Nigerija - islamska država


Nigerija - islamska država

  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16171
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

Waldorf and Statler ::jazbar ::Waldorf and Statler ::Ti patrolni brodovi bas i nemaju veze sa Nigerijskim problemima sa Islamskim ekstremistima, a o cemu bi tema trebala da bude. Namenjeni su drugim zonama u kojima Nigerija ima bezbednosnih problema, pre svega u delti Nigera.Baš Boko Haram operira naveliko u delti Nigra.

Ne znam da li postoji bilo sta o cemu barem nesto znas, ali bilo bi zaista lepo da za promenu pises o tome. Ovako se uzasavajuce blamiras, a ne znas ni sam koliko.

+ ++.
Uporno se praviš neznalicom.
Citat:the deterioration of the security environment and the government’s limited capacity to formulate a concrete roadmap to peace for the Niger Delta. The situation requires a coherent response on the part of the government, but persisting localised threats (i.e. Boko Haram) Wink [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 09 Sep 2015
  • Poruke: 1201

Sada imamo zivi dokaz da ne znas ni da procitas. Ili imas problem sa razumevanjem onoga sto procitas. Kakav facepalm.

Procitaj clanak jos jednom, pa probaj da nadjes jednu recenicu koja govori o prisustvu, ili operacijama Boko Harama u delti.

Boko Haram je lokalizovana pretnja na severu zemlje, i navodi se u istom redu kao i borba protiv korupcije i nepotizma.

Pacifikovanje Juga je bitno zato sto bez njega Nigerija ne moze da razvija ekonomiju. Opet, camci ne sluze za borbiu protiv Boko Harama.

Ajde molim te, nemoj da se mesas u ono sto ne znas. Prisutan si na forumu u maltene svakoj temi, a jos nisam video jednu pametnu recenicu koju si napisao. Ne moras nas da maltretiras sto tebe drma Dunning–Kruger-ov sindrom.

  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16171
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

Stvarno Laughing Imaš citat dela paragrafa na oči svakome.
Taj tekst je u celosti posvečen delti Nigera i okolišu te spominje Boko Haram. To što BH ima najviše pripadnika u severoistočnom delu Nigerije ne znači da ne deluju i u delti Nigera.
BH je baš eksplicitno naveden i u poglavju "The Niger Delta Avengers" celokupnog teksta odakle sam izvukao citat. Pa si stavi sad kesu na glavu i pravi se da ne postoji.

  • Pridružio: 09 Sep 2015
  • Poruke: 1201

Napisano: 03 Mar 2018 18:50

Da li ti znas engleski ili koristis Google translate?
Prvo poglevlje koje nacvodis.

Since the beginning of 2016, this renewed wave of violence in the Niger Delta, that has looked to target oil installations in the states of Rivers, Delta and Bayelsa, has coincided with the emergence of a yet another unorganised, but consistent number of new militant groups. Chiefly among these is the Niger Delta Avengers (NDA), formed in February 2016 with the publicly stated mandate to “cripple Nigeria’s economy.”

The NDA’s strategy – as stated by themselves on online platforms – is to combine high-profile attacks on pipelines and oil facilities both onshore and offshore, be they oil-gathering or export infrastructure. Through this, they attempt to appeal to a wide range of unappeased grievances across various groups and communities in the Niger Delta, that often manifest along ethnic and sectarian lines. As articulated in a 12 Point Agenda for Peace to the Nigerian government the NDA claim to be fighting for the peoples of the Niger Delta. Specifically, it seeks a more equitable redistribution of the Niger Delta’s resource wealth among the region’s communities, and demand some form of environmental remediation from both the government and multinational oil companies after decades of rampant pollution and environmental hazards. In addition to that, the NDA make specific reference to the continuation of an Amnesty programme, that in 2009 bought off several Niger Delta militants with generous monthly subsidies and lucrative security contracts, ultimately leading to a reduction in insurgent violence that allowed oil production to recover.

The Niger Delta Avenger’s landing page

The emergence of the NDA and the renewed militancy in the Niger Delta might follow President Buhari’s decision to cut back on amnesty funding by 70% and terminate pipeline security contracts to ex-militants. Many commentators believe that former oil militants excluded from the amnesty programme, as well as disaffected ex-combatants previously benefiting from it, could be behind the NDA, giving voice to the sense of neglect and resentment against Buhari’s administration, perceived to be explicitly anti-Niger Delta.

