Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina

  • Pridružio: 02 Mar 2013
  • Poruke: 349

O cemu vi pricate kakva izdaja? Shocked

hahaha najjaci mi je taj adut "Pogledajte kako su nas '99 izdali".Mi smo 40 godina lizali d*pe Zapadu,sisali njihov novac,pa kada je dosao payday onda zakukali Rusima.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 13 Jun 2007
  • Poruke: 2409
  • Gde živiš: South of Heaven

Dixy ::Rusi izdali Siriju ??? NEMOGUCE Mr. Green
Na pamet mi pada odobrenje vojne intervencije od strane UN (orkestrirana amerikom),zbog "buduceg" ne postovanja dogovora o stavljanju pod kontrolu i unistenje hemijskog oruzija...To je pesimisticko vidjenje stvari.
Ali mozda ipak unistenje hemijskog oruzija bude sprovedeno i potvrdjeno u celosti od UN,pa konacno nakar zapadnjaci batale Sirijce da u svom gradjanskom ratu odluce o vlastitoj sudbini...

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Napisano: 14 Sep 2013 21:22

Disarming Syria brings Israel’s suspected WMD arsenals into focus
One way to reduce the tensions surrounding the Syrian crisis would be for Israel to also give up its alleged stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons. Both Russia and the US are likely to ask Israel to dismantle its stocks.

Recently declassified CIA documents suggest that Israel secretly built up its own stockpile of chemical and biological weapons decades ago. This has added more fuel to the lingering complaint of Arab states, who accuse Israel of possessing nuclear weapons.

Syria has often spoken of its estimated 1,000-ton chemical weapons stockpile as a deterrent against another military conflict with Israel.

“The chemical weapons in Syria are a mere deterrence against the Israeli nuclear arsenal,” announced Syrian UN Ambassador Bashar Jaafari, referring to the declassified CIA report on Israel's chemical weapons program.

“It's a deterrent weapon and now the time has come for the Syrian government to join the CWC as a gesture to show our willingness to be against all weapons of mass destruction,” he said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, generally perceived in the west as Syria’s main protector, said Tuesday: “It's well known that Syria has a certain arsenal of chemical weapons and the Syrians always viewed that as an alternative to Israel's nuclear weapons.”

Now the Syrian government is suggesting it may not decommission its chemical weapons stockpiles unless its neighbors do likewise.

“The main danger of WMD is the Israeli nuclear arsenal,” said Bashar Jaafari, Syria's ambassador to the UN, last Thursday, stressing that Israel also possesses chemical weapons but “nobody is speaking about that.”

Such statements put the Syrian chemical weapons crisis into a new perspective. The US administration has for decades refused to discuss Israeli arsenals that allegedly contain nuclear warheads. By bringing the issue to an international discussion, Damascus might put the Obama administration into an awkward position.

There has already been a reaction from Washington, when the State Department spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki said that the US will never accept attempts to compare Syrian regime with “thriving democracy” of Israel which “doesn't brutally slaughter and gas its own people,” she said.

Traditionally, Israeli officials never comment on accusations that the country possesses WMD, pointing out that Israel lives under constant threats from Middle East countries such as Iran, Lebanon and Syria.

Israel signed the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), which came into force in 1997, but has never ratified it. It remains to be seen whether Tel Aviv will now ratify it, as well the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention.

“Some of these states don't recognize Israel's right to exist and blatantly call to annihilate it...These threats cannot be ignored by Israel, in the assessment of possible ratification of the convention,” the WDSJ reported Israeli government spokesman Jonathan Peled as saying.

So far, the CWC has been signed and ratified by 189 countries, with only seven states refusing to join the Convention.

On Thursday, Syria’s UN envoy announced that his country had technically joined the CWC.

“Legally speaking Syria has become, starting today, a full member of the [CWC] convention,” Syrian UN Ambassador Bashar Jaafari said, after submitting Syria’s documents to the UN. He said that President Bashar Assad had signed a decree approving Syria’s accession to the convention, with the country’s Foreign Minister Walid Mouallem also informing the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons of Damascus’s decision to join the convention.

But an anonymous source in the UN told Reuters that the organization is still busy studying the documents.

“I think there are a few more steps they have to take [before Syria is a signatory] but that's why we're studying the document,” a UN official told Reuters.

