Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Колега ко су сад ИС???
Ја за такве нисам чуо.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99797

ISIS je promenio ime u IS.

  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2014
  • Poruke: 136

Iskander M ::Колега ко су сад ИС???
Ја за такве нисам чуо.

Islamic State je nekadasnji: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS)

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Napisano: 08 Jul 2014 1:11

U sjevero-istočnom regionu grada Alepa SAA nezaustavljivo napreduje. Nakon zauzimanja Industrijskog Grada Sheikh Najjara i Kafr Saghira, danas je Vojska oslobodila i Pješadijsku akademiju na sjveru ove oblasti dok na zapadnom dijelu SAA napreduje u regionu distrikta Handarat, te bi dio grada pod terorističkom kontrolom uskoro mogao biti pod potpunom blokadom. Realno je za očekivati i do skoro nerealne stvari, obzirom kakve vijesti ovih dana stižu iz terorističko-cionističkog tabora u Alepu, a to je potpuno oslobodjenje ovog najvećeg sirijskog grada.

Dopuna: 08 Jul 2014 1:12

Хвала Колеге нисам знао да су променили и они име.

  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 4963

Ima se može se - Iznogud

  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16103
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

Promenili več treči put (AQI, ISI, ISIS). Ostale sunitske frakcije (npr.Al Nusra) se sprdaju iz IS te ih zovu Twitter milicija, a tvorevinu Twitter kalifat.

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Army controlled the southern part of Um Hurcouh village and targeting insurgents in Aleppo

#SAA destroys two cars of gunmen on Em Sharshouh road

#Daraa countryside: The Army destroyed a gunmen’s headquarter in #Enkhel town .

Army advances in Homs countryside, kills more terrorists in other areas

Army units advanced in various areas in Homs countryside and confronted armed terrorists groups in other areas across the country during Tuesday’s operations.
Army units regained full control over a number of building blocks in al-Bado district and the southern part of UM Sharshouh village in Homs countryside, a military source told SANA.
The source added that other army units eliminated a number of terrorists in the villages of al-Ghanto, Abu Hawadit, Salam Gharbi, al-Habrah and Onq al-Hawa and destroyed terrorists’ cars equipped with heavy machineguns in the village of Arshouneh.
Army units eliminated a number of terrorists in al-Sharkasi Palace in al-Rastan and al-Sama’lil in al-Hula and Kherbet al-Maqatir in Hissayaa in the countryside.
Army units killed and injured a number of terrorists in the neighborhoods and areas of Hanano, al-Shaar, the Old City of Aleppo, al-Ansari, Bani Zaid, Alliramoun, al-Jandoul. Al-Kastilo, al-Haidariyehand al-Na’ana’i square in Aleppo city and in the villages of al-Zerbeh, Khan al-Assal, al-Sheikh Lutfi, Kashish, Hreitan, Marea, Kafer Naha, al-Jbeilah, Kafer Da’el, al-Mansourah, Handarat, Daret Izza, al-Owijah and Bianon in the countryside.
Units of the army thwarted an armed terrorist group’s attempt to infiltrate from al-Mansourah village in Aleppo countryside towards a military checkpoint, killing and injuring all its members.
The army units also destroyed terrorists’ vehicles in al-Atareb, al-Sheikh Said, Tal Refa’at. Al-Sheikh Ahmad and Kwairs.

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99797

"Proizvodnja" u Homsu...

Citat:IS makeshift bombs, IED's & weapon factory in Homs,Syria

ostatak slika

Arrow http://justpaste.it/homs12

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Napisano: 08 Jul 2014 13:10

PM: Infrastructure of Industrial City of Sheikh Najjar in Aleppo will be rehabilitated soon

Prime Minister, Dr. Wael al-Halqi, stressed on Monday that work is underway to restore life to the Industrial City of Sheikh Najjar in Aleppo in order to be back to service and production soon.

In a phone call with the Syrian TV, Dr. al-Halqi said that the first stage of operating the city will be through repairing the infrastructure through ensuring power generators and alternative networks, in addition to rehabilitating the water and communications networks within the upcoming days.

He asserted that restoring security and stability to the industrial city of Sheikh Najjar is a great achievement that adds up to the victories of the Syrian Arab Army in the war against terrorism.

Alikhbaria Syria - English

11 Brigades in Deir ez-Zour province have joined #IS - Not SJ groups. #Syria

Ево мало напретка у Мореку

Syrian Army Takes Control of Strategic City in Hama Province

The Syrian army regained control of several districts of a strategic city in the Hama province in Central parts of the country.

The army units took control of the Southern parts of Mourek city in the Northern parts of Hama province after fierce clashes.

The latest field reports from Syria indicate that the Syrian army is moving towards Al-Nasseriya strategic hill.

Military analysts believe that the Syrian army's control over the Mourek city is no less important than control over Yabroud in Damascus countryside because the army can take control of the gathering centers of the militants in Vadi Al-Zeif, Al-Hamediya, Al-Qormid factory and Hama airport as well as Al-Ghab and Masiyaf villages in the near future.

On Saturday, the armed groups suffered severe losses due to the successful military operations of the Syrian army against their concentration centers, hideouts and weaponry in various areas around Syria.

In Homs, 10 militants were killed, others were injured and their vehicles were destroyed as army units targeted their concentration centers in Um Sharshouh village and its surrounding in the countryside.

