Citat:The official reports coming over the Western media are false, Gaddafi is alive – injured or not, RT was told by Stephen Lendman, an American radio host, author and blogger, who got the news from the independent Mathaba news agency.
“I’m very skeptical of the so-called official reports,” at least media from NATO countries taking part in the Libyan campaign should be distrusted.
The blogger also does not believe the latest news that one of Gaddafi's sons, Mutasim, has also reportedly just been killed in Sirte.
“Western media reports are absolutely falsified – Sirte is not controlled by the NTC, neither is Bani Walid, and as a matter of fact, Tripoli as well,” states Stephen Lendman, saying he admires the loyalist forces who, after seven months of hard stand-off against the world’s most advanced military powers, have the ability to continue fight against Western-led mercenaries.
“Western media is lying, the official reports are lying – the balance is going back and force,” he claims.
Stephen Lendman informs that as far as he knows, most of the Libyan cities – including that of Benghazi – are under loyalist control.
Овај је луђи (загриженији) чак од неких овде на форуму! По њему, а на основу извештаја Mathaba , Гадафи је жив, лажу западни медији, жив је и Мутасим, а лојалисти држе Сирт, Дани Валид, Триполи, чак и Бенгази. Хилари је слетела ко зна где и право је чудо да је нису оборили. Мајко мила