The Washington Post reported that the Obama administration does not exclude the possibility that Syria’s chemical weapons stockpiles could be taken to Russia for utilization, though Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Saturday there was no plan yet as to which country will take on the task.

Syria agreed to give up its chemical weapons after several hundred people died in a gas attack in a suburb of Damascus on August 21. Washington accused the Assad government of staging the attack and threatened to launch missile strikes against military targets inside the country. The Syrian government flatly denied all the allegations, blaming the rebel forces backed by the west and the Gulf states for the chemical attack. Considering the imminent threat of foreign invasion, Damascus agreed to Moscow’s proposal to give up chemical weapons altogether.

Saturday’s talks between US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russia’s Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, resulted in a preliminary agreement on decommissioning Syria’s chemical weapons and for a Geneva-2 peace conference to resolve the crisis politically.

While Kerry stressed possible sanctions and punishment to be implemented on the Assad government if it fails its honor its promises, Lavrov said the general aim was to make the Middle East a place “free of WMD.”

Once Syria joins the Chemical Weapons Convention, only Israel, Angola, Burma, Egypt, North Korea and South Sudan will remain outside the group.

Ivan Fursov, RT

Напакон да су бар у разматрање узели и оржије за масовно уништење Израела,још када би упесли да им одузму.

Dopuna: 14 Sep 2013 21:31

Last night, spec ops units from the 3rd armored division of the Syrian Arab Army succeed in pushing the terrorists that were surrounding the 81st armored brigade to the village of Yabroud therefore breaking the siege off the brigade.

13 captured soldiered and officers were liberated by the operation as well, we managed to get the following names of the liberated comrades:

1. First Lieutenant Yousif Jdeed
2. First Lieutenant Fadi Dayoub
3. Private Younis Wanous
4. Private Durgham Mayhob
5. Private Ayham Ali Ibraheem
ФБ(Страница САА)

  • Pridružio: 10 Feb 2013
  • Poruke: 19

Дилеме НАТО-а...
РАСМУСЕН ОБАМИ: "Ако не нападнемо испашћемо пичке!"
ОБАМА: "Ако нападнемо можда добијемо по сред...."
КАМЕРОН: "Па за шта смо терористима онда кој ђаво слали хемијско оружије."
МЕРКЕЛ: "Ми смо им слали сарин?"
КАМЕРОН: "Јок, направили га у кухињи."
РАСМУСЕН: "Ови терористи у Сирији имају само средњу терористичку школу, како се прави сарин учи се тек на трећој години терористичког факултета у оквиру летње школе ЦИА."
ОБАМА: "Значи... Ако не прође прича са хемијским оружијем онда нам остаје сигурица - геноцид?!"
МЕРКЕЛ: "Добра идеја, геноцид и ратни злочин. Таман ће временом заборавити наше..."
МЕРКЕЛ: "Мислим... Таман сам опрала чаше..."
ОБАМА: "Аха. Звао сам Путина да питам је л' им дао оне С-300. Каже да идемо у Сирију да проверимо. Никад нисам волео његове шале..."
РАСМУСЕН: "Можда да ипак наставимо само да шаљемо терористима оружије и да их обучавамо... И онако нешто лоше слутим још од самита Г-8 када ми је премијер Кине Ли узео 16 текића само на мидл ист. Никад нећу да заборавим то. Бацам коцкице оно не пада већа од двојке..."
МЕРКЕЛ: "О бре какве сте ви девојчице, не знате ни да ратујете..."
КАМЕРОН: "Немој опет да почињеш Меркелова са твојим Рајхом. Сто пут смо ти рекли да се држиш нас и да сви делимо плен."
ОБАМА: "Добро, овако ћемо... Упашћемо тамо, морамо брзо то да обавимо, највише 15 дана. Ако се одужи прогласимо победу и бежимо. И наравно, Нобелова награда за мир Расмусену!“
РАСМУСЕН: "Ајте сад сви код мене у собу за видео игрице... Направили смо најновије беспилотне летелице само за Сирију. Ко убије Асада бира следећу државу..

  • Pridružio: 02 Mar 2013
  • Poruke: 349

МЕРКЕЛ: "Ми смо им слали сарин?"
КАМЕРОН: "Јок, направили га у кухињи."

hahahahahaha,koja pobeda.