Heat map of Niger River Delta attacks

The current conflict in the Niger Delta not only leads to a deterioration in terms of Nigeria’s overall security situation, but it also serves to undermine its economic stability, already severely affected by disruptions in crude oil production, which will most likely exacerbate the country’s economic recession. This looming crisis could have severe repercussions for both the government and the major economic stakeholders operating in the region, posing a significant risk national and international oil and gas companies like Royal Dutch Shell, and its Nigerian subsidiary Shell Petroleum Development Co. of Nigeria, Chevron, ENI Spa, Exxon Mobil and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). Owing to a series of attacks launched by the NDA on critical oil infrastructures throughout 2016, Nigeria’s daily oil output plummeted from 2.2 million barrels per day (bpd) to about 1.4 million bpd, sending Nigerian crude output to its decade-low, causing major revenue losses for the government. A situation that was compounded aggravated by low global oil prices. The NDA has primarily targeted major international companies like Chevron, Royal Dutch Shell and Exxon Mobil, which have all reduced their daily output as a result of significant disruptions following acts of sabotage and criminal activity on their oil pipelines and offshore platforms.

Gas and oil installations across southern Nigeria

In light of these recent developments, it is clear that Nigeria’s internal conditions remain extremely volatile, and the overall level of risk high, especially in terms of economic and political drawbacks. Several lines of vulnerability and potential crises can be identified. They directly relate to the deterioration of the security environment and the government’s limited capacity to formulate a concrete roadmap to peace for the Niger Delta. The situation requires a coherent response on the part of the government, but persisting localised threats (i.e. Boko Haram) and much-needed structural adjustments to solve long-standing problems of corruption, political patronage, resource mismanagement and rent-seeking practices, could undermine all of this.

Prevescu samo zadnji pasus.

U svetlu zadnjih desavanja, jasno je da unutrasnja situacija u Nigeriji ostaje ekstremno zapaljiva, a ukupni nivo rizika visok, posebno u pogledu ekonomskih i politicnik posledica. Nekoliko linija ranjivosti i potencijalnih kriza mogu da se identifikuju. One su direktno vezane za pogorsanje bezbednosne situacije, i ograniceni kapacitet vlade da formulise konkretan put ka miru u Delti Nigera. Situacija zahteva koherentan odgovor od strane vlade, no uporne lokalne pretnje (npr boko Haram) i neophodno potrebna strukturalna prilagodjavanja koja bi resila dugotrajne probleme korupcije, nepotizma, pogresnog koriscenja resursa i uzimanja reketa mogu da mirniraju ceo proces.

Da li ovde igde vidis da Boko Haram operise u Delti Nigera? Po tvom razumevanju, i koriupcija operise u delti nigera, a i ta teroristicka grupa koja se zove nepotizam je mnogo gadna.

Ajmo dalje. Sledece poglavlje, ekonomske implikacije, deo.

Citat:The Delta militant problem in the south is detrimental to the security situation across the country. The reallocation and ‘diversion’ of the funds necessary to contain the security threats emerging now from different fronts could potentially hinder the government’s capacity to secure peace in the North and defeat the Boko Haram insurgency. According to Human Rights Watch, the reorganisation of the security forces after the 2015 elections has indeed enabled a consistent pushback of Boko Haram in the North, thus partially improving the security environment and allowing for a more effective delivery of humanitarian relief aid. However, since 2009, a sizable portion of the government’s oil revenues have been rechannelled to finance the counterinsurgency campaign against Boko Haram. The NDA’s attacks on oil facilities in the Niger Delta, and the consequent drop in Nigeria’s oil output will inevitably reduce the funds available for military spending. Despite the ongoing military operations against Boko Haram, Nigeria’s military expenditure fell by 2.5% between 2014 and 2015. This situation threatens the effectiveness of future military operations in the North-East of the country and potentially creates the conditions for a renewed conflict with Boko Haram – a scenario that cannot be completely excluded in such a volatile environment. On the other hand, at least in the short-to-medium term, these developments seem to be unlikely, because although emerging security challenges in the Niger Delta have recently stretched the Army’s force and capabilities to its limits, the government’s primary focus has been on counterinsurgency operations against Boko Haram.

