Rat u Libiji, 2011-2020. godina


Rat u Libiji, 2011-2020. godina

  • Pridružio: 03 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 257

MarKhan ::BRATORIII ::Da li je jos 'otvorena' putna komunikacija izmedju Sirta i Tripolija Question

Pogledaj kartu i videćeš da se između Sirta i Tripolija nalazi grad Misrata kojeg drže pobunjenici.

Ima put preko Bani Waled-a Mr. Green , ko sada kontrolise taj grad Question

Citat:BBC: ....Meanwhile, the rebels are building up their forces around the town of Bin Jawad, preparing for an assault on Sirte, about 100km (60 miles) to the west.

The BBC's Paul Wood, who is with the rebels, says their mood is still buoyant, despite running into unexpectedly stiff resistance.

Rebel commanders think the fighting on the road to Sirte could last another three or four days, our correspondent says.

Rebelsici se prikupljaju kod Bin Jawad-a za napad na Sirt

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 19 Jul 2011
  • Poruke: 336
  • Gde živiš: na Marsu...

Ljudi, to je jednostavna matematika; kad je Libijska armija ubijala ove naoružane kriminalce, onda su svi mogući mediji govorili kako Gadafi ubija civile i kako čini genocid nad vlastitim narodom i kako se NATO treba uključiti u akciju da bi spasio civile. Kad pobunjenici kolju sve živo i mrtvo, nitko ne priča o tome i nitko ne poziva NATO da spašava civile. Ne živimo u pravednom svijetu, život je sirov i naše društvo ima kriminalni ustroj. Tko je jači taj tlači. Tako je uvijek i bilo.

  • Pridružio: 10 Feb 2010
  • Poruke: 3862

BRATORIII ::Ima put preko Bani Waled-a Mr. Green , ko sada kontrolise taj grad Question

Svejedno, kad su svuda oko Tripolija pobunjenici.

  • Pridružio: 03 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 257

Citat: NATO brifing
Sorties conducted 25 AUGUST: 133
Strike sorties conducted 25 AUGUST:46

Key Hits 25 AUGUST:
In the vicinity of Tripoli: 1 Command and Control Node, 1 Surface to Air Missile Transloader, 1 Surface to AirMissile Launcher.

In the vicinity of Sirte: 29 Armed Vehicles, 1 Command and Control Node.

Arms Embargo Activities

A total of 16 ships under NATO command are actively patrolling the Central Mediterranean.
25 Vessels were hailed on 25 AUGUST to determine destination and cargo. 0 boarding's ( 0 denied) were Missile Launcher.[/b]

I sinoc se zestoko bombardovalo, i ako je sve 'gotovo' Neutral

Oko Tripolija ima jos ostataka PVO Shocked ,i ako nisu opasni za svaki slucaj su ih gadjali

  • Pridružio: 28 Jan 2008
  • Poruke: 520

Posto si citirao proruku o bombarovanju PVO sistema, moram reci da je njima zaista potrebna obuka. Kako o rukovanju tako i o odrzavanju, za 6 meseci bombardovanja nisu naneli nikakve gubitke protivniku.

  • Pridružio: 19 Jul 2011
  • Poruke: 336
  • Gde živiš: na Marsu...

..UN je jučer ili danas izjavio kako će poslati milijun dolara pomoći Libiji kako bi se oporavila od rata...Oni će najbogatijom zemlji Afrike koja je ima toliko veliki prosperitet poslati milijun dolara! A jedna jedina bomba koja je ubijala po Libije košta milijun dolara.

  • Pridružio: 03 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 257

Citat:BBC: Rebels appear to target black-skinned people in Tripoli. They think blacks are sympathisers of Gaddafi. This is wrong. It should be condemned and the leadership of rebels should tell their fighters to stop it immediately.

  • Pridružio: 03 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 257

hawkeye ::Posto si citirao proruku o bombarovanju PVO sistema, moram reci da je njima zaista potrebna obuka. Kako o rukovanju tako i o odrzavanju, za 6 meseci bombardovanja nisu naneli nikakve gubitke protivniku.

Citat:....If British reports are correct, Libya still uses a modification of the same kind of Central Command Center and regional Sector Operations Centers that the Former Soviet Union set up in Algeria, Syria, Iraq, and many othercountries dependent on FSU arms and aid. The Libyan system, however, was upgraded more than Algeria’s before the breakup of the Soviet Union. Soviet high capacity communications systems have been installed, and extensive use is made of buried land lines to reduce the electronic and physical vulnerability of the system. The Air Defense
Command also seems to have been upgraded with relatively modern early warning radars, and electronic warfare equipment.

These problems led Libya to make the acquisition of new surface-to-air missiles a key priority once sanctions were suspended in April 1999. Libya sought a new air defense system from Russia based on the S-300PMU1 and S-300PMU2 air defense missiles and their supporting radars and C4 systems. Price was still a major issue during the Russian-Libyan negotiations in 2000, however, and Libya evidently looked at Belarus and Ukrainian versions of the
same system
The obsolescence of Libya’s aging Soviet-supplied surface-to-air missiles is scarcely its only problem. Operator training and proficiency remains low. The system is over-centralized and has relatively slow data process and limited automated analysis capability. Ergonomics and data interfaces are poor and the system is vulnerable to electronic warfare and anti-radiation missiles. Overall alert rates are poor to mediocre, and Libyan operators have not fully adapted to the use of Soviet automated systems. It is also unlikely that Libya's electronic warfare assets
give it much protection against the level of jamming and countermeasure technology that the U.S. deployed in Operation Desert Storm and Desert Fox....


  • Pridružio: 03 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 257

Bolnica u naselju Abu Salim (juzni deo Tripolija)

  • Rohoje  Male
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Iztok
  • management
  • Pridružio: 12 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 561
  • Gde živiš: Slovenija





Zapadni mediji pa i naši Slovenski i ne pominju šta se sada tamo dešava. Eh, moja demokraciju....

Pišu o onoj Condelize, pa o bunkerima,.......a narod u Libiji kolju ko stoku.

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