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Napisano: 16 Jun 2013 19:44
May 29, 2013 · by AVIC · in Geopolitics , War , Valentin Vasilescu . ·
25 Votes
I explained in a previous article that the cordon for the conquest of Damascus from November 2012 to February 5, 2013 executed by the rebels, was completed by a major disaster for the army supposedly releasing Syria. This allowed the national army of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to take the initiative and trigger a general offensive which will lead inevitably to the end of the civil war.
(See: Syria, a test for Israel's survival )
Alongside these land battles took place in the Mediterranean more complex war between Russian and American fleets with strategic maneuvering and repositioning extremely risky, according to all the rules of modern military art. Without firing a single shot, this confrontation movement was won categorically, for the first time since the Cold War, by Russia. That is why the Western press pasting remained silent about it.
Firstly, the Eastern Mediterranean, off the Syrian coast, appeared 502 Task Force Attack Group of the Sixth Fleet of the United States, including an aircraft carrier (George Bush?) With 80 on board -90 aircraft and helicopters. His mission was to position itself to be able to launch air strikes against targets in Damascus, the Syrian army encircled by the rebels, helping them to overcome the resistance of the Syrian army and seize power. But the Russians have thwarted U.S. intentions immediately interposing between Task Force 502 and the Syrian coast, the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, which was carrying a group of 24 multi-role aircraft, SU-33 and MIG- KUB 29, four Sukhoi Su-25UTG/UBP, 16 helicopters and anti-submarine Kamov Ka-27PLO. The aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov is armed from12 missile sea-sea P-700 Granit, whose speed is Mach 2.5 with a range of 625 km. Well above sea-sea RGM-84 Harpoon (speed 864 km / h, range 125 km) missiles were equipped destroyers and frigates of the American escort in Task Force 502. The Kuznetsov was escorted by the destroyer and frigate Admiral Ciabanenko missile Ladnâi. For 40 days, the U.S. naval group tried to protect an intense radar jamming, to open a passage to the Syrian coast bypassing Russian device, but in vain. This first phase ended with the withdrawal of the two theater groups formed around the U.S. aircraft carrier.
But the Americans had not given up so far, and this part of the Mediterranean, off the Syrian coast, the Sixth Fleet had maintained a patrol of three Arleigh Burke class destroyers armed with 110 cruise missiles BGM-109 ( Tactical Tomahawk) with a radius of 1600 km, designed to attack ground targets. This is why, in the period January to 4 February 2013, the cruiser Moskva, the destroyer Severomorsk destroyer Smetlivâi (armed sea-sea Uran missiles, similar performance to RGM-84 Harpoon missiles U.S.) and the frigate Yaroslav were used in combat exercises in the Mediterranean, off the coast of Syria. Also participated in these exercises amphibious ships Saratov, Azov, Kaliningrad and Aleksandr Shabalin, and maritime patrol aircraft wide range and strategic bombers of the 4th Russian Air Army.
The cruiser Moskva is armed with 8 x 8 missile launchers S-300 PMU Favorit, specialized to shoot down missiles and sea-sea cruise. I wrote in a previous article that when flying at low altitude due to uneven terrain, cruise missiles can be shot down by the S-300 systems from 40 to 70 km away. When operating above the sea, their distance is doubled and with it the scope of S-300 missiles. The cruiser Moskva also has 16 missile launchers sea-sea Bazalt P-500 has a range of 550 km and with the same speed as the P-700 Granit (Mach 2.5). For this reason, if the three American destroyers had fired the first salvo of cruise missiles to Syria, she was the last of their lives. Under these conditions, the penetration of the coast of Syria by U.S. cruise missiles became impossible.
In early February 2013, with the collapse of the armed forces say liberation of Syria, besieging Damascus, the game of cat and mouse between the Russian and American naval groups in the eastern Mediterranean paused. The ships of the fleet of the Russian Black Sea, led by the cruiser Moskva return to their base in the Crimea, and their place in the Russian naval force in the Mediterranean have been taken by other ships, which today consist mainly destroyers, anti-submarine Admiral Panteleev, Severomorsk and frigate Yaroslav Mudrâi.
By removing the cruiser Moskva (that is to say, the S-300 missiles on board Favorite PMU) near the coast of Syria, the Russians have deliberately left Syrian airspace defenseless, deliberately attracting Israelis in trap. They rushed into the breach with their planes by raids on the nights of 3/4 and 4/5 May 2013, in order to undermine the Syrian government's military offensive.
