Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina

  • Pridružio: 30 Mar 2013
  • Poruke: 492

Irbis ::

Evo u jedonom danu se predalo 196 terorista,a kada je SAA u 3 dana izgubila 100 vojnika to su uvazeni clanovi foruma pricali o velikom porazu SAA
Сиријској армији се у Алепу предало 196 исламиста

Dopuna: 06 Mar 2015 19:49

175 wanted people from Hama and Idleb turn in themselves to authorities

Da samo sto se ovde govori o Hami i Idlibu koliko me secanje sluzi mi smo govorili o porazu severno od Aleppa.

Ocigledno je sada mnogo veci problem ljudstvo i logistika da odrzi ovoliko dugacak front, SAA ocigledno nece moci da zadrzi liniju severno od Aleppa barem tako prenose pro pobunjenicki izvori... jer su napadnuti sa 3 strane.

Handarat front koji se nalazi severno od Aleppa.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3554

Napisano: 08 Mar 2015 13:56

gold_digger ::Irbis ::

Evo u jedonom danu se predalo 196 terorista,a kada je SAA u 3 dana izgubila 100 vojnika to su uvazeni clanovi foruma pricali o velikom porazu SAA
Сиријској армији се у Алепу предало 196 исламиста

Dopuna: 06 Mar 2015 19:49

175 wanted people from Hama and Idleb turn in themselves to authorities

Da samo sto se ovde govori o Hami i Idlibu koliko me secanje sluzi mi smo govorili o porazu severno od Aleppa.

Ocigledno je sada mnogo veci problem ljudstvo i logistika da odrzi ovoliko dugacak front, SAA ocigledno nece moci da zadrzi liniju severno od Aleppa barem tako prenose pro pobunjenicke snage... jer su napadnuti sa 3 strane.

Handarat front koji se nalazi severno od Aleppa.

Procitaj prvi deo posta
Citat:Сиријској армији се у Алепу предало 196 исламиста
Znaci pricamo o Alepu za jedan dan skoro 200 terorista i sada to nije poraz,a SAA izgubi 100 vojnika u 3 dana i to je poraz,DNR i LNR izgube 500 coveka u nekoliko dana i to je pobeda,pa slozice te se ima malo ne logicnosti.

Ako ovako ne mogu da izdrze bice ce super po SAA.
Citat:SAA je ubila na desetine terorista koje je bila opkolila na farmi u Handarat distriktu u Alepu.
Citat:‪#‎Syria‬ ‪#‎Aleppo‬ Report's that ‪#‎SAA‬ ‪#‎NDF‬ captured some militants after surrounding them for 6 hours. ‪#‎Handarat‬ | ‪#‎Syria24‬

Citat:Syrian Arab Army captures a number of militants in a farm near Hanadart, Aleppo countryside
O tom napadu sa tri strane nema nista nigde jedina zanimljivost sem gore navedenog koja se deseva u Alepu je dostava humanitarne pomoci u Bustan al-Qaser u Alepu.

Sirijska Arapska Armija preuzela kontrolu nad nafrnim postrojenjem Jazal u Homsu,, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erkNw2gfZtM

