Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99797

Ameri pokusali da spasu zarobljene novinare u Siriji,ali kazu da je pokusaj bio corak.
Mozda je ta akcija(ako je uopste bilo)isprovocirala IS da ubije novinara James Foley.

Citat:US personnel recently tried to rescue American hostages held in Syria by the so-called Islamic State (IS) but failed, the Pentagon and White House said Wednesday, a day after the militants released a video of a US reporter being beheaded.

“The United States attempted a rescue operation recently to free a number of American hostages held in Syria by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (IS),” Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby said in a statement.

“This operation involved air and ground components and was focused on a particular captor network within ISIL (IS).

“Unfortunately, the mission was not successful because the hostages were not present at the targeted location.”

Arrow http://www.defensenews.com/article/20140820/DEFREG.....ages-Syria

Before Killing James Foley, ISIS Demanded Ransom From U.S.

Arrow http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/21/world/middleeast.....foley.html

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2014
  • Poruke: 136

djox ::Baza Tabga je napadnuta sa svih strana,postoji velika verovatnoca da ce pasti.
Izvestaji su oprecni.Scenario napada je kao za prosle baze,par kamiona samoubica
otvaraju put,a onda nastupaju svi ostali.

Evo nekih vesti
Citat:-300 soldiers fighting at Tabqa Airbase are in my prayers tonight. They are facing 800 well-armed terrorists from ISIS.
-Clashes have started again around the Tabqa airbase, IS sources claim to have captured it but unconfirmed.
-FSA reinforcements sent to the frontline in Marea against ISIS.
- Heavy clashes are ongoing around the Tabqa airbase, the last Assad held area in Raqqa province, IS wants to storm it tonight.

Slika napada na bazu Tabqa

SAA svjesno radi ove stvari ,ostavlja isturene enklave u neprijateljskoj teritoriji,da bi vezala sto veci broj pobunjenika za to podrucje i automatski rasteretila neki drugi front koji joj je vazniji ,uzmite primjer zatvora u Alepu ,hiljade i hiljade pobunjenika je tu napadalo.E sada koliko je to humano po svoje ljude tj. vojnike SAA koji su svjesno zrtvovani to je druga prica.

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99797

Informacije su neproverene,jer obe strane daju oprecne izvestaje o svemu.
Kazu da je IS uspeo da se priblizi barijeri odbrane baze Tabqa i da su tu zauzeli
neke polozaje branioca baze,ali da su ih vazdusni udari RV Sirije tu zaustavili.
Navodno je komandant Tabqa baze general Ali Sarhan nocas poginuo
u napadu IS na bazu.
Par slika dole je postavljeno vezano za ovu vest.
Jos neka nova vest:
Citat:-Syrian air force carried out three air raids targeted the terrorist groupings in the Douma.
-ISIS terrorist groups retreat from the surroundings of Tabaqah airbase following heavy clashes with the SAA .
- In the last 24hrs, SAA has collected 120 bodies of IS on the ourskirts of the Tabqa airbase in Syria.
-Military Source: Army foils terrorists' infiltration attempt in Daraa countryside, killing and wounding a number of them
-Syria Airstrikes on Aqaribat village controlled by Islamic State in eastern rural Hama.
-Heavy clashes at Tameco Pharmaceutical Factory in Maliha.
-No clashes anymore at Tabqa airbase- either fully fallen or Islamic State retreat.
-IS Reports claim dead of the commander of Tabqa airbase SAA-Brigade General Ali Sarhan.

Citat:Spoils from Tabqa airbase after Islamic State take barriers at entrance.

  • Pridružio: 23 Maj 2013
  • Poruke: 144

djox ::
Kazu da je IS uspeo da se priblizi barijeri odbrane baze Tabqa i da su tu zauzeli
neke polozaje branioca baze,ali da su ih vazdusni udari RV Sirije tu zaustavili.