  • Mačak
  • Zavarivač
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 2595
  • Gde živiš: Čačak

Imam jedan predlog ,pošto od tog famoznog napada na Siriju nema ništa , zamolio bih sve prisutne da malo pratimo dešavanja na ratom zahvaćenim područijima , tema se pretvorila u nekakve analize , u Kerijeve i Obamine gluposti kojima ni sami neveruju , pošto svakom sledećom izjavom demantuju onu predhodnu , podsećaju na naše političare u predizbornoj kampanji kada nešto pričaju , a ni sami neveruju u to što govore ,mislim da većinu korisnika foruma zanima kakvo je stanje i dokle se stiglo sa teroristima .


  • su27 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2012
  • Poruke: 2527

slažem se, izgleda da su se i piloti izvještili , evo snimka na kome se pilot nakon što je gađao glavnu metu vratio i zveknuo im "PVO", koliko sam to čekao da vidim.. Smile


  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Napisano: 14 Sep 2013 22:42

The Syrian Arab Army liberated al-Arbaeen mountain in Idlib countryside.

A military source said Friday that the army units tightened control over al-Arbaeen mountain in Idleb countryside after destroying the last terrorists' gatherings in it and seizing their weapons and ammunition.

The source told SANA that the army units seized 3 mortars, rocket launch-pads and large numbers of shells and rockets in al-Arba'en mountain, killing scores of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists who were stationed in al-Ba'aj palace and al-Kimah restaurant.

The source pointed out that other army units destroyed terrorists' dens and gatherings of the so-called terrorist groups " Dra'a al-Jabal Brigade", "Squr al-Sham Brigade", "Ahrar al-Thawra Brigade", "Suyuf al-Haq Brigade", "A'sar al-Sham Brigade", " al-Abbas Brigade", " Fursan al-Quds Battalion", "Ablin Battalion", " Omar al-Faruq Battalion" and "Maghawir Aryha Battalion."

The source pointed out that the army units destroyed large numbers of vehicles equipped with heavy machineguns in the area surrounding al-Arbaeen mountain, killing scores of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists most of them non-Syrians.

Idlib counytuside is considered one of the most terrorist infested areas since it is in direct contact with the Turkish borders.

Artilarey and MRLS reinforcements have been sent for a large military operation in the area but no clear data on when or where exactly the operation will start

Фб(Страница САА)

Dopuna: 14 Sep 2013 22:44

  • Pridružio: 23 Apr 2011
  • Poruke: 1361
  • Gde živiš: Brcko

22.00 - УН саопштио да је од Сирије примио потребну документацију о прикључењу те земље Конвенцији о хемијском оружју и да ће за ту земљу Конвенција ступити на снагу од 14. октобра.

20.35 - УН потврдиле да су примиле сиријску документацију, како би та држава могла да приступи Конвенцији о хемијском оружју, јавља Ројтерс. rts
Alg a zveknu iskustvo cini svoje .

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Napisano: 14 Sep 2013 22:46

This is a must see, and a must share video of a hero from the Syrian Arab Army, these are our morals and there is nothing above the homeland, we win or we die.

Thanks for the page For Mother Syria for the subtitles.

Фб (Страница САА)

Dopuna: 14 Sep 2013 22:51

Situation report 09-11-2013

Army continues hunting terrorists in several provinces

Terrorists in several areas across the country continue to suffer heavy losses as direct strikes are inflicted upon them at the hands of the army units.

Army units eliminate non-Syrian terrorists in Daraa countryside

A military source denied the news broadcast by biased media outlets claiming that armed terrorist groups control Atman village in Daraa countryside.

Units of the armed forces killed and injured a number of non-Syria terrorists who were affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra in the villages and towns of Daraa countryside, in addition to destroying their equipment.

A military source told SANA that an army unit repelled terrorists who were attempting to attack a military checkpoint near Inkhil town killing and injuring a number of them, in addition to destroying their weapons and ammunition.

Among the dead terrorists were Alaa Abdulrazaq al-Farwan and Abdulmalik Ahmad al-Nasir.

The source added that the army units killed a number of non-Syrian terrorists, including Abdullah Mahmoud al-Shraibi from Libya and Khaldon al-Ma'aita from Jordan and scores of terrorists in the towns of al-Gharyeh al-Sharqyeh and al-Gharbyeh, Izraa, al-Sheikh Misken, al-Basala, Ein Zakar, Sahim al-Golan and Tsel.

