Slazem se, ali ipak bilo je slucajeva, mislim da je bio cak i snimak gde upravu tu manju gadjaju
Od 14 sekunde , plus bilo je jos snimaka sa fronta gde se bas cuje to zujanje non stop, jezivo.
Deluje da su bas nastancovali ovih dronova plus im pridosli turci i sad je opsti haos.
Shushan Stepanyan
3 warplanes, 2 helicopters, and 6 UAV's of adversary were downed by our defenders in just a half-day!
Izgleda da je helikopter zavrsio na jermenskoj teritoriji. Treba ocekivati snimke
MoD of Armenia 🇦🇲
Air Defence subdivisions of the #Artsakh Army shot down 2 planes and another helicopter in the southern and south-eastern directions. The downed helicopter fell on the territory controlled by the Defence Army.
Подразделения ПВО Армии обороны сбили 2 самолета и еще один вертолет.