70 IS jihadists killed
in Syria clashes

  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 4963

Napad je propao jer su imali 140 mrtivh i dosta više ranjenih.
Samoubica je likvidiran na distanci fugasom (još neproverno možda i nečim drugim) sa sve vozilom ali je pešadija ipak napala i ušla u dirigovano minsko polje, štićeno vatrom, da bi je u povlačenju tukla artiljerija i avijacija.

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99797

Very Happy


U bazu Tabqa je stiglo pojacanje braniocima.....napadi su opet poceli
Syrian Republican Guards Newly Formed 124th Arrives at Tabqa Airbase

Arrow http://almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-republican-.....a-airbase/

Ameri prilikom pokusaja spasavanja taoca iz Sirije,pozvali u pomoc topovnjacu AC-130
Secret Mission to Rescue US Hostages ‘Flawless,’ Except for the Rescue
Citat:A senior administration official said Wednesday that “while on site it became apparent the hostages were not there.” But around 100 ISIS fighters were there, said the U.S. official familiar with the incident, and the American forces engaged in a fierce firefight. An Air Force AC-130 gunship came in overhead and put down fire on other ISIS fighters, keeping the bulk of the extremist force from the fight.

The Americans killed a number of ISIS fighters – at least 15, according to the U.S. official – before scrambling back to their helicopters and flying away.

Arrow http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/secret-mission-rescu.....d=25077207

  • Pridružio: 01 Jul 2014
  • Poruke: 306

To u Siriji? I sirijci nisu vidjeli na radaru hebeni AC130 Ihawk helikoptere?

  • d.ing Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3397
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

carasco ::To u Siriji? I sirijci nisu vidjeli na radaru hebeni AC130 Ihawk helikoptere?

jer im to ishlo u prilog.
a verojatno su i bili obaveshteni.

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99797

Slike od sinocnjeg napada na bazu Tabqa
Citat:ISIS deployed BM-21 Grad MLR and 122mm 2A18 D-30 howitzers, likely from the Div 17 base, in assault on Tabqah airbase

Jos svezih vesti:
Citat:-Rebels try to storm now Mahardeh city.(Hama)
-Hama- huge explosion & black smoke billowed from the military airport.
-JaN take over al-Rahjan village in eastern rural Hama.
-Major General Adnan Omran, Chief of Staff of Department of air defense killed by IED in Maliha.
-The Ilyushin that landed in Tabqa delivering Republican guards, have brought back the body of 1 martyre & 3 injured to Damascus.
-The newly formed 124th Brigade of the Republican Guards has arrived at Tabqa Airbase. Their speciality is anti-insurgency.
- Artillery strikes from Tabqa airbase this moment on Tabqa city Iskandarya neighborhood.
- The intensive air raids (7) on "Islamic State" in the last 1/2 hour was to an enable an Iluyshin to land in Tabqa airbase.
-Huge Syrian Air Force bombardment on an Islamic State position south of Lake Assad.(Raqqa)
-6 Air raids on Tabqa city in the last quarter hour from Tabqa airbase and Migs still in the sky.
-Syria-MRL barrage from Tabqa airbase on Awal NB in Raqqah on ISIS positions.
-Damascus: 180 militants from the town of Bassima surrendered with their weapons to the authorities.
-The Syrian army entered the rubber plant and control all points of the surrounding gunmen in the heart of the Ghouta East.
-Syrian air forces target sites of Jaish al-Islam in Adra, Jesrein + Zebdein towns of Damascus countryside.
-Military source to SANA reporter : Army units make significant progress towards al-Jubailiyeh area and cement factory in Aleppo.
-Terrorists' attempt to attack gas and Syria Tel stations in Jabal al-Shaer thwarted .
source:Al-Akhbar English

Citat:124th Brigade of the Republican Guards has arrived at Tabqa Airbase to storm "Islamic State" in the city

  • profesor Istorije
  • Pridružio: 06 Okt 2008
  • Poruke: 708
  • Gde živiš: tu, u kraju

postoji li neki info o toj 124. brigadi ? brojno stanje, nacin obuke i slicno.

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