The source pointed out that other army units killed a number of Jabhat al-Nusra leaders in al-Dawra area in Wa'ir al-Lajat, including Mohammad Zain al-Abdein and Abdullrahman al-Hajaj, in addition to destroying their weapons, ammunition and dens in Nawa.

Meanwhile, an army unit killed a number of terrorists in Atman town, including Khalid Sultan al-Zraiq, Bilal Ibrahim al-Shar'a and Khalid Ramzi Zrykat.

Army continues operations against terrorists in Maaloula and Damascus Countryside

Units of the armed forces carried out operations against terrorists' dens and gatherings in Damascus countryside.

Army units made significant progress in pursuing Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in the town of Maaloula, proceeding past the town's main square up to St. Tekla Convent after eliminating scores of terrorists.

8 terrorists were killed and 20 were injured in the farms of Ras al-Ein and the town of al-Sarkha north of Maaloula. Among the dead terrorists were Zakaraya Labbad and Ahmad Khalaf.

The army also destroyed terrorist gatherings and hideouts in Jeroud and the inudstrial zone in al-Nabek, in addition to eliminating many terrorists and destroying their weapons and ammunition in al-Nabik area and Wadi al-Salib to the northeast of Maaloula.

Army units made significant project in the area of Tishreen Hospital and the Educational Channel headquarters in Barzeh district, eliminating many terrorists in the area, while other units clashed with terrorists southeast of al-Moallemeen tower in Jobar district, eliminating 3 terrorists and injuring others.

In the eastern Ghouta, army units carried out a series of operations against terrorist gatherings near the traffic junction in Zamalka and the farms near the towns of al-Bahariya and Deir Salman, which resulted in the killing of a terrorist leader nicknamed "Aby Yehea Batoul" and a number of his group's members, in addition to eliminating terrorists in the farms of Mesraba including Mohammad Kheri al-Soufi.

The army carried out a special operation southeast of Douma, resulting in the elimination of 30 terrorists including Ismael al-Khanshour and the destruction of their vehicles, in addition to eliminating a terrorist leader and several of his underlings in the farms of al-Qasimiye.

In the town of Hejjeira, an army unit destroyed a car loaded with weapons and ammo and a rocket launcher, eliminating most terrorists in their vicinity including Jamil al-Yousef, while the members of an armed terrorist group in al-Ziyabiye injured or dead, including Adham Murrei.

An army unit clashed with a terrorist group in the eastern mountains of al-Zabadani, leaving most of its members injured or dead, including Ali Murrei.

Army units destroy cars loaded with weapons and ammo in Aleppo countryside

Army units destroyed weapons and ammunition loaded in cars north of al-Bab city in Aleppo countryside, in addition to a convoy truck along with the terrorists inside it west of the city.

The army also eliminated 6 members of a terrorist group and injured 8 in Dahret Abd Rabbo in al-Layrmaoun area.

Terrorist gatherings were destroyed in Khan al-Assal and the villages of Benyamin and Qubbet al-Sheikh in Aleppo northeastern countryside, in addition to destroying 4 rocket launching platforms, mortar launchers and heavy machineguns in the villages of Kwayres and al-Jdaideh.

Army units destroyed weapons and ammo coming from Turkey in Qubtan al-Jabal and a number of vehicles loaded with weapon, ammo and terrorists east of Hreitan and west of the road between Daret Azza and Aleppo.

In Aleppo city, an army unit clashed with a terrorist group in al-Ameriye neighborhood and killed most its members, while another unit repelled an attempted attack by terrorists on Hanano barracks and destroyed their weapons and ammo.

An army unit prevented terrorists from infiltrating the perimeter of al-Khasrufiye Mosque in the Old City, eliminating most of them.

Army confronts terrorists, targets their hideouts in Homs

A military source said that an army unit pursued an armed terrorist group south of Wadi al-Sayeh in Homs, leaving its members dead and wounded.

A nother army unit, the source added, confronted terrorists' attack on a number of military checkpoints in al-Mishrfeh, killing a number of them and injuring others. The army members also destroyed their weapons.

The source also mentioned that other army units targeted terrorists' hideouts and gatherings in al-Qarabis and al-Kusour neighborhoods and in al-Dar al-Kabira and al-Khaldiyeh villages, killing a number of terrorists.

