Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99813

Britanske učenice se pridružile ID

Citat:Međunarodna potraga za tri tinejdžerke iz Velike Britanije, džihad neveste, izgleda da je uzaludna, jer su već prešle iz Turske u Siriju i priključile se ID.

Arrow http://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2015&....._id=961094

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • sezan  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2008
  • Poruke: 3131
  • Gde živiš: Kragujevac

Syria. Джобар. Штурм укрепрайона с юга. Часть 1

  • Gama  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Jun 2004
  • Poruke: 4389

Almasdarnews.com: Homs: ISIS Begins Withdrawal from Jabal Al-Sha’ar; NDF Ambush Al-Nusra in the North


  • Pridružio: 18 Feb 2007
  • Poruke: 1088
  • Gde živiš: Republika Srpska,Banja Luka

Исламска држава у Сирији пред поразом:

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99813

Citat:Turkish soldiers attend the military operation in Syria, on Feb. 22, 2015. Turkey launched a military operation into Syria on Sunday to evacuate some 40 soldiers guarding the Tomb of Suleyman Shah, grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman Empire. Turkish troops had been besieged by Jihadist fighters at the Tomb of Suleyman Shah. (Xinhua)

  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3556

Sirijska vojska posle gubitka pozicija na sjeveru Alepa krenula u kontranapad, zauzela Bashky i Duwar al Zaytan, pokusace da guraju ka Haritanu.

  • Pridružio: 30 Apr 2012
  • Poruke: 212

Irbis ::Sirijska vojska posle gubitka pozicija na sjeveru Alepa krenula u kontranapad, zauzela Bashky i Duwar al Zaytan, pokusace da guraju ka Haritanu.

samo nemoj vijesti iz one grupe "podrska bbla bla bla" ljudi nemaju veze za mozgom i sa stvarnoscu.
izgleda da je saa i hezb uspeli da povrate veci dio od AL MALLAH.

  • Pridružio: 30 Mar 2013
  • Poruke: 492

Mali off ali da bi @Gama razumeo razmere ilegalne trgovine, citam pre neki dan u novinama da samo kod nas u Srbiji ima od 200.000-900.000 komada neprijavljenog oruzja.

  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3556

Napisano: 24 Feb 2015 16:50

SAA je uspostavila potpunu kontrolu u Bashkoy i Duwar_alZaytun u Alepu]
Ubijeni teroristi u Duwar_alZaytun u Alepu

Ovo su podaci preuzeti sa nasih grupa na FB ksane ce pokusati da proverim ove infomacije.

Dopuna: 24 Feb 2015 17:06

Izgleda da su tacne ove vesti iz nasih grupa
Syria Aleppo Reporter Maytham posted 2 hours ago Bashkuy & Duwar al-Zaytun fully under ‪#‎SAA‬ control still.

za onu sliku sa ubijenim teroristima slikano je
terrorists killed by the Syrian army on the axis (Bashkwui - Ratyan) northern Aleppo CS

evo malo o peovinciji Daraa
‪#‎Daraa‬, SANA, Units of the army and armed forces on Tuesday killed and injured numbers of terrorists in Aqraba, Um al- Awsaj, Tal-Antar, Tal-Qarein and Samlin.
A military source told SANA that the army destroyed a pickup truck transferring terrorists in al-Zemrin town in the southern province.
In the Eastern part of the province, a unit of the army destroyed a vehicle loaded with terrorists in al-Gharia al-Gharbiya, while other terrorists were killed and injured in the town of al-Kark al-
Sharqi, according to the source.
Other army units killed and wounded a number of terrorists in Attman town to the northern part of Daraa city as well as killed and injured another number of terrorists' hideouts at the surroundings
of Katakit Build. And om Daraj at Karak neighborhood.
Meanwhile, Terrorist organizations affirmed losses in their ranks and killing of a number of them including one of what they call a group leader " Abu Muhamad al-Sharhouli"
‪#‎SANA‬ ‪#‎Syria24‬