Syrian Arab Army
11 сати ·
Army establishes full control on Jazal oil field in Homs, kills ISIS chief in central region
Units of army and armed forces on Saturday established full control on Jazl oil field in Homs countryside, killing tens of terrorists and destroying their weapons and confiscating amounts of arms and munitions.
A military source told SANA that units of army and armed forces destroyed the last gathering of ISIS terrorists in Jazal oil field.
The source added that a unit of army destroyed a den for Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in al-Sa’an, which is located in Talbiseh area in Homs’ northern countryside.
It noted that units of army and armed forces also struck terrorists’ dens and gatherings in al- Ghajar and al-Rastan farms, killing many of them and injuring others.
A military source said army units foiled an attempt by terrorists to infiltrate towards Um al-Sarj al-Qibli and al-Tiba villages in Homs countryside, killing a number of infiltrating terrorists.
Meanwhile, the army destroyed dens for terrorists in the villages of Abu Hawadid, Rahoum, al-Dwaibeh, Masaada, Rajm al-Qassr, Salam Gharbi, between Maksar al-Hisan and Tloul al-Hawa, Um Sharshouh, al-Talila, al-Ghanto and Talbisheh.
Many terrorists were killed, among them Abu Hassan al-Hosmi and Riyad al-Hilawi.
A unit of the army and armed forces carried out a special operation against dens and gatherings of terrorists in Tissia town in the countryside of Daraa near the southern border with Jordan,
according to a military source.
More of gatherings were also targeted in al-Ghariyeh al-Gharbiyeh village, northeast of Daraa, with numbers of terrorists getting killed and others wounded and their vehicles destroyed.
In al-Sheiliyeh town near al-Sheikh Miskin, an army unit destroyed a vehicle and a bulldozer for terrorists, killing all those aboard them.
A number of other terrorists were killed during intensive army operations that targeted their positions in Daraa al-Balad in the city.
A military source said army units hit terrorists’ dens near al-Kark, al-Arbaiyeen Park and northwest of Atman town in Daraa countryside, killing and wounding several terrorists and destroying their vehicles.
The source added that army units pounded terrorists’ hideouts in Ibta’a, west of Qarfa, Basr al-Harir and Qaita in the province’s countryside, killing many terrorists and wounding others.
Other army units eliminated a number of terrorists and destroyed their vehicles west of Huwaishat al-Rabe’a in al-Lajat area in Daraa countryside.
Damascus Countryside
Units of the army and armed forces killed many terrorists and wounded others in Jerod al-Qalamoun in the countryside of Damascus
Army units killed ISIS chief in the central region, known as “Wali”, along with other prominent military leaders in the terror organization in an airstrike against ISIS terrorists in Hama eastern countryside.
0Deeb Hdeijan al-Etaibi, nicknamed Abi Ammar, ISIS self-proclaimed chief in the central region and a prominent military leader in the organization, was killed during an airstrike carried out by the Syrian army in Hamadi Omar area in Hama eastern countryside, according to a military source.
The operation, which directed a heavy blow to the terror organization, also resulted in the destruction of a convoy comprising scores of military vehicles.
Other units of Army and Armed forces destroyed a number of terrorists’ vehicles, injuring tens of them in al-Lataminah , Alaqihrb, southern Qastal , Kafr Zita , Tahmaz and Salbah and al-mstrihah in Hama countryside.
Three vehicles were destroyed and many terrorists were killed in military operations launched against their dens in the towns of al-Latamina and Kafar Zita, adding that more terrorists were killed or injured in al-Mestriha village.
Meanwhile, intensive operations on terrorists’ gatherings left dozens of them killed and an armored vehicle were destroyed in the areas of al-Qastal al-Janoubi, Salbeh, Tahmaz and al-Oqeirbat.
Units of the army and armed forces killed and injured a number of terrorists inal-Badria, al-Tibat, Majdoulia and Helouz poultry in Idleb province countryside.
Other units killed tens of terrorists in Saraqib, al-Suda ,wathfah, Mraeian and Abu al- duhur in Idleb countryside.
A special army operation was carried out in al-Hbeit town, 77 km southwest of Idleb, where a large number of terrorists were killed after targeting their gatherings.
Army units killed terrorists and wounded others in al-Rouj plain, Tal Salmo, and Um Jrein in Idleb countryside, destroying two vehicles equipped with machineguns.
Units of the army and armed forces killed a number of terrorists, injured others and destroyed two vehicles equipped with anti-aircraft machineguns in Tal Ashhib and Tal Asfar in the northeastern countryside of Sweida province.
A military source said Army units destroyed dens and vehicles for terrorist organizations in the vicinity of al-Hamidieh village and Um Batneh in Quneitra countryside, killing a number of their members and wounding others.
Other army units targeted terrorist concentrations and vehicles in Mas’hara, Mumtanna, and the road between Kom al-Basha and Nabe’a al-Sakhr in Quneitra countryside, eliminating many terrorists.
Army units destroyed terrorist hideouts and concentrations in Karm al-Tarrad, Handarat camp, the farms of al-Mallah, Hreitan, al-Shqeif, the surroundings of Bashkoi, and al-Madafeh hill in Aleppo and its countryside, in addition to destroying a number of vehicles along with the terrorists on board.
Source: Syrian Arab News Agency - SANA
Syrian Arab Army