A unit of the armed forces killed and injured several terrorists, in addition to destroying a warehouse belonging to terrorists near al-Shalhum roundabout in al-Rastan in Homs countryside.

An official source told SANA reporter that the army units targeted terrorists' gatherings in Tal al-Ghar and Housh Hejo in al-Sa'an area and destroyed their weapons and ammunition.

The source added that an army unit destroyed a terrorists' den in al-Hussein village in Talkalakh countryside and killed all terrorists inside it, including Hassan Fouad Safar.

Meanwhile, another army unit pursued terrorists to the south of Engineering Syndicate building in Bab Hud neighborhood in Homs city, inflicting heavy losses upon them.

Terrorists killed in Deir Ezzor

Units of the armed forces clashed with armed terrorist groups in Cinema Fouad street and the neighborhoods of al-Sina'a, al-Orfi, al-Sheikh Yasin and al-Ordi in Deir Ezzor city, killing and injuring several terrorists.

An official source told SANA that the clashes resulted in destroyed terrorists' weapons and ammunition in addition to a field hospital in al-Ordi neighborhood.

Wael Mohammad Ali was identified among the dead terrorists.

Army seizes amounts of ammunition in Hama

A unit of the army seized amounts of ammunition loaded in a car in al-Ghab district in Hama countryside.

An official source told SANA reporter that the ammunition seized were hidden in bottles under 8 barrels of fuel, adding that the ammunition were mostly for PKC machineguns.

Army kills and wounds terrorists in Daraa

A unit of the Syrian Arab Army eliminated scores of terrorists in Daraa al-Balad and destroyed their weapons.

A military source told SANA reporter that among the terrorists killed, Tarek Mohammad al-Masalmeh, who is leader of so called "Fawj al-Fursan al-Awal" terrorist group.

The source added that tens of terrorists were killed in Atman and al-Yadoudeh towns.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency "SANA"

ФБ (Страница САА)

Dopuna: 14 Sep 2013 23:03


Iraqi forces continue to hunt for terrorist groups when the Syrian-Iraqi border in the provinces and arrested 51 terrorists and destroy al-Qaeda camp in southern Mosul terrorist,

The border forces arrested three terrorists of the so-called Free Syrian Army during infiltration to the area

Dopuna: 14 Sep 2013 23:04

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has warned that someone might be trying to "retouch" a report by UN experts on the possible use of chemical weapons outside Damascus on August 21, which is expected to be made public on Monday, September 16.

"There are grounds to suspect that someone might be currently trying to retouch the report to be presented on Monday this or that way compared to what the inspectors have actually written," Lavrov said at a press conference following negotiations with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Geneva on Saturday.

Voice of Russia, Interfax


Dopuna: 14 Sep 2013 23:06

GENEVA. Sept 14 (Interfax) - Damascus will start fulfilling its chemical weapons disarmament obligations within 30 days, that is, even earlier than the obligations it has assumed on the matter formally come into effect, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

"The starting point in this work was Damascus's decision to join the Chemical Weapons Convention and its willingness to start fulfilling its obligations under this Convention before this Convention formally comes into force for Syria 30 days later. Damascus will start fulfilling its obligations under this Convention significantly earlier," Lavrov said at a press conference following negotiations with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in Geneva on Saturday.


Dopuna: 14 Sep 2013 23:08

#Damascus, (#SANA)-Assistant Regional Secretary of al-Baath Arab Socialist party Hilal Hilal discussed with a delegation of the Yemeni Teachers' Syndicate means of boosting the Arab popular action to support Syria in the face of terrorism and the US threats of launching a military strike on the country.

Head of the delegation, Yemeni Teachers' Chief Mohammad Hammoud Ahmad Hanzal affirmed that the Yemeni teachers and people are standing by the Syrian people in confronting the terrorist war against Syria, adding "the majority of Yemenis want Syria to defend the Arab's existence and independence."

Hilal, for his part, said that the Yemeni delegation's visit to Syria stresses that the Arab people began to get rid of the media distortion and discover what is really going on in the country.



