Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina

  • Pridružio: 22 Feb 2011
  • Poruke: 1748

ART610 ::Često sam na ovom forumu, i pratim ovu temu. Čitam kako likujete, diplomaskom uspjehu Rusije, ovaj "USPJEH" veoma će se brzo pretvoriti u neuspjeh, bolje rečeno ovo je početak kraja.
Mrzi me da pišem i javno iznosim svoje mišljenje ali ovoga puta sam stvarno morao. Koga je Rusija zaštitila kroz istoriju? a mnoge je izdala, kad kažem Rusija mislim i na Carsku Rusiju.
Rusijia zna da Asadov, režim nema budućnost, i da se neđe još dugo mođi zadržati na vlasti. Rusija je iskoristila ovu krizu u Siriji, da se nametne kao bitan faktor, i pokuša koliko toliko vratiti već odavno izgubljeni ugled.
Asad ovim gubi važno oružje koje je imao i biđe jedini gubitnik u cijeloj priči.

Jedno pitanje i jedna konstatacija za moderatore, tj uređivače foruma.
Pitanje je : Da li ćete sada ODMAH banovati iznad citiranog trola ?
Konstatacija je : sada je na njegovo trolovanje već troje odgovorilo, i još će najmanje 10 da odgovori, i na taj način tema ode u smeru katanca. E sada, po skromnom mišljenju, iznad citiranog trola/klona, i slične treba banovati još na prvoj poruci koja isprovocira saldu poruka koje nemaju veze sa temom, ili..... doći do situacije da tema ide pod ključ, odnosno pod kontrolu poruka, a to dalje znači da ćemo sveže informacije o događaju u Siriji tražiti na drugom mestu.
toliko i hvala.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16103
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

Asadu nisu potrebni bojni otrovi. Osim toga njihovo stavljanje pod nadzor na sirskom teritoriju gotovo je isto kao da su u vojnim skladištima. Uništavanje će potrajati decenijama jer dugoroćno neće biti osigurana sredstva zato.

  • Pridružio: 08 Feb 2011
  • Poruke: 154

Izvestaj RT-a iz sada vec cuvene Daraje:


  • Pridružio: 29 Jun 2013
  • Poruke: 138
  • Gde živiš: Sarajevo, Jugoslavija

u vezi Maloule:

Maria Finoshina ‏@MFinoshina_RT 3h
#Syria Army launched what they say is major offensive against militants who still control #Maaloula 60km North of #Damascus.

Maria Finoshina ‏@MFinoshina_RT 3h
@RTVelonga It changed hands at least 4 times in the last 2 weeks. Today the army launched what they think cud B final operation to liberate

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Napisano: 16 Sep 2013 14:07

dolinalima2 ::Iskander M ::

Ево подморнице која је разорена у рату са Израелом ваљда још за време Башаровог оца.

Опширнији текст је на Арапском тако да нема помоћи од њега ако неко зна Арпски нек каже па ћу објавити текст. Велики поздрав

Може линк за то на арапском?

بعد الاستنفار الذي حصل للاسطول الحربي البحري السوري في البحر المتوسط،

الغواصات السورية تعيد ادراجها على بحر الامان والاطمئنان الى الشطئان السورية الامنة
بعد معاهدة السلام الموقعة بين جميع الاطراف

كما قال القائد الخالد حافظ الاسد :

نحن دعاة سلام , نحن لا نريد الموت لأحد
نحن ندفع الموت عن أنفسنا.... نحن نعشق الحرية
ونريدها لنا و لغيرنا , ونكافح اليوم , كي ينعم شعبنا بحريته

الصورة لاحد الغواصات المدمرة في الاسطول الحربي البحري السوري

بوعلي حيدره

Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:12

Moscow, (SANA) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that he and US State Secretary John Kerry agreed upon how to handle the issue of chemical weapons in Syria and that they will draft a resolution together and submit it to the UN, asserting that Chapter Seven isn't included at all in the agreement.

During a joint press conference with Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Fehmi on Monday, Lavrov said that Russia rejects any threat of using force in Syria because such threats escalate the situation rather than resolve it.

He also stressed that all regional countries must take part in the efforts to resolve the crisis in Syria and convince or coerce the "opposition" to participate in the upcoming conference in Geneva.

For his part, Fehmi said that Egypt is cooperating with Russia on resolving the crisis in Syria and that it supports holding the conference in Geneva with the participation of all sides.

He also voiced support for making the Middle East clear of weapons of mass destruction, adding that the Egyptian army and government are working to enforce laws and combat terrorism to preserve security and stability.

Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:14

Al Mayadeen TV: UN inspectors indicated in their report on chemical weapons use in Syria that there are thousands of foreign fighters in Syria that committed all kind of atrocities...

  • Pridružio: 30 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 700

Falcone ::Sirija još jedna trgovina Rusije ?!


Aham. Vidim da Rusi dobro trguju, ali sa Asadom... salju jos jedan desantni brod.

