Poslao: 03 Apr 2015 14:08
- Pridružio: 07 Mar 2015
- Poruke: 281
ameri su nebrojeno puta remetili medjunarodne odnose ,na šta su rusi konstantno upozoravali,,pozivajući se na medjunarodno pravo un,,,koje su ameri zaobišli mnogo puta i tako došli do ruskih granica,iako su date garancije da se nato neće širiti na istok,posle pada berlinskog zida,,,,medjutim,slepo verujući u demokratiju i dobrobit svih,rusi su bukvalno namagarčeni,,,,,,u slučaju da asad padne,rusi moraju tražiti saveznika u novom vladaru sirije,,,ako sad slepo srljaju pomažući asada,kako će onda izgledati u očima mogućih naslednika sirije,koji su svi protiv njega,,,,,naravno to je moje razmišljanje,i ne mora ništa da znači,,,,,a možda su sve u vezi ruske baze dezinformacije,,,,,,ovde se stvorila slika da je asad u totalnoj defanzivi,,,što je po meni daleko od istine,,,,zna se u čijim rukama je armija i teško naoružanje,,,,,,sve u svemu,ova kriza je daleko od kraja ,sa asadom ili bez njega
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 03 Apr 2015 14:45
- Irbis
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
- Poruke: 3554
Napisano: 03 Apr 2015 14:34
Danas je Idlib lepo poklopljen evo slike
Dopuna: 03 Apr 2015 14:34
Polivanje IDLIBA,znači sve
Dopuna: 03 Apr 2015 14:36
Khamis ::Rusi napustaju bazu, Iran postigao nuklearni sporazum. . .
Kakve veze imaju Iran i Sirija majke ti?
Da li znas da gledas kartu?
Da li uopste znas gde su Sirija i Iran?
Kada ovo budes saznao mozemo da pricamo ko koga napusta.
Dopuna: 03 Apr 2015 14:41
Da li neko ovde stvarno milsi da ce Rusija da napusi Asada? Jedino ako on ostane na vlasti Rusija otsaje monopolista u Evropi po gasu,a Gasprom nastavlja da raste i sada ce te reci da napustaju Siriju?
Sredozemna flota je oformljena ove godine i glvna luka je Tartus i vec postoje planovi za njeno uvecanje,druga luka im na Kipru,a treca ce biti kod Aleksandrije pregovori odavno poceli oko toga,a sam Sisi je ponudio Rusiji cim je doso na vlast.
Rusija bukvalno Crno more blokira,crveno takodje,a i deo sredozemnog i sada ce oni napusiti Tartus.
Drugo to bi bila javno objavljeno,a ne ovako preko twitera gde pise ko sta oce.
Trece Rusija nije trazila da se sastane SB oko Jemena tako da je ostavila moguceg,mesanja u Siriji i Ukrajini kao legitimno.
Dopuna: 03 Apr 2015 14:45
Evo i dokaza 2012 isto pricano kao Rusija napusta Tartus
МАКАРОВ: Руска морнарица не напушта Тартус
Poslao: 03 Apr 2015 14:47
- Pridružio: 07 Mar 2015
- Poruke: 281
ma ta vest se samo pojavila na tviteru,,jednom ili dva puta,,,pa samo razradjujemo opcije,i verovatnoću da se to desi,,,,,,nigde u zvaničnim medijima nema govora o tome
Poslao: 03 Apr 2015 18:06
- Irbis
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
- Poruke: 3554
Jedna čujem sam sebe kad govorim.
Sirijska nacionalna obrana diže u zrak tuneleširom Palestinskog kampda Yarmouk
NDF se kreće naprijed i nadamo se potpunoj kontroli u sutrašnjem danu,,
Ovi izdajnici Palestinski su najveća ološ.
Sirijska vlada ih je tretirala kao sirijske državljane a oni su ujeli ruku koja ih hrani.
A oni ne znaju bez sirijske vojske nema slobodne Palestine
Wow we can't hear nothing almost
Well the Syrian national defence are explosion the tunnels in the palastenian yarmouk district
And advancing for further in yarmouk district to liberate it until full control
These traitors palastenians are very bad
Tje Syrian government has treated them like Syrian citizens and they always back stab the Syrian government
And they don't know without the Syrian army there's no free Palestine
Poslao: 03 Apr 2015 18:15
- Pridružio: 23 Jul 2004
- Poruke: 222
- Gde živiš: srbija
Irbis ::Napisano: 03 Apr 2015 14:34
Danas je Idlib lepo poklopljen evo slike
Dopuna: 03 Apr 2015 14:34
Polivanje IDLIBA,znači sve
Dopuna: 03 Apr 2015 14:36
Khamis ::Rusi napustaju bazu, Iran postigao nuklearni sporazum. . .
Kakve veze imaju Iran i Sirija majke ti?
Da li znas da gledas kartu?
Da li uopste znas gde su Sirija i Iran?
Kada ovo budes saznao mozemo da pricamo ko koga napusta.
Dopuna: 03 Apr 2015 14:41
Da li neko ovde stvarno milsi da ce Rusija da napusi Asada? Jedino ako on ostane na vlasti Rusija otsaje monopolista u Evropi po gasu,a Gasprom nastavlja da raste i sada ce te reci da napustaju Siriju?
Sredozemna flota je oformljena ove godine i glvna luka je Tartus i vec postoje planovi za njeno uvecanje,druga luka im na Kipru,a treca ce biti kod Aleksandrije pregovori odavno poceli oko toga,a sam Sisi je ponudio Rusiji cim je doso na vlast.
Rusija bukvalno Crno more blokira,crveno takodje,a i deo sredozemnog i sada ce oni napusiti Tartus.
Drugo to bi bila javno objavljeno,a ne ovako preko twitera gde pise ko sta oce.