Dopuna: 08 Mar 2015 13:59

СAA je заузела два села Bayda Shams и Qursaya, кojи сe налазе јужно до Мухамбел, Провинција ИДЛИБ

  • sezan  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2008
  • Poruke: 3131
  • Gde živiš: Kragujevac

radionica1 ::Ako neko moze pojasnjenje (svoje misljenje) u vezi najnovijih Dzobar snimaka.
Snimci 1-4, koliko sam razumeo, SA je pokusala da osvoji one zgrade u prvom planu i naletela na unakrsnu vatru, onda je usledilo izvlacenje ?
Cija artiljerija tuce zgradu u prvom planu (Posto sam laik, da li je normalno da se tuce, a da su tvoje jedinice tako blizu, pa tu nema vise od 30m radijusa - jos bih mogao da razumem to da su zauzeli busiju, ali se desava u trenutku pretrcavanja)?
Pobunjenici tuku minobacacima ili RPG-ovima, ne mislim na pucanj na tenk, nego ono sto pada okolo i ka kameri?

To su minobacači drekavaca, i novinar je pomenuo na nekom od snimaka da dejstvuju iz dubine dzobara i da dobro navode paljbu -precizni su(ako se dobro sećam komentara)..
da li je normalno? Šta ima normalno kod drekoša kad su svu bolesnici i čista patologija...
nevezano za njih ,ako ti je vatra precizna možeš da dejstvuješ iz minobacača ,a i drekavci su uvek ukopani dobro ,pa i na "glavu" da im padne ne bi im ništa bilo...

  • Pridružio: 30 Mar 2013
  • Poruke: 492

Irbis ::
O tom napadu sa tri strane nema nista nigde jedina zanimljivost sem gore navedenog koja se deseva u Alepu je dostava humanitarne pomoci u Bustan al-Qaser u Alepu.

Ne govorim konkretno o napadu na Handarat front nego da se front nalazi na 3 odbrambene linije i da mozda nece uspeti da zadrze poziciju.
Onaj video sto sam postavio je upravo sa tog fronta i nije bas da se nista ne desava.

Mapa je iz 26 feburara ali oslikava u kom polozaju se nalaze obe strane, osim onog dela u gornjem levom uglu koji je SAA izgubila jos u februaru.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 35075

Francuz na najnovijem propagandnom videu IS
Boko haram obećao lojalnost Islamskoj državi
"Džihadi Džon" se izvinio svojoj porodici

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9449

Поздрав свима, дуго пратим форум, па реко да се региструјем коначно. И питам шта ме занима...

Да ли се зна број жртава на обе стране у току ове године, и поређење са претходним годинама?

  • sezan  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2008
  • Poruke: 3131
  • Gde živiš: Kragujevac

Syria. Джобар. Штурм укрепрайона с юга. Часть 6

  • Pridružio: 18 Feb 2007
  • Poruke: 1088
  • Gde živiš: Republika Srpska,Banja Luka

Црни викенд за ИСИЛ:

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102105

Citat:SAA/NDF have taken control of Jazal Oil Field from ISIS.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102105

Nemica poginula u borbi protiv ID

Citat:Ivana Hofman je poginula u subotu boreći se na strani Jedinica za zaštitu kurdskog naroda (YPG), u blizini sirijskog sela Tel Tamr, izjavio je portparol YPG Navaf Kalil, saopštili su kurdski zvaničnici i aktivisti, a prenela agencija AP.

Hofmanova, pripadnica marksističko-lenjinističke Komunističke partije Turske, pridružila se kurdskim borcima pre oko šest meseci, rekao je Kalil.

Pogibiju 19-godišnje Nemice su potvrdili predsednik iračke Kurdske stranke Serdar Sitr i Sirijska opservatorija za ljudska prava, sa sedištem u Britaniji.

Hofmanova, čiji su roditelji iz Južnoafričke republike a ona je rođena u Nemačkoj, treći je stranac, ali prvi ženski borac koji je poginuo boreći se na strani Kurda protiv Islamske države.

Arrow http://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2015&....._id=966374

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