Američki saveznici na Bliskom istoku - promoteri demokratije i ljudskih prava...DECENIJAMA unatarag
Citat:Хосеин Аскари
уторак, 18. март 2011.
(The National Interest, March 18, 2011)
Политичке слободе: Саудијска Арабија нема устав, нема представничку владу, нема слободну штампу и нема слободу окупљања. Саудијски министар спољних послова недавно је рекао да ће Саудијска Арабија "одсећи сваки прст", који буде подигнут у знак протеста. Ко су владари Саудијске Арабије? Године 1932, Абдул-Азиз Ал-Сауд користи мач, преваре и издаје да би ујединио бројна зараћена племена. Тако породица Ал-Сауд види Саудијску Арабију као сопствени ранч, како рече један саудијски принц: "Мој деда је то мачем задобио. И други су могли то да ураде. Али нису. То је наше."
Верска слобода: Цркве и синагоге су забрањене у Саудијској Арабији, дозвољене су само џамије; у ствари, странци су слати у затвор због славлења Божића у својој кући.
RPG ::Vidi samo ovu zadnju sliku, mozes misliti sta ceka zarobljene regularne vojnike Libijske vojske , isto ono što smo vidjeli na temi Čečenski teroristi kad su u Dagestanu obezglavili 6 mladih Ruskih vojnika...sve su to obične bande , a ne demokrati i borci za slobodu.
Zna se šta ih čeka...
Postavio sam sinoć snimak:
moram te prethodno upozoriti da su scene kao iz horor-filmova
Citat:Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's forces have sown land mines in areas around the city of Ajdabiyah, adding a dangerous new element to the war on the eastern front, human rights and mine experts said on Thursday.
The mines include Brazilian-made anti-personnel mines and Egyptian-made anti-tank mines.
Two minefields were discovered by monitors in the days following last Saturday's retreat from Ajdabiyah by Gaddafi's troops and appear to be have been laid during their 10-day occupation of the crossroads town 150 km (90 miles) south of the rebel capital Benghazi.
RAF Tornado GR4 aircraft flying from Italy conducted a series of armed air reconnaissance and overwatch patrols over Libya yesterday. During these patrols the aircraft launched Paveway IV and Brimstone missiles against military assets of pro-Gadaffi forces in Misrata area.
These missiles hit three Main Battle Tanks, two Armoured Fighting vehicles and a Surface to Air Missile site.
RAF VC10 tanker aircraft, Nimrod R1, Sentinel and E3-D aircraft from Akrotiri and Trapani supported these missions.
At the same time they provided support to RAF Typhoon operations to patrol the No Fly Zone and other coalition strikes.
Citat:Al-Arabiya TV is reporting that chief of Libyan-external- intelligence Abu-Zayd Durdah has fled to Tunisia. There is no independent confirmation of the report.
Citat:Airmen of the 28th Maintenance Squadron prepare a B-1B Lancer to support Operation Odyssey Dawn on Ellsworth Air Force Base, S.D., March 27, 2011. Their work was made especially difficult by severe weather conditions including snow, ice, and freezing fog.
Citat:Members of Ellsworth Air Force Base 28th Munitions Squadron, assemble two thousand pound bombs in preparation for Operation Odyssey Dawn at Ellsworth Air Force Base, S.D., March 26, 2011.
Dopuna: 31 Mar 2011 16:51
Kusa Musa
Citat:1540: A UK government source has told the BBC: "Moussa Koussa is in a very fragile state of mind and very vulnerable."
1535: The Libyan government spokesman says Moussa Koussa asked to leave Libya to seek medical attention in Tunisia. "He did not choose to notify us of his resignation," the spokesman said.