Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2009
  • Poruke: 572

Ako Sirija ima pravo na neke uslove to je da traži da se izraelski nuklearni program stavi pod međunarodnu kontrolu.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Napisano: 12 Sep 2013 23:46

Binis pored Idliba je pod velikim pritiskom,vojska pritiska teroriste da se povuku iz grada


Dopuna: 12 Sep 2013 23:48

Неко моје размишљање да би после рата Сирија требала да затражи од Русија размештање нуклеарних ракета на територију Сирији као против тежа Израелу све док Израел не дозволи улазак инспектрима агенције за атомску енергију у Израел и контролу над њиховим оружије.
То је тешко изводљиво јер Израел има јак лоби.

Dopuna: 13 Sep 2013 0:00

Нешто је мени око хемикалија овде сумњиво,а то је како одједном Сирија жели да преда хемикалије која је 20 година правила,али можда одговор лежи у Грзији.
Реално гледајући хемиско оружије је застарело тј,није тешко да се неутралишу последице од напада,али Биоолошко оружије зезнутије.
САД је у Грузији отворио војнобиолошку лабораторију.
Русија можда спрема одговор на ово на граници Израела тј у Сирији,да подаре Сиријји веће количине биолошког оружија и још лабораторију у Сирији.
Ово је неко моје размишљање јер ако САД може да наоружа Грузију зашто Русија неби могла Сирију.

Dopuna: 13 Sep 2013 0:01

Po poslednjim podacima,posle Maloule ide se na Jabrud,krece se sa zatvaranjem Libanske granice.

Jimmy NS

Dopuna: 13 Sep 2013 0:04

U Darai vojska trebi teroriste kao vaske


Al-Ghaariyya East and West: The #SAA engaged a pack of Jabhat Al-Nusra rats here and killed these:

'Abdullah Mahmoud Al-Shuraybi (#LIBYAN #COCKROACH)
Khaldoon 'Abdullah Al-Ma'aayita (#JORDANIAN ANT VOMIT)
Sufyaan 'Ali Ghawbashi
Hassan Ahmad Al-Muhammad

Another 4 could not be identified and are deemed foreign.

Sahm Al-Jawlaan: #NDF calls in SAA help to kill a pack of rats. The battle was at night and, therefore, no
details are available.
Al-Bassaala: SAA killed these rabid skunks:

Wadhdhaah Mabrook
Hussayn Al-'Issaami
Muhammad 'Abdul-Razzaaq
Muhammad Sabaahi
Mugheera Hassoona

'Ayn Dhikir: A firefight resulted in 3 rat #deaths. No details.

Izra': Ziad's old ancestral hometown in the #Hawraan. A pitched battle was fought yesterday outside the city to the south. These crawling vermin were identified:

Bahjaat Al-Mustafaa
Mahmoud Rawwaabeen
Saaleh Hawaazima

Another 11 could not be identified.

Al-Shaykh Miskeen (Var. Shmiskeen): SAA sharpshooters walloped these feral pigs and sent them to the big barbie in the 6th circle:

Raashed Abu-'Abdullah
Maazen Shallah
Hussayn Al-Khateeb
Faarooq Mur'ibi

Another 3 could not be identified. No documents. Foreign.

#Inkhil: An attack on an SAA checkpoint was repelled with these apes left behind:

'Alaa' 'Abdul-Razzaaq Al-Farwaan
Mushtaaq Ramzi Al-Hammood
'Abdul-Malek Ahmad Al-Naasser

Al-Shaykh Hussayn: 10 rats killed but no details. SAFI operation.

#Taseel: 2 dead rats. No details. No papers. Foreign.

Al-Makraz: One confirmed dead rats and the other 3 no papers:

Muhammad Diyaab Al-Hakeem

Al-Lijaat: Jabhat Al-Nusra was clobbered by superb SAA tactics:

Saayel Harbaji
Muhammad Zayn Al-'Aabideen
Sa'eed Al-Kurdi
'Abdul-Rahmaan Al-Hujjaaj

Another 2 were not identified.

'Itmaan: A uniquely delicate operation by SF nets these rat droppings:

Khaaled Sultaan Al-Zurayq
Bilaal Ibraaheem Al-Shara' (A distant relative of the present Veep)
Khaaled Ramzi Zurayqaat

#Nawaa: On the road between Naahita and East Al-Mulayha at the Industrial School, the SAA killed 4 running rats. Another pack was able to escape into the night. We have to get Bandar to send us more night vision goggles. Gosh!

Al-Yaadooda: SAA killed these pests:

Mahmoud Al-Shamdeen Al-Haari
'Ursaan Ibraaheem Khunayfis

DER'AH THE CITY: Police and Political Security agents surrounded and wiped out these:
Taareq Ibraaheem Muhammad Al-Masaalima (RAT LEADER OF THE "FAWJ AL-FURSAAN AL AWWAL" YAWN)

The other carcasses are still being identified.


  • sezan  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2008
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nelsa ::mikidragi ::malo akcijskih junaka Very Happy


Moram priznati da se ovako nisam nasmijao odavno,svaka čast.

TAkodje. Dobro "izrezirano" i podeljene uloge...pravi su bioskop ovi teroristi... Laughing

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Napisano: 13 Sep 2013 0:10

Snimak iz Maloule pre nego sto ce se teroristi povuci iz grada

Dopuna: 13 Sep 2013 0:16


Dopuna: 13 Sep 2013 0:19

Nesrecni novinar bio svedok"prijateljske rasprave izmedju dojucerasnjih prijatelja"


Dopuna: 13 Sep 2013 0:23

Lavrov: there is still one chance for holding Geneva 2 conference

  • Nebojša Đokić
  • vojni istoričar
  • Pridružio: 03 Jun 2010
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  • Gde živiš: Novi Beograd

Ne znam da li je bilo ako jeste neka moderator obriše.