Evo vesti sa svih fronova u Siriji

More successful military operations against foreign-backed terrorists
Provinces, ‪#‎SANA‬ -Units of the army and armed forces on Monday continued to press ahead with its operations against foreign-backed terrorist groups across the country, inflicting more losses upon their ranks and killing Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists.
‪#‎Damascus‬ Countryside
Units of Army and Armed Forces eliminated a number of terrorists, some of them hold Saudi and Tunisian nationalities, during Army intensive operation against Takfiri terrorist organizations hideouts in Doma Farms and the western south of Damascus Countryside.
A military source confirmed that units of Army carried out strikes against terrorist organizations gatherings and dens, inflicting them heavy losses in Hamrit village.
Many of terrorists’ vehicles and gatherings were destroyed in Sabsaba village as the source added.
SANA field reporter said that Army eliminated many of terrorists during its intensive operations in Tal Kurdi Farms to the eastern south of Douma.
Adil al-gytori, Faisel al-Mokhtari, Sa’id al-Rifa’y, Basil Tahan, Mohamed Bobis, khaled al-kurdi, Bahaa Mayassa, Fawaz Safsaf, Ahmad Subhia, Zuhir Subhia and tamir Asqoul were identified among the dead.
Terrorist organizations admitted on their pages on social media networks the dead of more than 37 of their members, most of them are members in the so called “Islamic Army” in Doma.
A military source told SANA that the army destroyed a vehicle for terrorists and killed many of them in Busre al-Harir in Daraa countryside.
A unit of the army and armed forces carried out a special operation against terrorist organizations’ dens and gatherings in Samlin town west of the southern Daraa province, killing and injuring many terrorists and destroying their ammo and equipment, according to a military source.
The source also told SANA that all members of a terrorist group were directly targeted by an army unit in al-Neima town at the eastern entrance of Daraa city.
In Daraa al-Mahata neighborhood in the city, an army unit frustrated a terrorists’ infiltration attempt to the south of the Electricity Company Building, eliminating many of them, injuring others and destroying their weapons and ammunition.
Army units, in cooperation with popular defense groups, clashed with terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra and the so-called “al-Farouq Battalions” in al-Waer neighborhood in the city of Homs.
A military source told SANA that the clashes left a number of terrorists killed and others injured in separate areas in the neighborhood.
In the northern countryside of Homs province, the source confirmed the death of a number of terrorists during military operations against their dens in al-Rastan al-Tahtani, Jabal al-Kenn, near al-Zara village and in al-Saan village in Talbiseh area.
An army unit carried out strikes against gatherings of terrorists, killing many of them, near Jedrin village.
Other army units killed terrorists linked to Jabhat al-Nusra organization and the so-called “Ahrar al-Sham” movement in the area between Msay’eed and al-Mazbal villages in the eastern countryside of the province.
The army units continued hunting down terrorists from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), where many ISIS terrorists were killed during the operations in Jazel and in the vicinity of al-Shaer oil wells in the eastern countryside of Homs.
Army units killed Jabhat al-Nusra-linked terrorists, including field leaders, and destroyed five vehicles, some of which equipped with heavy machine guns and others loaded with weapons and ammunition in the northern countryside of the coastal Lattakia province.
A military source told SANA that army units launched strikes against terrorists’ gatherings in Salma and Kensabba in the northern countryside of the province, destroying two vehicles, one of them was armored and the other was loaded with weapons.
The source added that the terrorist Bilal al-Soufi, a field reader in Jabhat al-Nusra, was killed along with three of his companions.
A number of terrorists were also killed and two vehicles equipped with machineguns were destroyed during military operations carried out in Jabal Zahiyeh and Abu al-Resh farm, the source said, adding that the terrorists Marwan Husseino, Ahmad Bajiko, Omar Karbouj, Maher al-Said, Ahmad al-Zallou’ and Mohammad al-Zallou’ were identified among the dead.
A military source told SANA that the army killed a number of terrorists and destroyed their vehicles in Khan al-Asal, al-Atareb, Tal Rifaat, Mare’e, Handarat camp, Castillo, al-Jandoul and Hananou in Aleppo and its countryside.
Army units targeted terrorist hideouts in Baynoun, Kafar Hamra, Hreitan, Andan, east of Pashkoy and the surroundings of Mallah farms and Retyan in the countryside of Aleppo province.
Army operations in the province’s northern countryside resulted in the death of terrorist Abu Qutada al-Somali along with all members of his groups, while social media sources said that a terrorist nicknamed “Abu al-Qa’qa’a” from Tunisia who was in charge of fortifications for a terrorist group was also killed, in addition to a terrorist nicknamed “Abu Hasan al-Osba” along with 7 of his cohorts.
The army also killed and injured many terrorists and destroyed their vehicles north of the Free Zone on the road to al-Meselmiye, while many terrorists were killed and their equipment was destroyed in al-Bab town northeast of Aleppo.
Army artillery shelling targeted terrorist concentrations in Maskana area near Manbej city, while army units targeted terrorist hideouts in the town of al-Zarbeh on the Aleppo-Damascus international highway.
A Military source said that units of the army and armed forces eliminated a number of al-Nusra Front-linked terrorists in al-Hamediya village in al-Quneitra countryside and Um Batneh village west of Quneitra city.
It added that the army killed a number of terrorists and injured many others in Tal Mashara and Um Batneh in Quneitra countryside.
#SANA ‪#‎Syria24‬

