Dragan Mačak Damljanović ::Prošli put kada je bila ovakva zaseda , korištene su mine koje su postavljene na očekujući pravac ,
A ono što skakuće mozda je rikošet od mitraljeza ?
ne bre zadnje nego su ono najvjerovatnije burad sa nekakvim hemijskim agensima
Advance.hr: Kurdi porazili ISIL, preuzeli punu kontrolu nad gradom Kobani, tisuće slave na ulicama - Turska nezadovoljna: "Ne možemo prihvatiti autonomnu kurdsku vlast na sjeveru Sirije"
Jel im neko bilo kakvu info zasto je SAA zastala zadnjih mjesec dana sa ofanzivnim aktivnostima ? verovatno da imaju udjela najavljeni pregovori u moskvi, ali da totalno stanu na svim frontovima ? Sa opkoljavanjem Alepa se stalo, cak se gube polozaji, u Dari haos, qalamun hezbollah ponesto odradi i to je to. Jedino u Deir er zor brka udara i uzima nazad teritorije koje su izgubili u zadnjoj ofanzivi ID.
Izrael ponovo izveo vazdusne udare ovaj po po Sirijskoj armiji.
IDF hits Syrian military positions in response to rocket fire
Citat:Israeli Air Force warplanes attacked Syrian military targets shortly after midnight on Wednesday, as air raid sirens blared in the northern Golan Heights towns of El Rom, Neve Ativ, and several Druze villages. The IDF said no rockets had landed in Israeli territory and the military was investigating why the alarms sounded.
The air strike on targets in areas under the control of Syrian President Bashar Assad sent a clear message, Defence Minister Moshe Ya'alon said in a statement: "We will not tolerate any firing towards Israeli territory or violation of our sovereignty and we will respond forcefully and with determination," Yaalon added
Residents in the northern Golan Heights reported hearing air raid sirens at 12:33 am. The IDF Spokesperson's Unit announced the IAF strikes moments later and said that "the rocket fire is a flagrant violation of Israeli sovereignty. The IDF holds the Syrian regime as responsible for what occurs in its territory and will continue to operate as it sees fit to defend the citizens of the State of Israel. Direct hits on the targets were identified."
Arab media outlets reported that artillery positions of the Syrian military's 90th brigade were attacked. Syrian opposition sources claimed that the sites targeted belonged to militias loyal to President Assad and affiliated with Hezbollah.
Earlier in the day, two rockets exploded in the northern Golan Heights. The two projectiles were fired from Syrian territory. There were no casualties and no damages were reported. The IDF retaliated at the launch site with artillery fire.
The Israeli Air Force raised its alert level of its flight squadrons on the northern front in response to the rocket fire from Syrian territory. Meanwhile, a senior military source said the two rockets were of the 107mm variety.
The source added that the IDF attacked the Syrian military launching pad and claimed that Hezbollah was responsible for the rocket fire. However, he emphasized that Israel "sees Syrian as responsible for all fire emanating from its territory."
Yoav Zitun and Roi Kais contributed to this report.
nizam ::Jel im neko bilo kakvu info zasto je SAA zastala zadnjih mjesec dana sa ofanzivnim aktivnostima ? verovatno da imaju udjela najavljeni pregovori u moskvi, ali da totalno stanu na svim frontovima ? Sa opkoljavanjem Alepa se stalo, cak se gube polozaji, u Dari haos, qalamun hezbollah ponesto odradi i to je to. Jedino u Deir er zor brka udara i uzima nazad teritorije koje su izgubili u zadnjoj ofanzivi ID.
Misljenja sam da je doslo do premora kod ljudstva,potrosnje materijala i neprestanog ubacivanja novih i novih terorista posebno na jugu dje su imali u zadnje 3 mjeseca zavidan napredak,baze su padale i padaju ko na traci.Tri godine rata iscrpile su sirijsku vojsku,borba na nekoliko frontova,gradske borbe,rat protiv bande koja je finansirana sa svih strana...to su neki segmenti koji dovode sad do ovakog stanja,stanja gdje se ne nazire kako se moze zavrsiti ovaj rat i ko ce na kraju izaci kao pobjednik.
Jedno je sigurno da je sirijski narod najveci gubitnik,pojedini djelovi zemlje vraceni su u kameno doba,ogromni gubici vojske...nego dobro se drze kakva je muka na njih i koliko se lokalnog i svjetskog olosa ustremilo da ih unisti i porobi.Dosta je tih terorista sa ovih prostora likvidirala sirijska armija i hvala Asadu i njegovoj ekipi na tome.