Poslao: 22 Okt 2024 09:26
- šumar bk2
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 24 Maj 2005
- Poruke: 3187
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Citat:Izraelski desničarski fanatici organizovali su juče molitveni događaj povodom Sukota blizu granice sa Gazom, pozivajući na osnivanje novih naselja u Gazi. Desničarski fanatici su takođe podelili kartu sa prikazom planiranih naselja u Gazi. Deset članova vlade i visokih ministara, uglavnom iz Netanjahuove stranke Likud, uključujući krajnje desničarske ministre Itamara Ben-Gvira i Becalela Smotriča, podržavaju okupaciju Pojasa Gaze i osnivanje naselja u Gazi.
video: https://x.com/clashreport/status/1848621754710683925
Citat:Glavni tužilac MKS-a, Karim Kan, koji je želeo da uhapsi Netanjahua ... trenutno se suočava sa optužbama za seksualno uznemiravanje i nedolično ponašanje
Poslao: 22 Okt 2024 21:06
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 102397
According to Dropsite News investigaton, Israel is considering hiring a US-based PMC for biometric screening of Palestinians in Gaza
Citat:Israel plans to employ US private logistics and security companies to create a "closed society" in Gaza where Palestinians will be biometrically screened to receive aid.
According to reports, the plan is the brainchild of Israeli-American businessman Mordechai Moti Kahana, CEO of Global Delivery Company (GDC), which describes his company as "Uber for War Zones".
GDC said that since countries are unwilling to send troops to Gaza, the best solution is well-trained security units.
The GDC's pilot proposal includes a plan to partner with Constellis, the successor and parent company of Blackwater, the notorious mercenary company founded by Erik Prince.
Constellis operates in Israel under a Pentagon contract to provide security for US personnel working at a secret radar facility in the Negev Desert, 30 miles from Gaza.
The GDC is currently headed by several former senior Israeli officers: Brigadier General (retired) Yossi Kuperwasser, a member of the extremist think tank HaBitchonistim, which has advised Netanyahu since the beginning of the Holocaust; Lieutenant Colonel Doron Avital; and former Intelligence Chief David Tzur.