Rat Rusija-Ukrajina 2023 - komentari


Rat Rusija-Ukrajina 2023 - komentari

  • Neimar i savremeni farmer.
  • Pridružio: 24 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 11739
  • Gde živiš: U sremu voljenome...

Georgius ::

Ovo liči da je Hajmarsom pogođeno. StormShadow ima mnogo veću BG i napravio bi daleko veću "rupu" nego što jeste.

Žeželjev most, 1999.godina, Ovo je rupa koja ostaje od 250kg ili veće BG
(širina koloseka neka bude orjentir, rupa je bar 3m u prečniku)

Та рупа је од крстареће ракете Томахавк, јер су са њом тукли констатно мост...

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 02 Jun 2013
  • Poruke: 3904

Meni je jedino VO još iz Juna 2022 dao neki razuman razlog zašto se ne gadjaju mostovi na Dnjepru.

Citat: Why are the bridges across the Dnieper not attacked?

So, let's move on to the main question that was indicated in the title of this article - why is Russia not striking at bridges? After all, this would complicate the supply of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Left-Bank Ukraine and partially paralyze the Ukrainian economy. And, no matter how trite it may sound, the main reason is the lack of such plans: such a task simply did not stand and is not worth it. At the initial stage of the NMD, strikes were not carried out not only on bridges, but also on the barracks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (which, following military logic, should have been carried out in the first place) for the reason that the original plan of the military operation did not provide for this and was designed for a quick surrender of Ukraine .

This task, apparently, is not worth it even now, but for a slightly different reason - the political leadership of the Russian Federation hopes to conclude a peace agreement with Ukraine, the "Istanbul", as it has already been nicknamed, therefore it does not want to completely destroy all the bridges, as in direct , as well as in a figurative sense.

The Kremlin has repeatedly said that they are ready for negotiations if Kyiv accepts Moscow's conditions. What are these requirements - the reader, if desired, can familiarize themselves with them in the American magazine National Interest, which in June published a possible plan for a peaceful settlement of the situation around Ukraine. Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov, in comments to the Russian media, confirmed that Russia is ready for negotiations on these conditions, so the plan, with a high probability, can be called real. For the same reason, there are no strikes on the control centers, i.e., decision-making centers in Ukraine.

There is another reason why such strikes are not carried out now, and it is directly related to the industrial potential of Russia, the ability to create rocket munitions. Despite peppy statements that there are enough missiles, it is obvious that the intensity of missile attacks on infrastructure facilities in Ukraine has decreased in recent times. No, Russia has not run out of missiles, of course, but the RF Armed Forces can no longer strike as intensively as they did in the first weeks of the conflict. And the number of missiles needed to guarantee the complete destruction of one bridge is significant. This, in particular, is written by the author of the Fighterbomber Telegram channel:

“There is such a military science, it is called “calculation of the order of forces and means to defeat an object.” Few people have heard about it, and even fewer commanders are guided by it, but it exists. There, according to special formulas, you need to calculate how much is needed to fill up, for example, a bridge, depending on various conditions. Here, depending on the monumentality of the bridge, 8-10 missiles are needed to guarantee the destruction of a bridge of average scall. And all of them must get into the bridge. So you need to throw another 2-3 missiles on the “missed” one. Plus, it is necessary to throw 5-6 more missiles in case of failures of these very missiles and the impact of enemy air defense on these very missiles.

There are not one, not two, or even ten bridges across the Dnieper in Ukraine. In addition to all this, even in the event of the defeat of all railway bridges, automobile bridges will remain (and there are also many of them), so that the supply of the APU grouping on the left bank will not completely stop. Fuel will not reach only civilians, the military will carry it with fuel trucks. This, no doubt, will create a lot of problems for the enemy, but it will not completely cut off the supply.

In general, after four and a half months of the military conflict, it can be stated that the infrastructure of Ukraine has not been completely destroyed - missile strikes cause serious damage, but it is not critical.

Onaj prvi razlog je po meni otpao još davno, a ovaj drugi stoji. Ipak 42 mosta i prelaza je preko Dnjepra 😂

  • alchemy
  • Pridružio: 06 Jul 2009
  • Poruke: 5219
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

sremac983 ::
Та рупа је од крстареће ракете Томахавк, јер су са њом тукли констатно мост...

Upravo o tome i pričam i navodim primer da ovaj most nije pogođen StormShadow raketama već nečim slabijim.

  • Neimar i savremeni farmer.
  • Pridružio: 24 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 11739
  • Gde živiš: U sremu voljenome...

ОД којих су колико бране, бар на Дњепру?

  • Pridružio: 02 Jun 2013
  • Poruke: 3904

Napisano: 06 Avg 2023 16:06


Ne znam ja vidim da je u Ukr stanje redovno, sve radi kafici rade narod seta i sunča se. To što ti kažeš Rusija njima ne radi. Tačno je da je NATO kaznjavao svaki avion. Al on je kažnjavao po ciljevima koji su rušili moral stanovništva. Npr moj primer. Jedne večeri 1999 na moj grad palo je 32 rakete i bombe. Napad je trajao od 3 do 5. Sa sve preletanjima pikiranjem bez ispaljenja itd. To cu pamtiti za ceo zivot. A ovi malo malo po 10-15 projektila na po koji grad teško da će uzdrmati moral stanovništva.

Dopuna: 06 Avg 2023 16:08

6 brana ukupno.

Dopuna: 06 Avg 2023 16:10

  • Pridružio: 29 Jun 2011
  • Poruke: 1264

A što ne bi mogao Iskander i sa juga i iz Belorusije da gađa mostove, ima dobar CEP, domet do 500km, bojeva glava preko pola tone.
Ako Ukri koriste poljske aerodrome za Suhoje šta će ih onda sprečavati da isto to rade sa F-16.

  • Neimar i savremeni farmer.
  • Pridružio: 24 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 11739
  • Gde živiš: U sremu voljenome...

Ф16 немре на пољске неуређене аеродроме...у томе је проблем истих и када их добију они ће полетати из НАТО земаља...

  • Pridružio: 29 Jun 2011
  • Poruke: 1264

Kad sam napisao poljske, mislio sam na aerodrome u Poljskoj. Mr. Green
Sad vidim da Iskander ne mora ništa ni iz BLR, dohvata gornju polovinu Dnjepra iz brjanske i kurske oblasti.
Ona priča kako će Rusima trebati ti mostovi je suvišna jer bi ih Ukri digli u vazduh u nekom hipotetičkom scenariju povlačenja preko Dnjepra.

  • Pridružio: 02 Jun 2013
  • Poruke: 3904

Da se ne lažemo “poljske” i neuredjenje aerodrome koristiš baš kada je “preša”. Dokle god imaš svojih aktivnih aerodroma nema potrebe izlagati riziku ni letelicu ni posadu, a pogotovo poletanja i sletanja sa UBS.

  • Pridružio: 02 Mar 2022
  • Poruke: 150
  • Gde živiš: Melmak

Georgius ::
Upravo o tome i pričam i navodim primer da ovaj most nije pogođen StormShadow raketama već nečim slabijim.

na RT ima slika sa navodnim kraterima od Stormshadow raketa, nešto mi deluju mali krateri.


02 Jan 2024 01:06 Georgius Zaključavanje topica Razlog: Kraj godine.  
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