Unlike previous off Syria device, the present Russian ships currently in the Mediterranean are equipped for anti-submarine with missiles torpedo Viuga RPK-2 (range 45 km) and RU-100, RPK -6/7 veter (range 120 km) moving immersion at speeds of 400 km, using cavitation. Is powered by a solid rocket fuel, they can easily switch to air marine environment, and fly at Mach 1.5. Exactly as planned at the headquarters of the Russian Navy after the Israeli bombardment of 3/4 and 4/5 May 2013, U.S. naval forces were sent to patrol the eastern Mediterranean near the island of Crete, two submarines of Attack Ohio class nuclear-powered (and Florida-SSBN-728/SSGN-728 Georgia-SSBN-729/SSGN-729), 18,000 tons. The submarine Florida participated in operations in Libya in March 2011, when he launched 93 cruise missiles, 90 had worked and landfall.
By Valentin Vasilescu , aviation pilot, former deputy commander of military forces at Otopeni Airport, graduate of Military Science at the Academy of Military Studies in Bucharest in 1992.
Dopuna: 16 Jun 2013 20:14
Interesantan osvrt bivšeg guvernera ili guvernerke Alaske na krizu u Siriji.
Konferencija u Londonu - Putin poručio Zapadu: "Planirate slati oružje ljudima koji jedu ljudske organe?"
F.E.vrijeme objave: Nedjelja - 16. 06. 2013 | 20:00
FOTO: RIA Novosti
Danas su se u Londonu sastali britanski premijer David Cameron i ruski predsjednik Vladimir Putin, neposredno pred početak održavanja G8 summita u Sjevernoj Irskoj. Jedna od centralnih tema bila je aktualni sukob u Siriji i informacije kako se zapadne sile spremaju na uvođenje "zone zabrane leta" iznad Sirije kao i direktno naoružavanje militanata u Siriji.
Nakon sastanka dvojica državnika održali su press konferenciju. Cameron je naglasio važnost ekonomske suradnje između Britanije i Rusije te je temu o Siriji ostavio za kraj svog izlaganja. Istaknuo je kako su stajališta Londona i Moskve i dalje različita po nekim pitanjima oko Sirije, no, ističe kako se oboje slažu da se "sukob mora što prije završiti". Cameron je komentar o Siriji započeo diplomatskim tonom no uskoro je nastavio žešće optuživši sirijskog predsjednika Bashara al-Assada za svo krvoproliće u zemlji ističući kako "ubija djecu".
Sa svoje strane, Putin je istaknuo kako se ne može za krvoproliće kriviti samo jedna strana u konfliktu. Naročito je bio upečatljiv njegov komentar po pitanju početka naoružavanja militanata od strane zapadnih sila. "Složiti ćete se da ne bi trebalo podupirati ljude koji ne samo da ubijaju svoje neprijatelje, već im i otvaraju tijela te jedu njihove unutarnje organe pred kamerama. Zar su ovo ljudi koje želite podupirati?", istaknuo je ruski predsjednik.
"Njima planirate slati oružje? Onda ovo ima jako malo veze s humanitarnim vrednotama koje Europa propagira već stotinama godina", rekao je Putin. Britanski premijer nije direktno odgovorio na ovaj komentar ruskog predsjednika.
Na pitanje novinarke BBC-a zašto bi samo jedna strana u sukobu mogla dobivati oružje, referirajući se na činjenicu da Rusija šalje oružje sirijskoj vojsci, Putin je istaknuo: "Ako razgovaramo mirno, želio bih naglasiti kako Rusija snabdijeva oružjem legitimnu vlast Sirije u punom skladu s normama međunarodnog zakona te ovim putem pozivamo naše partnere da se također ponašaju na isti način". U ovom komentaru ključne su dvije stvari - Putin je potvrdio kako je Assadova vlada legitimna vlast u Siriji te je suptilno sugerirao premijeru Cameronu da će on i njegovi saveznici kršiti međunarodni zakon ukoliko krenu s naoružavanjem militanata u Siriji.
Već sada je jasno kako će Sirija također biti jedna od centralnih tema za vrijeme predstojećeg G8 summita. Na Rusiju se vrši snažan pritisak, no ako se može suditi prema današnjem držanju ruskog predsjednika, taj pritisak za sada ne daje nikakve rezultate.
Podsjetimo, ruski ministar vanjskih poslova Sergej Lavrov upozorio je zapadne sile da ne kreću s naoružavanjem pobunjenika. Također je naglasio, pozivajući se na međunarodne zakone, kako se Rusija protiv bilo kakvom uspostavljanju zone zabrane leta iznad Sirije (vidi: Sergej Lavrov: "Sirijska vlada nije pritisnuta uza zid da bi koristila kemijsko oružje").