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Napisano: 16 Sep 2013 14:14

Several Al-Nusra Terrorists Killed in Syrian Army’s Artillery Attack on Reef Damascus

Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:18

Тешке борбе у Дамаску

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army pounded the armed rebels’ concentration points in Reef (countryside of) Damascus in Southern Syria on Monday, and killed a large number of Al-Qaeda-linked terrorists.

The army’s artillery units attacked the bases of the Al-Nusra terrorists in Zomalka town in Reef Damascus and made considerable advances in Jobar town.

Meantime, the army brought the armed rebels’ gathering centers in Duma town in Reef Damascus under continued artillery fire, and killed tens of terrorists in the operation.

The conflict in Syria started in March 2011, when sporadic pro-reform protests turned into a massive insurgency following the intervention of western and regional states.

The unrest, which took in terrorist groups from across Europe, the Middle-East and North Africa, has transpired as one of the bloodiest conflicts in recent history.

As the foreign-backed insurgency in Syria continues without an end in sight, the US government has boosted its political and military support to Takfiri extremists.

Washington has remained indifferent to warnings by Russia and other world powers about the consequences of arming militant groups.

Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:19

TEHRAN (FNA)- Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari called on Washington to adopt a wise decision on Syria, warning that a US military move on Syria will trigger IRGC action.

"If the US makes any military move, it will face numerous problems," Jafari told reporters in Tehran on Monday.

"God willing, the US will adopt wise decisions in this regard and won't expose itself to danger," he added.

Meantime, Jafari underlined that if the US makes any mistake and embarks on a military attack on Syria, "the IRGC will act upon its responsibility", but he declined to explain more in this regard.

In relevant remarks late August, the IRGC Commander warned Washington to abort war plans against Syria, saying that the US will be faced with reactions coming from beyond the Syrian borders if it goes on with its aggression plans.

“The US imagination about limited military intervention in Syria is merely an illusion, as reactions will be coming from beyond Syria’s borders,” Major General Jafari said.

The IRGC commander pointed to the recent US threats of a military strike on Syria, and said when the White House leaders failed to rally international support to form a coalition for a new war in the region, they were made to resort to the so-called plans for limited war on Syria.

He stressed that those who assist the US in such military intervention would themselves face immediate crises in their national security.

Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:21

"Across northern Syria, there has been an upsurge in crimes and abuses committed by extremist anti-government armed groups along with an influx of rebel foreign fighters. Entire brigades are now made up from fighters who have crossed into Syria, with Al Muhajireen being one of the most active," Paulo Pinheiro, chair of the independent inquiry, told the UN Human Rights Council.


Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:23

Бомбардовање упориште Дрекавца у Дамаску

Our Warplanes in the skies of Damascus now


Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:24

Severe clashes occur between Syrian army and Free Army militia in al-Rfeedah town of al-Qunaitera countryside amid artillery bombardments on many locations of “Free army militia” in the western outskirts of the town.


Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:25

A military source :: armed army thwarts attempt to enter a car bomb in large quantities of explosives before they enter the city of Bosra Sham and the death of the suicide bomber who was driving


Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:26

Почео је повратк људи у Хомс
Homs, (SANA)- A delegation of the UN organizations for humanitarian aid and relief on Sunday visited al-Mukharam area in Homs, inspecting the situation of services there.

Head of the red Crescent section in Homs Mohammad al-Yousef who accompanied the delegation referred to the difficulties which obstruct the return of families to their houses after the restoration of stability, represented by electricity, water, health and food.

Mohammad Bakkar of the world Food Program said the organization will immediately send food aid to cover the demands of citizens in the area.

The delegation discussed with members of the Red Crescent the health situation and the demands of families of medical and midline equipment to be provided by the World Health organization after the displacement of families from some villages in Homs countryside by the acts of terrorists.


Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:29

FSA “Criminals” targets with locally-made missiles Tabaqa military airport in Raqqa countryside - no casualties reported.



Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:33

Damascus Countryside: violent clashes in the neighborhood of Kaboun also Syrian army targeted the headquarters of the armed men


Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:34

Through Damascus International Airport is witnessing unusual movement and completely safe way.


Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:34

Syrian army targeted insurgents in the center depth of #Jobar


Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:35

Syrian Army targeting militants gatherings in #Khan_Sheikh


Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:36

Syrian army targeted gatherings of jabhat nusra in #Barzeh for the fourth day in a row and there supplying points


Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:37

Aerial raids carried out by Syrian Air Forces have hit the locations of the criminals in Shabaa town of Damascus countryside


Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:39

Extremists In Syria Admit Killing 30 Alawites
Sep 15, 2013

Al-Qaeda-affiliated extremists in Syria say they are targeting members of the Alawite community in the country, adding that they massacred dozens of Alawites in three Homs villages last week.

On Sunday, the terrorist group claimed responsibility for Tuesday’s attacks in which at least 30 Alawites, including several women, children and elderly men, were shot dead in cold blood.

Al-Nusra said in an internet statement that its militants entered the villages of Massudiyeh, Maksar al-Hissan and Jab al-Jerah in Homs province and carried out the massacre.

