Citat:The strike came as the US general who led the first stage of the coalition air campaign in Libya maintained it was unlikely the rebel forces could oust Kadhafi, saying the conflict appeared to be turning into a stalemate.
General Carter Ham said the international bombing raids had succeeded in protecting civilians for the most part but that Kadhafi's regime probably would not be removed by military means.
Citat:France's Foreign Minister Alain Juppe, however, took a more optimistic view, saying Kadhafi's regime would inevitably fall.
In Washington, McCain and some other members of the Senate Armed Services Committee slammed the Obama administration for taking what they called a half-hearted approach to the war, saying removing Kadhafi should be part of the military mission.
Kada čitaš ovaj članak i onu izjavu od ministra odbrane, da dok je on na dužnosti američka vojska neće da stavi nogu u Libiji je jasna ocjena vojske. da nikako neće dozvoliti da je opet uvuku i ovo avanturu.
Da mislim, da su pametniji bili ovi koji ćekaju jasniju situaciji. A nafta....U Irak su Kinezi odmah posle "oslobođenja" doveli jaku ekipu, naučila sve jezike i dialekte i posle sklapala posle. Kao što sam več napisao, na jugu Iraka nema američkih naftnih kompanija.
I ona napomena one žene, da će se saradnja sa Srbijom posle rata gledati skozi naočale sadašnjega mlakog odaziva i zbog kao srbskih plačenika u Libiji na strani Gadafija. Njoj je neko to stavio u usta i ona to rekla. Ali ako ne pobede biće obrnuto, zar ne?
NATO je podeljen i ništa neće ići na bolje. I Ameri su skeptični u vezi naoružavanja pobunjenika.
Citat:As an example, he cited the danger that militants could seize some of the estimated 20,000 shoulder-launched missiles in Libya, calling it "a regional and an international concern."