- Iskander M

- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
- Poruke: 1246
Napisano: 04 Dec 2013 19:27
Није за млађе од 18 година
Дрекавци налупани у Малули
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Dopuna: 04 Dec 2013 19:30
Ал Манар ТВ: Дреавци истерани из последњих села око Ал Набка и сада војска јуриша на Јабруд. [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
П.С. Монахиње које су одведене из Малуле налазе се баш у Јабруду ако је веровати Дрекавцима.
Dopuna: 04 Dec 2013 19:34
Sirijski izvori navode da na području oko Damaska ima preko hiljadu poginulih terorista i da je uništeno mnogo komandnih i štabnih mjesta kao i da je oduzeta velika količina naoružanja,opreme,a posebno izraelske projektile "Lao".Istaknuta je i pogibija terorističkog komandanta jedinice Almendarin. U bolnicu u Damask je prebačeno oko 200 tijela poginulih terorista,medju kojim ima najviše stranih državljana iz Rumunije,Bosne,S.Arabije,katar,Oman,Irak,Tunis,čečenije.75% su živote izgubili u snažnim udarima SAA oko damaska,posebno na području I.Gute.Izgubili su važna uporišta u selima gdje su do nedavno imali čvrstu kontrolu kao što su Qasima i Seaaria,odakle su pobjegli.Vojska je uspijela razbiti teroriste u gradiću Der Salmani,koja je izrazito važno mjesto jer kroz njega prolaze bitni putevi koji vode prema gl.gradi i aerodromu,većinu grada vojska drži pod kontrolom.prilikom akcija zaplijenjena je veika kioličina terorističke dokumentaci je i novca
A military source said a #Syrian insurgent death toll exceeded one thousand and destroyed their headquarters and their vehicles and confiscated large quantities of weapons, particularly missiles "Lao" Israeli-made and lost their leaders Almendharin nationalities Gulf.
Watan newspaper quoted Syrian source as saying that the fighting is still going on in East #Gouta.
source pointed out " transfer 200 bodies of the gunmen yet to Mowasat Hospital in #Damascus. "
suffered armed opposition losses field and human, most of them Arab nationals and foreign, were coincidence also the presence of armed countries have emerged for the first time as "Romania" for example, which landed them gunmen, while the distributed corpses between countries, Bosnia, Chechnya, Afghanistan, and between Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Iraq and Tunisia. According to information, 75% of deaths opposition are foreigners.
has failed armed opposition in breaking the cordon imposed by the Syrian army on the areas of Damascus and building on its area Gota where entered these groups out and retreat without achieving its objectives.
, and after six days of battles , it turns out fiasco and the state of confusion, which controls these armed groups, which are estimated not to maintain control over a few hurdles in the East Gouta, where it remained in control of it for a few hours last week. Under the stepped strikes army, retreated these groups to the edge of villages in Gota, while not succeed also tightly control some areas as "Qasimia, and Seaaria," while down in the village of "Der birds" and are clashing with Syrian forces on the outskirts of this village at the time of retreat Its fighters back.
At the town of "Der Salman" The situation is no better, where succeeded Syrian forces strikes a powerful insurgent, and now controls most of the town.
area is considered East Gouta located to the east of the city of Damascus, the key to the Syrian capital of east and one of the groins Alrkhotin of the city, and the region strategy, which contains the international airport, as vital roads that stretch towards the south of the country, which constitutes a key conduit toward the heart of the capital, the start of the southern gate.
Terrorists to "victory" are falling and bags full of documents and secrets, money
Dopuna: 04 Dec 2013 19:36
Не знам колико је ово тачно
Saudijci navlače trupe kao blesavi na sjeveroistočni sektor kod Alepa,ako je vjerovati ovom mom izvoru,čak 15000 terorista se gura na tu stranu od industrijske zone sve do dole do aerodroma Kweiris,likovi su iz Turske dovučeni,njih pola,dok je druga polovina iz Saudije,njihova vojska!
Dopuna: 04 Dec 2013 19:37
Није Џими пренео ово већ неко ко се потписује са Б.Н. доста је озбиљнији од Џимија
Dopuna: 04 Dec 2013 19:40
Drukčiji izvještaj o životu stanovnika sirijske prijestolnice(Video)
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