Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Napisano: 16 Sep 2013 22:41

Чиними се де је то Ми24,али нисам сигуран.

Dopuna: 16 Sep 2013 22:43

Победа у Хами изгледа да се тамо све ближи крају.
Hama - Victories

A military source told that army units restored security and stability to the towns of al-Hamraa, al-Rahia, al-Lala, al-Rabia al-Janoubia, al-Afif, Qalaat al-Rahia and Tal al-Dalil east of Hama after having eliminated the last terrorist concentrations there.


Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99753

Citat:Карта предоставленная турецким МО.

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Provinces, (SANA) – Army units continued operations against armed terrorist groups in several areas in Syria, preventing terrorist car bomb and IED attacks.

Army eliminates terrorists in Daraa

Army units confronted terrorists who tried to attack a military point and killed a large number of them in Daraa countryside.

A military source told SANA reporter that large numbers of terrorists were killed during a series of operations carried out by the army units iin al-Hirak, Ibta'a, Mliha, Atman, Nawa towns and their weapons were destroyed.

The source added that another unit of the army confronted a terrorist group tried to attack a military point in al-Sheikh Saad in Daraa countryside and killed a large number of terrorists.

Military source: Army tightens complete control over Shabaa town in Damascus countryside

A military source said that units of the army tightened complete control over Shabaa town in Damascus countryside after eliminating the last terrorist gatherings there.

Army makes progress in pursuing terrorists in Damascus Countryside

Army units eliminated at least 40 terrorists while pursuing them between the towns of Maaloula and al-Sarkha in Damascus countryside, while another unit prevented terrorists from detonating 5 explosive devices planted in al-Uruba street on the Deir Attiya-Nabek road and rigged for remote detonation.

A number of terrorists including snipers were eliminated in Jobar area, and members of a terrorist group including a sniper called Safwan were likewise eliminated in Harasta area.

An army unit eliminated 19 terrorists in the town of Douma, including Khalil al-Beshesh.

In the town of Sheba'a, army units eliminated terrorists including Saad Hawara, arrested others, and destroyed weapons and ammo they had loaded in cars, while a unit destroyed a workshop for manufacturing explosive in the town of al-Bayyad east of Sheba'a.

Army units pursued members of a terrorist group on the outskirts of the town of Beit Sahm, eliminating most of them and destroying their weapons and ammo.

A warehouse containing terrorists' ammo and rockets was destroyed in the town of al-Ziyabiye during a series of precise operations in which the army eliminated a number of terrorists including Aous Hadrous, while another unit destroyed a 23mm anti-aircraft gun and eliminated a number of terrorists in the town of al-Husseiniye.

Army units clashed with terrorists in the town of Hejjeira, destroying a mortar launcher, vehicles and equipment the terrorists had been using, while another unit inflicted heavy losses upon terrorists in the town of Bebila.

Army prevents terrorist bombing in Aleppo city, destroys terrorists' weapons and ammo

An army unit prevented terrorists from detonating a car bomb rigged for remote detonation which was parked in 3000 Street connecting al-Assad residential suburb and Aleppo city.

An army unit clashed with terrorists who attempted to attack the old building of Immigration and Passports in Aleppo city, killing most of the terrorists, while a second unit eliminated a terrorist group on the outskirts of Khan al-Qazir in the Old City.

In Aleppo countryside, army units destroyed cars coming from Turkey which were loaded with terrorists, weapons and ammo near the village of Oram al-Kubra, Castello road, east of Hreitan, on the road between al-Bab and Aleppo, and on the Aleppo-Idleb road.

In Aleppo's eastern countryside, an army unit ambushed terrorist groups in the village of Hadadin, destroying the terrorists' weapons and ammo.

Terrorists' rocket launching platforms, mortar launchers and heavy machineguns were destroyed and large numbers of them were left dead or injured in the villages and towns of al-Jdaideh, Qwayres, Arbid and Rasm al-Abboud.

Army foils terrorists' attempt to detonate a car bomb in Bosra al-Sham

An army unit destroyed a car loaded with huge amounts of explosives before entering the city of Bosra al-Sham in Daraa, causing the killing of the suicidal terrorist who was driving it and the injury of some citizens, a military source said.

The source added that terrorists' gatherings in the villages of Tafas, al-Mzairib, Da'l, Inkhel, al-Sheikh Miskin, al-Najih, tsil, Izra and al-Sheikh Saad were destroyed , in addition to their weapons.