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

SAA stizu nova pojacanja u Barzeh


F b

  • Pridružio: 29 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 5404

ltcolonel ::Ne znam da li je bilo ako jeste neka moderator obriše.

Koliko se procenjuje da Sirijci imaju ukupno balistickih projektila dometa 100 i vise km. Na osnovu ovoga i nekih informacija na koje sam ranije naletio moglo bi se zakljuciti da Sirija raspolaze sa par hiljada takvih raketa.

  • HAGER 
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 24 Jan 2013
  • Poruke: 18

youtu.be/V4S8Vyn_0MI Cetiri tenka unistena u nekim planinama Anaz.Tu se vodi borba oko neke ceste sto Alepo veze sa jugom i veoma je bitna za SAA.Podrucje grada Dara je skoro u potpunom okruzenju a negdje je navodno i zauzet citav tenkovski bataljon,mislim isto podrucje Daree je u pitanju

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Napisano: 13 Sep 2013 1:40

Може извор те информације за Дара колико ја имам информација Дрекавци гину ту као луди имаш списак на прошлој страни. Мало је батаљон заробили су све тенкове које има САА,дај те имало озбиљности није ово тема као она прошла где су главни докази снимци и нагађања.

Dopuna: 13 Sep 2013 1:46

TEHRAN (FNA)- UN-based diplomats said inspectors' report will not blame the Syrian government for the August 21 chemical attack near Damascus.

Under the UN mandate, the inspectors are only authorized to conclude whether chemical weapons have been used in Syria, not assign responsibility for their use, according to Foreign Policy Magazine.

The evidence are based on an examination of spent rocket casings, ammunition, and laboratory tests of soil, blood, and urine samples, on the use of chemical agents.

"I know they have gotten very rich samples -- biomedical and environmental -- and they have interviewed victims, doctors and nurses," said the western official on Thursday. "It seems they are very happy with the wealth of evidence they got. "

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said earlier today that a report by United Nations inspectors will "probably" be published only on Monday. "It will say that there was a chemical massacre," Fabius told French radio.

The inspectors left Syria on August 31 after collecting samples as part of their probe into the attack.

The West and the foreign-backed militants in Syria accused the Syrian government of gassing to death at least 1,400 Syrians on the 21 of August in a Damascus suburb. But the Syrian officials have strongly dismissed the accusation.

The UN Human Rights Chief Navi Pillay has told the 47-nation Human Rights Council that there is little doubt that chemical weapons were used in Syria, but she did not say which of the combatants was suspected of using them.

Pillay opened the council's month-long session telling diplomats that "all the circumstances and responsibilities remain to be clarified." She added that the use of chemical weapons is "one of the gravest crimes that can be committed."


Dopuna: 13 Sep 2013 1:48

Syria will send address on chemical weapons to UN in next few days - Assad..


Dopuna: 13 Sep 2013 1:49

Syria will not fulfill agreement on chemical weapons transfer until U.S. stops making threats - Assad.

Dopuna: 13 Sep 2013 1:51

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said the Middle East, primarily Israel, should be free from weapons of mass destruction.

"When we proposed a project to liquidate stores of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East, the United States impeded the project. One of the reasons was to allow Israel to have such weapons," Assad said in an interview with Rossiya 24 television.

"If we want stability in the Middle East, all countries should adhere to agreements and the first country to adhere to the agreements should be Israel because Israel has nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and all types of weapons of mass destruction," he said.

По овоме испада да Асад уцењује САД да мора и Израел да се одрекне оружија за масовно уништење.

  • Pridružio: 08 Feb 2011
  • Poruke: 154

@ Iskander M

Evo za Daru mapa: fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-.....4879_n.jpg ( vec je bio postavio Klavikula)

a evo ga i cuveni bradonja( jos je ziv) u bazi kod Atmana, na vrhu mape, fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-.....5186_n.png

prema tome SAA je u gradu Dari u izuzetno teskoj situaciji, jer preti opasnost, da im preseku i ovaj zadnji put, iz pravca Kirbet Gazala....

a evo i kako se objasnjava uspeh FSA u okolini Dare( dobar deo je propaganda, al zanimljivo je ovo oko Saudijskih agenata) :

,,THE ATMAN BASE FALLS IN THE HANDS OF THE REBELLION AS EXPECTED BY LA CHRONIQUE ... / THE SIEGE REINFORCES ON THE LAST LOYALISTS IN DARAA – LA CHRONIQUE INFORMATION - The Liwa Mu'taz Billah, related to the Free Syrian Army, composed of Syrian natives of Daraa, Tafas and Da'el, has monitored this operation with a master hand. On this morning of September 11, 2013, the Western base of Atman is completely under rebel control. A victory that was expected: La Chronique suspects that defectors members of the Liwa have been recently re-trained in Jordan by Saudian agents, explaining that such an organization, which proves that it is not the number of local rebels that is the issue here, but the lack of training, organization and weapons. These last two points settled, the rebellion wins more than 7 out of 10 commitments in fighting against even forces ...

At the same time, the small town of Atman is more and more under rebel control, which already controls the western and eastern accesses to Daraa (via Yadoudeh and Naima). Suffice to say that the rebel trap closes gradually suffocating the few pockets of loyalists still in Daraa, who had better surrender rather than persisting while the rebellion progresses at breakneck speed in the southern governorate in recent months. This would prevent unnecessary bloodbath.,,

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