The group said one of its jurists asked them to slay Alawites whom he called "enemies of God".

"… this was the first time these villages were entered and such a high number was killed," it added.

Last month, Abu Mohammad al-Golani, a commander of al-Nusra, threatened to target Alawites with rockets.

"On top of that we will prepare a thousand rockets that will be fired on their towns in revenge for the Damascus Ghouta massacre," he said in an audio recording posted on YouTube on August 25.

Al-Nusra and other militant groups fighting against the Syrian government and people accuse Damascus of launching the August 21 chemical weapons attack which they claimed killed about 1400 people.

The government has rejected the accusation, saying it has proof that the militants were behind the attack.

On August 24, the Syrian forces found chemical agents in tunnels dug by the militants in Jobar, near Damascus. A number of soldiers suffocated as they entered the area.

Syria has been gripped by deadly unrest since March 2011. According to reports, the Western powers and their regional allies -- especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey -- are supporting the militants operating inside Syria.

According to the UN, more than 100,000 people have been killed and a total of 7.8 million of others displaced due to the violence.


Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:40


Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:44

Syrian Arab Army during the purge in east Hama countryside and during the progress to cleanse Musaytbeh.
A group of young Syrian army expressions of satisfaction and morale high in their own way.


Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:46

fighting between Al-Nusra terrorists and YPG
П.С. Постоји и снимак,али неби да објављујем.

Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:48

Commando unit of the Syrian Special Tasks

Hanan Noura Al Haek


Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:52

Најлепша дама Сирије не зна која је година у питању


Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:53

Damascus, Ghouta, Adra, Ebb
In the eastern Ghouta, a unit of the armed forces killed members of an armed terrorist group and destroyed their mortar in Adra al-Balad, while another army unit killed at least 20 terrorists in al-Ebb farms, most of them are non-Syrians.


Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 14:54

Al Baath brigades in Allepo.


  • Pridružio: 01 Dec 2012
  • Poruke: 52

  • Pridružio: 30 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 700

Ti brodovi dolaze do Sirije prije svega da bi isporučili onaj metak koji do sada ne dadoše, kako ti reče.

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Napisano: 16 Sep 2013 14:57


Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 15:00

Army Inflicts Direct Strikes Upon Terrorist Dens, Destroys Heavy Weaponry ..

Provinces, (SANA)- Terrorist groups are increasingly suffering heavy losses as the army units are inflicting direct strikes upon their gatherings and dens and destroying their heavy weaponry in different areas across the country.

Large-Scale Operations in City and Countryside of Damascus

Operations continued against the terrorists' hideouts in Damascus Countryside, with large numbers of them getting killed in a series of operations in the Eastern Ghouta, the southern region and the northern and western countryside of the province.

Units of the armed forces killed a number of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in the mountains and western side of Maaloula city and destroyed heavy machine guns they had with them, an official source told SANA reporter.

An army unit, the source added, killed several members of armed terrorist groups in the plain and eastern mountains of al-Zabadani, including Mohammad al-Nammous and Tareq Awkar.

Terrorists' gatherings and weapons were destroyed in the areas of Rima farms and between the towns of Raas al-Ein and al-Sarkheh in Yabroud area, according to the source.

Heavy losses were inflicted upon terrorist groups in al-Surreh mountains and al-Batra in Jairoud area.

In the eastern Ghouta, a unit of the armed forces killed members of an armed terrorist group and destroyed their mortar in Adra al-Balad, while another army unit killed at least 20 terrorists in al-Ebb farms, most of them are non-Syrians.

SANA reporter quoted the source as saying that Khalaf al-Sawdat, leader of an armed terrorist group, along a number of his group's members in the farms of the towns of al-Qassimiyeh and Deir Salman.

In the southern countryside of Damascus, the army operations resulted in destroying a terrorists' den, along with the weapons and ammunition inside it, in al-Ziyabiyeh town.

A number of terrorists inside the den were killed, including Jabr al-Freihi from Jordan.

An army unit in Daraya city killed Abdul-Karim Qazaq, leader of one of the terrorist groups there, and destroyed various types of weapons and ammunition.

Twelve terrorists were killed and a car loaded with weapons and ammunition was destroyed in Joubar neighborhood.

Army units continued operations in Barzeh and al-Qaboun neighborhoods in the city of Damascus, killing many terrorists, including Yousef Hammad.

Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 15:02

Severe clashes occur between Syrian army and Free Army militia in al-Rfeedah town of al-Qunaitera countryside amid artillery bombardments on many locations of “Free army militia” in the western outskirts of the town.

Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 15:04

Да ли и у Алепу Дрекавцима иде лоше па покушавају да са 3т експлозива терористичке нападе.


URGENT | | aborted attempt to blow up a car bomb with 3000 kg of explosives in the city of Aleppo.

Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 15:06

Протести у Калиформији уз роштиљ.

Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 15:08

Још нових слика из Дамаска


Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 15:09

То је то за сада.

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