Dopuna: 14 Sep 2013 23:13

Дамаск данас


Dopuna: 14 Sep 2013 23:15

HNN - Homs News Network

Special Army Units pursued Armed Terrorist groups in the Village of "Barri Al-Sharqi" in the Salamiyeh countryside of Hama, eliminating a number of Terrorists and destroyed a Rocket launcher, with the known Terrorist Leader among the dead "Yaser Abdul Rahim" ... - J



Dopuna: 14 Sep 2013 23:17

Damascus, (SANA) – A number of terrorists confessed to taking part in committing brutal crimes against citizen and army personnel including abduction and murder, vandalizing public establishments, and receiving funds and weapons from countries in the region.

In confessions broadcast by the Syrian TV on Friday, terrorist Walid Abdelrahman al-Sheikh said that a man he was doing military service with and a member of terrorist group talked him into going AWOL, and he did so and joined the group, leaving the base where he was serving in Sweida and joining up with the terrorists who gave him a monthly salay of SYP 12,000 and gave him an automatic rifle, three full magazines, and 200 bullets.

Al-Sheikh said he and the members of the terrorist group attacked army checkpoints in Daraa countryside, including two in Khirbet Ghazaleh where they slaughtered all 35 soliders in it and stole their weapons which they turned over to Jabhat al-Nusra.

He also confessed to taking part in eight acts of abduction, including two in which the abductees were delivered to a man called Mohammad al-Zoubi in the town of al-Msaifra, where al-Zoubi issued a fatwa to kill the two after they refused to join the terrorists, so al-Sheikh slit their throats while they were tied up.

Al-Sheikh said two of his cohorts slit the throats of the other six abductees, and that they were rewarded with SYP 1,500 for everyone whose throat they slit and 2,000 for each attack on an army checkpoint.

In turn, terrorist Khaled Hussein Amin, a member of a group affiliated with Jabhat al-Nusra, said he was recruited with a promise of being paid SYP 12,500 a month and 2,000 for each attack on a checkpoint.

After being given an automatic rifle, Amin took part in several attacks on checkpoints in Damascus Countryside and sniped 15 Syrian Army personnel.

Amin also confessed to taking part in dozens of robberies and thefts of stores and warehouses, adding that they also received funds and weapons from Qatar and that they were joined by gunmen from Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Palestine and other countries.

Similarly, terrorist Khaled Hussein al-Beda from another group affiliated with Jabhat al-Nusra, said that his group's leader asked him to join the army to get a rifle and then run away with it, so he enlisted but ran away without stealing a rifle and joined a terrorist group.

Al-Beda said the first operation he took part in was the detonation of a car bomb in Khan al-Sheih area, with him helping in rigging the car with around 500 kilograms of explosives, and later he and his group detonated a second car bomb in the same area and took part in several attacks on checkpoints there, admitting that he alone killed around 20 soldiers.

He said that the leader of his group asked him to bring one of his three wives to serve as a "wife" for the other terrorists, so he brought his wife Fatima Ahmad Faroukh to the group.

Al-Beda said that they received explosive, weapons and funds from Jordan.

Meanwhile, terrorist Saddam Hussein Kahlan said that he was recruited by the leader of a terrorist group who knew his uncle who was harboring him and recruiting for his group, and that his uncle talked him into joining with the promise of receiving SYP 12,000 per month.

He confessed to participating in the operations carried out in the Eastern Ghouta alongside other terrorists from Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Jordan.

Terrorist Kahlan added that they were receiving money from Turkey via the terrorist groups' leaders who were distributing it.

Terrorist Mahmoud Mowafak Raihan, who is affiliated to al-Tair battalion, said that he, alongside 500 gunmen, participated in the attack on the vehicle management department in Harasta, adding that they killed 11 military personnel and kidnapped 9 others from the Technical Institute.

He also confessed to preparing two booby-trapped cars which later were detonated in Jarmana and al-Qazzaz, claiming dozens of lives and wounding others.



Dopuna: 14 Sep 2013 23:19

Artillery shelling targeted militants in several communities and villages towns in Qalamun.


Dopuna: 14 Sep 2013 23:21

Дамаск после две ипо године рата непок у миру и полако се враћа као што је било некад саобраћајне гужве и све што приличи главном граду.

Complete calm in the capital Damascus and habitual traffic center congestion on several axes.


Dopuna: 14 Sep 2013 23:23

На мети артиљерије терирористи у местима Хараста и Дуома предграђе Дамаска

Artillery targeted insurgents in the center Harasta and Douma in Rural Damascus.



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