Pa jeste li videli kada sam napisao za Bregu.Tada je se znalo i za Ras Lanuf.Ali ajde da se ne istrcavam.Neki pametnjakovici odmah traze izvor.A onda ga ne prihvate.
Gledao sam danas pomno direktan prenos rata (zauzimanje Gadafijeve rezidenicije), u stvari vecinom je bio audio prenos ali izvjezbano uvo moze prepoznati elemente borbe. Bliske borbe nema bez rucnih bombi, ucestale potmule eksplozije znace da neko vrsi napad na neprijatelja koji ne odstupa i takodje se brani bombama, krvi do koljena... Ovo danas je bila obicna predstava sto se i vidjelo na kasnijim snimcima pobunjenickih pikapova (koji meni najvise lice na bande iz Pobjesnjelog Maksa 2 .
Smio bi se zakleti da Gadafi u ovoj rezidenciji nije bio jos od prve noci bombardovanja .
Ih da mu je sad jedna Pustinjska lisica ..
edit: evo prikazuju nekog sa gadafijevom kapom kao svojevremeno pripadnike 500SS padobranskog bataljona sa Brozovom uniformom, uzgred kako ovaj Gadafi nikad nije napredovao od cina pukovnika?
U napadu su ucestvovali SAS, Legionari, Jordanski i Katarski specijalci, to prenose Izraelci:
Citat:debkafile's military sources report that British, French, Jordanian and Qatari Special Operations forces Tuesday, Aug. 23, spearheaded the rebel "killer strike" on Muammar Qaddafi's regime and Tripoli fortress at Bab al-Azaziya, Tripoli. This was the first time Western and Arab ground troops had fought together on the same battlefield in any of the Arab revolts of the last nine months and the first time Arab soldiers took part in a NATO operation.
Our military sources report that the British deployed SAS commandoes and France, 2REP (Groupe des commando parachutiste), which is similar to the US Navy DELTA unit, as well as DINOP commandos. Fighting too were Jordan's Royal Special Forces, specialists in urban combat and capturing fortified installations like the Qaddafi compound in Tripoli, and the Qatari Special Forces, which were transferred from Benghazi where they guarded rebel Transitional National Council leaders.
NN ::U napadu su ucestvovali SAS, Legionari, Jordanski i Katarski specijalci, to prenose Izraelci:
Citat:debkafile's military sources report that British, French, Jordanian and Qatari Special Operations forces Tuesday, Aug. 23, spearheaded the rebel "killer strike" on Muammar Qaddafi's regime and Tripoli fortress at Bab al-Azaziya, Tripoli. This was the first time Western and Arab ground troops had fought together on the same battlefield in any of the Arab revolts of the last nine months and the first time Arab soldiers took part in a NATO operation.
Our military sources report that the British deployed SAS commandoes and France, 2REP (Groupe des commando parachutiste), which is similar to the US Navy DELTA unit, as well as DINOP commandos. Fighting too were Jordan's Royal Special Forces, specialists in urban combat and capturing fortified installations like the Qaddafi compound in Tripoli, and the Qatari Special Forces, which were transferred from Benghazi where they guarded rebel Transitional National Council leaders.
A došli u prazan kompleks. Koji ceo dan branio vjerovatno jedan vod.