too close to a U.S. Navy ship.
The officials, who would not be identified because of the sensitivity of the situation, also described the small boat as having made a series of maneuvers, but emphasized they were waiting for more details about what exactly happened.
A United Arab Emirates source said the UAE would follow up after a review.
Jebel Ali is 22 miles (35 kilometers) southwest of Dubai and 37 miles (60 kilometers) north of Abu Dhabi. With 67 berths and extensive dry-dock facilities, it is the largest man-made port in the world and the largest port in the Gulf region and in the Middle East.