Rat Rusija-Ukrajina 2023 - komentari


Rat Rusija-Ukrajina 2023 - komentari

  • Insan 
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 12 Okt 2015
  • Poruke: 1758

Znaci ona fotka od ranije ipak nije bila fejk.
Bogami ulovise Rusi prvog "macora" sada je na redu i blizi rodjak leopard da ima randevu sa nekom atakom, kornetom i sl.

Izgleda da su geparda nahvatali spustenih gaca, radarska antena nije uopste bila podignuta moguce da se jos nesto odigralo prije ovog udara lancetom odnosno da je vozilo napusteno?

Jeli neko mozda slucajno brojao pogodjene UKR M-777 haubice?
Onako ofrlje, mislim da su rusi pogodili polovinu isporucenih, to bi bilo negdje oko 70 komada od 140 isporucenih.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 24 Nov 2021
  • Poruke: 3378

Sta je ovo palo po Bahmutu, deluje kao bombardovanje ?


  • Pridružio: 24 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3179
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Vezano za taktiku koju koristi ruska avijacija na frontu:

Citat:Russian Aerospace Forces (RuAF) fighters have recently switched tactics and adopted a more offensive operational posture than in the past.....

+ Unapređena taktika Vazdušno-Kosmičkih Snaga RF


  • Pridružio: 24 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3179
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Stari snimci iz Azovstalja, recikliraju se ovih dana.

  • Pridružio: 21 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 15363

Srle993 ::Sta je ovo palo po Bahmutu, deluje kao bombardovanje ?


Мислим да је ово прошлогодишњи снимак бомбардовања Азовстаља у Мариупољу.

Немојте качити више овог ИлРуссо, стално лупа нешто.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 35167

A lepo reče Frunze batalite il ruso zaebo i Informer.

  • Pridružio: 26 Mar 2022
  • Poruke: 3831


GP":video iz Artemovska (Bakhmut) - upravo na mjestu gdje je nedavno dignuta u zrak visoka zgrada s muralom"

Ukri stigli samo do one srušene zgrade i onda nazad. Naprijed prolaza nema više. Snimak je star najmanje 24 sata. Nekako se čini da su odbrambene snage ukra ovde podeljene na pola. Uveče če biti nova mapa.

ILL RUSSO nije tako loš. U 20 marki bi se kladio, da če prvi da javi, da je Bakmut pao. (Ali neču) Mr. Green

  • Pridružio: 13 Apr 2022
  • Poruke: 1150

Apropo S300 lansera pogođenih lancetom.
Zašto su lanseri u marševskom položaju a ne u borbenom ? Ako bi uporedili sa artiljerijom, ovo kao da su otkačili D30 i ostavili je na livadi onako sklopljenih lafeta.
Ili ja nemam pojma kako funksioniše PVO, možda se lanseri dižu samo kad stigne naredba za dejstvo ? Šta je u pitanju?
(Samo tačni odgovori, please Mr. Green )

  • Kichma 
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 12 Mar 2022
  • Poruke: 18

Kad vidim gomilu oklopa i raznoraznog oružja koje Rusi lupaju u Ukrajini, da li može neko da mi objasni odakle para za sve to, mislim neko mora da plati a rat je najskuplja rabota?

  • Pridružio: 17 Avg 2012
  • Poruke: 1417
  • Gde živiš: Šid, Srbija

Što se tiče onog kukanja Prigožina ko zna možda i ima istine u svoj toj priči. Nagrabusio je i Vagner tamo dobro..
Dobar tekst sa FB kanala o sat.navigaciji, spominje i Bajraktare.

Citat:My main difference from Internet pizdoballs who publish their wet dreams and ideas about the cast-iron ass of reality in all sorts of channels with the indispensable participation of the word "military" is that, unlike them, I touched and touch this cast-iron ass with my own hands.

For example, my seemingly very simple and understandable words that "there will be no satellite navigation in a normal war" - they are based not on theory, but in practice. In my long-term practice of combat work with these very sighting systems with satellite correction, in the practice of my work with KAB-500S bombs, which have been in service with us for many years and which, in essence, JDAM is, just not a kit, but a finished product, and experience with other aircraft munitions and non-aircraft devices that use satellite navigation signals for correction.

So, all this experience shows that even without a normal war (if the term "normal" can be used for war at all), all the correction went into the hangar with proper jamming by enemy electronic warfare equipment. All the Hephaestus, all the litaks, all the bombs and rockets just went fucking into the garden and either did not fulfill their combat mission at all, or hit anywhere but not on the target. And exactly the same situation was with the enemy.

I understand that no one will notice the sentence where it says "competent EW work", and that I'm not talking about some episode, about some isolated cases, and I'm talking about many years of constant practical work with satellites, well, fuck with him.

Moreover, electronic warfare, working hundreds of kilometers away for some of its tasks, clogging up the correction on satellites, did not allow our Zhidams to work accurately even at the training ground. in greenhouse conditions.

Therefore, especially for Mom's military experts, I will specifically repeat. No need to masturbate to satellites. This jerking off has already led to the fact that all other sighting systems on all aircraft of Laos are fucked, and today, who needs it, they can perfectly see what this has led to. I hope they see.

It is necessary to develop autonomous means of guidance. INSs, laser, photonic, optical systems, corrections by luminaries, relief.
Develop sighting systems. Optics, thermal imagers, IR systems should become multiple times more powerful, better, more reliable and longer-range.
All weapons should be as autonomous as possible.

Bayraktars got a pussy not because we have fucking air defense. But because we, damn it, see every Bayraktar without any radar and binoculars, as soon as it turns on. I won’t be surprised if the enemy sees our drones in exactly the same way. Because there are the same motherfuckers sitting there as we do. With the word "military" in the credits.

Learn the materiel, work not only with your mouth and not only in your pocket and in the trash, and everything will be fine.
But it is not exactly.

02 Jan 2024 01:06 Georgius Zaključavanje topica Razlog: Kraj godine.  
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