Samo prevod zadnje recenice, da ne bi post bio kilometarski dugacak.

Iako su narastajuci bezbednosni izazovi u Delti Nigera nedavno istegli snage i mogucnosti Armije do granica, vladim primarni fokus je na protivustanickim operacijama protiv Boko Harama

Cek, kako sad po tebi Boko Harm u delti, kada je vladin fokus protiv Boko harama koji je na Severo Istoku?? Mozda su u pitanju vradzbine?

Sledece poglavlje se zove borba na dva fronta.. Jel treba da pisem o cemu je?

Ovo je potpuno jednako prethodnom slucaju kada si Raketasa ucio ono sto on radi zadnjih 50 godina i sto je radio u ozbiljnoj fabrici, u ozbiljnoj zemlji. Ako me nesto nervira to je glupost. Ne razumes ni sta pise u referenci kojom probas da se vadis, al imas misljenje. To je cista definicija Dunning–Kruger-ovog sindroma.

Bolje da otvoris temu o skupljanju salveta i slicica za albume u kantini, umesto da probas da se nadmudrujes sa clanovima koji od tebe imaju daleko vise znanja o pojedinim temama.

Dopuna: 03 Mar 2018 19:15

A kao odgovor na tvoju konstataciju da je Boko Haram prisutan u delti Nigera mozda posluzi ovaj tekst, iz koga je prilicno jasno zasto ih tamo nema.,79968.0.html

Iako je Nigerija jedna drzava, nema gotovo nikakve veze izmedju primorskih krajeva na Jugu, i Muslimanskog Severa.

Kao sto ova dva problema nisu jedini bezbednosni problemi sa kojima se zemlja suocava. U sredini se vode ozbiljni stocarsko-agrikulturni sukobi, o kojima se van Nigerije vrlo malo zna.

Pametnom dosta.

  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16171
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

Upotrebljavaj novije tekste ne starije od 2017 da bi bio verodostojan.

  • Pridružio: 09 Sep 2015
  • Poruke: 1201

Nemas pametniji komentar?
Citat koji sam naveo je itekako aktuelan. Mora malo da se poznaje Nigerija.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 35486

Video iz drona kad su američki i nigerski vojnici upli u zasedu

Pow potkrala mi se greška mahinalno sam napisao nigerijski mesto nigerski.

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9456

Нигер и Нигерија нису исто. И ја их мешам.


Знам али си ставио снимке у погрешну тему. Mr. Green
Окачио сам све у теми о афричкој барутани о овом догађају. Ziveli

  • ja nesum radijo, ja sam neki veliki
  • Pridružio: 29 Jul 2014
  • Poruke: 4531

Valjdar ovo moze ovde Confused

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103126

Nisu dobre vesti...opet su ih iznenadili
Hundreds of Nigerian troops missing after Boko Haram overruns base
Citat:Hundreds of Nigerian troops are missing after Boko Haram jihadists overran a military base in the remote northeast, security sources said Sunday, in the second major assault on the armed forces in two days.
The militants invaded a base holding more than 700 soldiers in Yobe state -- where they abducted over 100 girls from a school earlier this year -- in an hours-long onslaught Saturday night, a military source told AFP on condition of anonymity.
Fewer than 100 soldiers have returned following the attack, which took place just 24 hours after Boko Haram fighters ambushed a military convoy in neighbouring Borno state on Friday.
The two assaults have highlighted the tenuous hold Nigerian forces have on the ravaged region despite claims by President Muhammadu Buhari's government that the country is in a "post-conflict stabilisation phase".
"Boko Haram terrorists attacked troops of the 81st Division Forward Brigade at Jilli village in Geidam district. The terrorists came in huge numbers around 7:30 pm (1830 GMT) and overran the base after a fierce battle that lasted until 9:10 pm," said the military source.
"The base had 734 troops. Currently the commander of the base and 63 soldiers have made it to Geidam (60 kilometres away) while the remaining 670 are being expected," he said, without elaborating on their possible fate.
"We don't know if there were any casualties among the troops. That will be known later," he said, adding that the base was new and the troops had recently arrived from Lagos, Nigeria's commercial capital.

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