Terrorists Abu Fadi Khashrif, Alaa Ahmad al-Masri. Ahmad Abdullah al-Kamhan, Moammad Ahmad Abdul-Raouf al-Jinadi, Issa Shujaa al-Taiasneh, Abdul-Rahman awad al-msalam, Mohammad Qasim Abu al-Sel, Mudar Atef al-Mtawea and Shadi Sabri Sharaf, were identified among the dead.

A unit of the armed forces foiled terrorists' attempt to remotely detonate an explosive device planted inside a water tank in the village of Khabab.

Authorities discover explosive devices and Turkish-made materials in Palmyra

Authorities found a number of explosive devices and big amounts of Turkish-made materials for manufacturing explosives in the southern-eastern farms of the city of Palmyra.

An official source told SANA reporter that the materials include ammonium nitrate, chemical fertilizer and amounts of gunpowder, weighing about a ton.

The source added that big amounts of Turkish bread, packed in sacks and prepared to be stored for a long time, and Jabhat al-Nusra flags were discovered inside a terrorists' den .

Earlier, authorities found a number of 107-rokects, explosive devices, pick-up car loaded with weapons and ammunition in the southern farms of Palmyra.

H. Zain/ Mazen / H. Sabbagh

  • fin 
  • Počasni građanin
  • Pridružio: 06 Nov 2012
  • Poruke: 731

Ludilo ako je ovo istinito. Kako je samo f-16 ušao u taj mali "jezik" od granice samo da obori helikopter. Ovo je onda prvo air-to-air obaranje letelice sa posadom nakon više od 10 godina igde u svetu (od rata Eritreja-Etiopija) ?

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Изгледа да је економија Сирије мало стабилизовала тренутни средњи курс 129 Сиријских фути за један долар или 173,27 фунити са један евро. за три године сиријска валута је ослабила за 120% што је одлично јер је била предпоставка да ће пад бити много већи.

  • HAGER 
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 24 Jan 2013
  • Poruke: 18

youtu.be/ovBJjEZPl7U youtu.be/jJVWT_nbTeU Navodno pilot uhvacen u Latakiji. youtu.be/tlFp-VGX-J0 Ovi TF-ovi su smrt za tenkove a ovi ih tek tako izlazu youtu.be/YyM8_mOQCHU

  • Pridružio: 08 Maj 2011
  • Poruke: 79

Iskander M ::

بعد الاستنفار الذي حصل للاسطول الحربي البحري السوري في البحر المتوسط،

الغواصات السورية تعيد ادراجها على بحر الامان والاطمئنان الى الشطئان السورية الامنة
بعد معاهدة السلام الموقعة بين جميع الاطراف

كما قال القائد الخالد حافظ الاسد :

نحن دعاة سلام , نحن لا نريد الموت لأحد
نحن ندفع الموت عن أنفسنا.... نحن نعشق الحرية
ونريدها لنا و لغيرنا , ونكافح اليوم , كي ينعم شعبنا بحريته

الصورة لاحد الغواصات المدمرة في الاسطول الحربي البحري السوري

بوعلي حيدره

Ништа специјално. У другом делу се наводе речи Хафеза ал-Асада, какао воле слободу, не желе смрт никоме итд...

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Napisano: 17 Sep 2013 0:08


Infiltration attempts by Armed Terrorists have been confronted by Armed Forces who have engaged violent clashes currently underway in "Bab Houd and Bab Turkman", in the direction of Bab "Al-Sabaa'", with reportedly large numbers of Terrorists so far dead and wounded, as the fighting continues ...


Dopuna: 17 Sep 2013 0:10


Armed Forces destroyed eight Armored vehicles being used by Terrorists in the Al-Hamra' district, and a number of other vehicles equipped with 23 mm Cannons and 14.5 mm Machine guns ... - J

AlIkhbaria News
За сваки уништен тенк САА је овде ватромет прављен снимака је било на тону у самом једном дану САА је ето нуштала 8 оклопна возила Дрекаваца.

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 833

djox ::Citat:Карта предоставленная турецким МО.

Po ovoj mapi helikopter je pao na tursku teritoriju.

  • fin 
  • Počasni građanin
  • Pridružio: 06 Nov 2012
  • Poruke: 731

Iskander - to su dve projekat 633 prastare podmornice iz 60-ih i nisu uništene ratu nego su propale ovako usidrene decenijama u vodi - diskutovano o tome na drugim vojnim forumima

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