Iskander M ::RJ ::Priča o tzv.Slavonic corps angažovanom u siriji - u tekstu postoji još niz internih linkova gde se pominju ruski dobrovoljci...
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Изгледа да се иницијатива Рогозина остварује он је први почео са том причом око Словенског корпуса коме ће моћи да се придруже исључиво православни народ Словенског порекла било које националности.
A sta bi sa onih 50 000 dobrovoljaca, o kojima su ovde neki trubili, dje nestadose ?
I da, oni koji malo vise prate situaciju na terenu, znaju da je taj ,,Slovenski korpus,, povucen iz Sirije, posto su pokazali zavidnu ratnu vestinu :
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,,On 18th October, they were sent to As Sukhnah because Syrian Arab Army and National Defense Force troops were engaged in heavy fighting here. In a brief engagement near As Sukhnah the Slavonic Corps suffered six WIA's (Wounded in Action) and had to retreat. During the retreat, one of the contractors, Aleksei Malyuta, lost his ID. This marked the end of the Russian contractors in Syria, at least for the time being. In the end of October Slavonic Corps was effectively disbanded and their personnel was flown back to Russia in two charter flights,,
,,It is important to note that according to the Slavonic Corps leadership was detained by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) upon returning to Russia and charged with recruiting mercenaries. Apparently sending Russian contractors to Syria actually is not a policy supported by the Russian Government at the moment. ,,
Toliko o tom cuvenom ,,Slovenskom korpusu,,
Saudijska Arabija je jos jednom pokazala da je veliki prijatelj Libana
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