Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina

  • Pridružio: 30 Apr 2012
  • Poruke: 212

@ radoznao. jeste to je onaj. Abu Sekar cini mi se , koliko sam vidio po slikama presao je u Nusru.
Uzgred ova mapa Idliba nije vise tacna. Ona dva sitska gradica iznad Idliba su danas odseceni, palo je par punktova sto su bili izmedju njih i Idliba

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 19 Sep 2013
  • Poruke: 3375

"Asad: Svrha krize u Ukrajini i Siriji je slabljenje Rusije
Svrha kriza u Siriji i Ukrajini je da se oslabi uticaj Rusije i da se stvore marionetske države, ocenio je danas sirijski predsednik Bašar el Asad."

  • Pridružio: 07 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 281

pobunjenici i ekstremisti zauzeli velike delove idilba,,kažu idilb će biti nova raka,,,,na twiteru,propagandno prepucavanje,, saa odsečena i razbijena u manje formacije,bez mogućnosti pojačanja,,trenutno su pod jakom vatrom sa svih strana,,,,,istovremeno su pobunjenici pretrpeli velike gubitke,,,,,,a fsa širi propagandu o hemijskom napadu,kače neke naivno uradjene snimke,većina tih što kuka na bojne otrove ,deluju kao botovi,sa evropskim imenima,,,,mada sve treba uzeti sa rezervom,,,,teško je zaključiti šta je istina u ovom trenutku,jedino oko čega se svi slažu je da al nusra koristi američke protiv oklopne sisteme,i fsa i al nusta deluju kordinisano,,,,znači al kaida i demokrate u borbi protiv saa,,,,,,u zvaničnim medijima ni govora o ovome,kao da se ništa ne dešava,,,,,,,zaključak,biće žrtvovano mnogo života samo da se asad obori,,,,sirija je tragedija koju svet svesno pusta niz vodu,,,izgubljeni životi su izgleda neophodni za više ciljeve,,,21.vek,,,strašno,

  • Pridružio: 30 Apr 2012
  • Poruke: 212

losa je situacija, bash bash losa padaju punktovi oko grada jedan za drugim.
rebeli su uzeli i univerzitet :

primjetna je odlicna kordinacija rebela uz masivnu upotrebu TOW-a...
gubitak Idliba bi bio uzasan udarac za SAA koja ionako zadnjih par mjeseci je u defanzivi i prakticno na skoro svim frontovima stoji lose. jedini izuzetak je Deir er zor. Tu je brka odradio odlican posao i to se sad tek vidi, kad se uporedi sa ALEPOM, IDLIBOM I DAROM.

ps. stanje od danas


iskreno, moje je misljenje da grad pada u narednih dva tri dana.. previse je linija palo da bi mogli da se odrze. nadam se da grijesim

  • Gama  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Jun 2004
  • Poruke: 4389

^^Po tviterima SAA vrši kontranapad u industrijskoj zoni.



  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3556

Napisano: 26 Mar 2015 23:28

Gama ::^^Po tviterima SAA vrši kontranapad u industrijskoj zoni.



I ja imam isto informacije o bezaniji FSA malo ih udarili i sada beze.

Dopuna: 26 Mar 2015 23:30

Odbijen napad na Idlib.
Više od 3000 terorista su napali grad Idlib i njegovu okolinu.
Sirijska Vojska je odbila napad terorista na grad i okolna mjesta, tako da se ljudi mogu kretati slobodno u područjima.
Teroristi poslali više od 2 vozila napunjena eksplozivom prema punktovima sirijske vojske,No, sirijska vojska je uspjela raznijeti vozila iz prije nego što su stigla do puktova.
Teroristi su počeli ispaljivati granate na rezidencionalno područje u Idlibu
Sirijska vojska ih je izbacila odbacila od rezidencionalne zgrade i neke ubila, a ostali su uspjeli pobjeći.
Grad je sada slobodan od bilo kakvih stranih terorista.
More than 3000 terrorists have attacked the city of idlib and the surrounding
The.Syrian army repelled the terrorists and surrounded them so the people can move out of the terrorist's areas
Terrorists sent more than 2 vehicles filled with explosives to the Syrian army check points
But the Syrian army managed to explode these vehicles from distance
Rockets were launched in to residential areas in idlib
And finally the Syrian army cornered them in a building and ELIMINATED some of them and the others managed to escape
The city is now free from any foreign terrorists
They're like rats terrorising the elderly woman and men and children
No, sirijska vojska je uspjela eksplodirati ovih vozila iz daljine

Dopuna: 26 Mar 2015 23:34

SAA preuzela kontrolu u mjestu Dahr Al-Baider koje se nalazi u blizini Zabadania

Dopuna: 26 Mar 2015 23:36

Sutra ce bii informacija direktno iz Sirije oko siuacije u Idlibu,nazalost na engleskom.

  • Pridružio: 07 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 281

su 22 iznad idliba https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guDNdjBKQh8

  • Gama  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Jun 2004
  • Poruke: 4389

Druzi odbili ponudu FSA da se uspostavi mir između Druza i FSA i da se okrenu protiv sirijske armije i vlade.