Army units targeted militants' concentration centers in Mugher al-Mir in Damascus Countryside, killing and injuring a number of them.

An army unit foiled an armed group's infiltration attempt from Alliramoun towards the safe areas in Aleppo city, killing and injuring a number of its members.

Militants concentration centers were razed in Hanano, Marea, Alliramoun, Kafer Hamra, al-Zerbeh, Bani Zaid, Tal Refa’at, al-Jbaileh, Shamer, Fafin, al-Inzarat, Babis, al-Meslmiyeh and Dahret Abed Rabbouh in the city and countryside of Aleppo. Many of the militants were killed and injured.

Units of the armed forces destroyed militants' cars in Kweires, al-Hader, Ebtin and Ard al-Mallah and killed a number of militants.

Dopuna: 08 Jul 2014 13:11

Syria in Last 24 Hours: Clashes Intensify between FSA, Al-Nusra in Damascus Countryside

The Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the Al-Qaeda-linked Al-Nusra Front continued their fierce clashes in the Southern parts of Syria.

The clashes intensified between the FSA and the Al-Nusra Front in Al-Qaboun region of Damascus.

The differences between the militant groups in Al-Qaboun are over an agreement that the FSA has signed with the Syrian army.

Tens of militants from both sides have been killed and dozens more injured.

Also in the last 24 hours, the Syrian army regained full control over a strategic hill in the Northwestern parts of the country on Sunday.

The militants were pushed back from Ma'ar Tabyee strategic hill in the Eastern parts of Jebel Al-Zawiya in Idlib countryside.

The Syrian army's control over the strategic hill cuts the supply route of the militants to Saraqeb and Ariha countrysides.

The Syrian army can now control all movements of the militants in Jebel Al-Arbaeen and Al-Qormid and also bring the terrorists' concentration centers in Kafr Lateh, Na'ar Belit and Majd Lya under fire.

Meantime, the Syrian army killed and injured a number of militants in operations across the country.

Army units targeted militants' concentration centers in al-Sakhour, al-Zebdiyeh, al-Rashidin, Bustan al-Qaser, Babis, al-Sheikh Said, Marea, Ebtin, Ard al-Mallah, Dahret Abed Rabbouh, Tal Refa’at, Kafer Hamra and al-Jandoul in Aleppo and its countryside, eliminating a number of militants.

The army units also destroyed their weaponry in the operation.

Also, while combing the Industrial City in Sheikh Najjar area in Aleppo countryside, the Syrian army units discovered weapons caches and workshops for manufacturing explosive devices and rocket shells.

These caches included hundreds of mortar rounds, Grad rockets and anti-armor shells.

Elsewhere, an army unit destroyed a barricade erected between al-Msaifrah and Um Walad towns in Daraa countryside by the armed groups to attack and loot the citizens, killing all its members and destroying its fortification.

A military source said that army units targeted militants' concentration centers to the West of al-Mayazen Bridge in the Eastern countryside of Daraa.

The army units also targeted an armed group in Inkhel city and militants' concentration centers in Jordan Street, in Kahil town, to the Northwest of the old customs and surrounding al-Khalil Mosque in Daraa al-Balad, killing and injuring a number of militants.


The Syrian Arab Army is in full control of south Morek and now making rapid advances north! This city is as important as Qusayr and Yabroud. If this city falls to the SAA, the terrorists will be cutoff from central Syria altogether!

Source: Syria Perspective

Morek Update:

The SAA is moving towards the Al-Nasseriyya Hill and heavily bombarding terrorist positions.

Source: Syria Persepective

-Leith / M.D

Dopuna: 08 Jul 2014 13:17

SAA pocela da gazi i u Idlib provinciji


Zlotvori su dobili drugu transu AT projektila od US(r)A


Ja ne znam cime ih ovo SAA bije u Dzobaru,ali zgradu na krov izvrce!!!Pogledati na 0.26 sekundi!Majko mila!


Dopuna: 08 Jul 2014 13:18

Krenula su vencanja u Homsu,ovo je prvo hriscansko!Neka je na srecu!


Dopuna: 08 Jul 2014 13:19

Kao sto rekoh,linije zlotvora na Seik Nadzaru su skroz pukle,oslobodjeno je jos nekoliko sela


Ubi SAA po Kafr Rumu,to se mesto nalazi odmah pored Marat Al Numana


Dopuna: 08 Jul 2014 13:20

"Tigrovi"SAA KORNETOM unistili vozilo zlotvora blizu Pesadijske Akademije severno od Seik Nadzara


Pronadjeno vece stovariste naoruzanja i vojne opreme u provinciji Homs


  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99797

Two 'abandoned' cylinders seized in Syria contained sarin - U.N.

Citat:Two cylinders reportedly seized by Syrian government troops in an area controlled by armed opposition groups contained deadly sarin, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a letter to the U.N. Security Council published on Monday

Arrow http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/07/07/us-syria.....U420140707

Report: Vehicles stolen in Turkey used by ISIL in Syria, Iraq
Citat:According to the Milliyet newspaper, citing an intelligence report, there are around 1,800 vehicles, which have been stolen in Turkey since 2013 and illegally taken into Syria, that are now being used by ISIL militants. After arming these vehicles, many of which are pickup trucks and panel vans, the al-Qaeda splinter group uses the vehicles in clashes in Iraq and Syria, the report says.

Arrow http://www.todayszaman.com/news-352334-report-vehi.....-iraq.html

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