Aleppo: Syrian Army and Hezbollah Retake Most of Al-Malaah
The Syrian Arab Army (‪#‎SAA‬) – in cooperation with Hezbollah (Party of God), the National Defense Forces (‪#‎NDF‬), and Kata’eb Al-Ba’ath (Ba’ath Battalions) – has taken control of 80 percent of the farms in Mazra’a Al-‪#‎Malaah‬ after arriving in northern ‪#‎Aleppo‬ to reinforce the NDF.
North of Al-Malaah Farms, the militants from the Syrian Al-Qaeda branch “Jabhat Al-‪#‎Nusra‬” (Al-Nusra Front) continued their counter-offensive at the town of Bashkoy, where they tried to break-through the NDF’s frontline defenses – they were repelled after a number of attempts to infiltrate.
In Duweir Al-Zeitoun, Jabhat Al-Nusra – backed by the Islamic Front (Jabhat Al-Islamiyya) – attacked this town in northern Aleppo; however, they were unable to advance past the outskirts of this area.
The Syrian Arab Air Force launched a number of airstrikes over Aleppo on Monday, targeting the cities of ‘‪#‎Anadan‬, ‘‪#‎Azaz‬, Deir Hafer, Al-Baab, Marr’e, Rityan, and Al-Maayer. The ‪#‎SAAF‬ conducted a total of 77 airstrikes in Aleppo; this totals over 200 strikes in the matter of 48 hours.
~120 airstrikes in the past 24 hours on terrorists locations in Aleppo alone.
The way the SyAF command coordinates, and work is beyond impressive. Even the most sophisticated air forces around the world will have hard times coordinating such massive number of sorties, and it's been going three years now.

Dopuna: 24 Feb 2015 17:16

Da li medju ovim Kurdima ima neko ko koordinise operacijama,jer u Alepu saradjuju sa terorisima,u kod Nubla saradjuju sa SAA,kod kobane sa Teroristima,Irancima,Turcima,u Hasakah sa SAA da li ti ljude znaju sta rede?

  • Pridružio: 24 Feb 2015
  • Poruke: 75
  • Gde živiš: Gornji Pakao

gledaj kako ce na kraju kad SAA donekle zavrsi sa pacovima YPG postati "opozicija" a turci ce morati nekako podviti rep kad im ujko sem drekne Smile

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