Almasdarnews.com: Druze of As-Sweida reject FSA peace offering


  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3556

Napisano: 27 Mar 2015 13:06

Sirijska Armija u potpunosti preuzela kontrolu na tri brda u zapadnim planinama pokraj Zabadania.Tačnije brda se zovu Shir al –Taqa i Shir al-Jouba .

Dopuna: 27 Mar 2015 13:12

Kao sto sam sinoc reko

‪#‎Idleb‬ | ‪#‎Syria24‬
Army launched concentrated airstrikes against terrorists’ gatherings in Kafloun, Martin and Fayloun in the city and countryside of Idleb, inflicting heavy losses upon their ranks.
Military source: Army launches concentrated airstrikes against terrorists' gatherings in Kafloun, Martin and Fayloun in the city and countryside of ‪#‎Idleb‬, inflicting heavy losses upon their ranks. | ‪#‎Syria24‬
Military source: Units of the army carry out successful military operations in the area surrounding the northern ‪#‎Idleb‬ city, killing
scores of terrorists. | ‪#‎Syria24‬
Battle for Idlib Intensifies; Syrian Army Reinforcements Arrive
The battle for the city of ‪#‎Idlib‬ has been nothing short of bloody, as the opposing parties involved in this fight throw everything they have at one another, amidst the tumultuous thunder of mortars and rockets raining down on the civilian population caught between the frontlines.
The Syrian Al-‪#‎Qaeda‬ group “Jabhat Al-‪#‎Nusra‬” (Victory Front) and their allies from Harakat ‘Ahrar Al-Sham (Liberation of the Levant Movement) wasted no time on Thursday morning, as they would attack multiple checkpoints in northern and western Idlib, reaching the city gates for the first time 72 hours.
Harakat ‘Ahrar Al-Sham’s social media activists flooded Twitter and Facebook with multiple posts and pictures of their fighters on the frontlines; even going as far as claiming their combatants entered the Midan (suburbs) of Idlib City.
Continuing the narrative that the Islamist rebels had entered the city of Idlib and cutoff the final supply line to the city at the Al-Fou’aa axis, the Islamic Front’s (Jabhat Al-Islamiyah) Twitter page posted a battle map depicting the alleged gains made by their fighters on Thursday.
To counter, a pro-Syrian Arab Army page “Idlib News Network” reported that the alleged gains by Islamist rebels were fabricated and that the pictures and videos were taken by Islamic Front activists; those of whom were later arrested.
According to a National Defense Forces (‪#‎NDF‬) source inside of Idlib City, the ‪#‎Islamist‬ rebels were able to breach the NDF frontlines at the western axis and the Youth Housing Quarter at the northern axis; however, the source alleges that the infiltrators were beaten back before nightfall.
Reinforcements from the Syrian Arab Army’s 11th Tank Division (Ariha) and National Defense Forces (‪#‎Latakia‬) arrived at 10 P.M. to greet the Governor of Idlib before they took up positions on the western axis. | ‪#‎Syria24‬

Busra‬ al-Sham
‪#‎Syrian_Army‬ units, and ‪#‎NDF‬ evacuated ~16,000 civilians from ‪#‎Busra‬ al-Sham before evacuating their positions in the city.
The soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army fight for the lives of Syrian citizens, and the command gave its orders based on what's best for Operation Liberation of the South that is still in progress in Southern ‪#‎Syria‬.
Yes, the town was entered by al-‪#‎Nusra‬ ‪#‎terrorists‬, but ~16,000 civilians were saved for being used as human shield, the town will be liberated when the time is right.
Syrian Arab Army
| ‪#‎Syria24‬
‪#‎DAMASCUS‬, March 26. /‪#‎TASS‬/. The authorities of ‪#‎Syria‬ keep the doors open to all those opposition forces wishing to lay down arms and join the pro-government troops, Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal ‪#‎Mekdad‬ told TASS on Thursday.
“Ceasefire has been established with some armed groupings, which lay down weapons and act in the interests of Syria,” Mekdad said in an interview with TASS. “About 700 militants turned to the government’s side and are currently fighting alongside the Syrian Army troops, including in the surroundings of #Damascus.”
“All those wishing to return back under the flag of Syria will find their place,” Mekdad said.
The Syrian diplomat said that recently “Russian friends invited many Syrian opposition to ‪#‎Moscow‬ for talks.”
“We are definitely ready to take part in the forthcoming meetings in Moscow, so that there will be success to efforts of our Russian efforts, whom we are completely trusting and believe in their sincere intentions,” he said. “The intentions, which will bring peace and stability to Syria and will stop bloodshed in Syria as well as in the whole region.” | ‪#‎Syria24‬

Dopuna: 27 Mar 2015 13:14

Ima i slike vojnika iz Latakije koji su stigli kao pomoc vojnicima u ‎Idleb‬u,ako zelite mogu objaviti,ali po meni nema potrebe.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 33971

Ibrise da neznaš možda zbog čega je zaustavljena ofanziva u zabadaniju lani a baš je SAA dobro krenula dagazi drekavce fsa i ostale??? Zbog togai trpe u Idblibu jer su se uklinili a nije bilo neki veći borbeni dejstava i osvajanja u toj regiji.

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