Trece Rusija nije trazila da se sastane SB oko Jemena tako da je ostavila moguceg,mesanja u Siriji i Ukrajini kao legitimno.
Dopuna: 03 Apr 2015 14:45
Evo i dokaza 2012 isto pricano kao Rusija napusta Tartus
МАКАРОВ: Руска морнарица не напушта Тартус
Sirijski generali su se konacno opametili...Evidsntno je da je Saa tehnicki superiorna u svakom pogledu,ali je Sirijska Arapska vojska bila osposobljena za raz sa vanjskim-spoljnim neprijateljem a ne za gradjanski rat i rat sa gerilom...Napokon su generali shvatili da gerilce treba gruppisati a onda ih poklapati iz vazduha i artiljerijom...Ja mislim da ce poraz gerilaca koji sledi u Ildibu bi uvod u kraj rata u Siriji...
Poslao: 03 Apr 2015 22:59
- Pridružio: 23 Jul 2004
- Poruke: 222
- Gde živiš: srbija
Danasnji dan je bio crn za teororiate...Zali Boze ljudske zivote
Increasing numbers of terrorists are being killed daily
at the army units’ hands during continued operations
that target their positions all across the country, with
many of those terrorists linked to the notorious
terrorist organizations of the Islamic State in Iraq and
Syria (ISIS) and Jabhat al-Nusra.
Damascus Countryside
An army unit killed a number of terrorists of the so-
called “Jaish al-Islam” group in the eastern farms of
Zabdeen village in Damascus Countryside.
Another unit destroyed in a special operation two
vehicles and a den for Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist
organization in northeastern Zabdeen, killing the
Jordanian terrorist Abdul-Rahman al-Mouawedeh
among others. Those included Ziad Armoush, Sadeq al-
Tali, Feras Kanjo, Ghazi al-Hussein, Mustafa al-Dalati
and Fares Tabbaa.
A Tunisian terrorist named Nazem Abu Salim and a
Lebanese terrorist named Imad al-Sayyad were killed in
al- Nashabiyeh area, in addition to terrorists Fouad al-
Khen, Suheil al-Sheikh, Naji Haleimeh, who are all
affiliated to “Liwa al-Islam” group in Harasta al-Qantara
in Harasta city.
An army Unit destroyed two vehicles for Jabhat al-
Nusra terrorists between Hazeh village and Ein Tarma
town, killing all the terrorists on board.
Among those were Feras al-Zoubi, Said Nader, Khalifeh
al-Samadi, Nader Hourani and Jihad al-Qseir.
In the Eastern Ghouta, army operations resulted in the
destruction of a weapons and ammo depot used by
Jabhet al-Nusra terrorists in the village of Hazza,
leaving a number of terrorists dead including Ahmad al-
Jaberi from Libya.
On the northern side of Eastern Ghouta, 13 terrorists
were killed in clashes which erupted between Units of
the army and armed terrorist organizations in al-Rihan
farms and Tal Kurdi in northeastern Douma city.
At the northern outskirts of Douma, an army unit
clashed with terrorists in Aaliya farms, which resulted
in the death of terrorist Yasster Abdelhaq, while
another unit clashed with terrorists near Barakat
Mosque in Harasta and killed a number of them.
An army unit chased a terrorist group to the east of
Shammout auto company and the northern farms of
Harasta, killing 5 of its members.
An army unit carried out a special operation in the
town of Erbin, destroying a hideout for the Islam Army
terrorist group along with the terrorists inside it.
In al-Zabadani city, where the army assumed control of
the western mountain chain around it two days ago,
units of the army destroyed in accurate operations
several terrorist hotbeds in the neighborhoods of al-
Seilan and al-Mahatta in the city, leaving 15 terrorists
dead or injured, among them Mustafa Tinawi, Bahaa
Kharita, Abdul-Aziz Awad and Abdul Latif al-Shamali.
Another army unit carried out a precision strike against
a terrorist hideout in al-Zabadani, resulting in the death
of Lebanese terrorist Abdelhakim al-Be’albaki, in
addition to destroying three vehicles and a 23mm gun.
In the western mountains of al-Qalamoun near the
border with Lebanon, an army unit destroyed terrorists’
dens with terrorists inside in the towns of al-Masherfeh,
Flita, al-Jebbeh and Ras al-Maara.
Units of the army and armed forces destroyed terrorist
organizations’ dens, killing many of their members, in
Rajm al-Qasr, Rajm al-Ali, al-Houm, al-Msheirfeh al-
Shamaliyeh and al-Rastan in the countryside of the
central Homs province.
An army unit killed a number of terrorists in Mas’hara
village and around it and in Rasm al-Khawaled in the
countryside of the southern Quneitra province.
The army destroyed a den for terrorists in the area
surrounding Busra al-Sham city in the countryside of
the southern Daraa province, killing a number of
terrorists along with their leaders.
More terrorists were killed in the area surrounding the
old Customs building, al-Menshiye neighborhood, near
the SyriaTel building, and in other separate areas in
Daraa al-Balad neighborhood in Daraa city.
Units of the army also destroyed two vehicles with
terrorists on board in al-Mleiha al-Gharbiyeh and four
other vehicles in al-Ghariyeh al-Sharqiyeh and al-Soura
in the countryside. Gatherings of terrorists were
targeted in al-Lajat area, with many getting killed.
Units of the army and armed forces destroy terrorists’
dens, killing many and injuring others, in Atman, Umm
al-Mayazen, and southeastern Inkhel town in the
An army unit killed a number of terrorists, injured
others, and destroyed their vehicles on the road
between Oum al-Mayathen near the Jordanian borders
and Seda east of Daraa city.
Another unit carried out concentrated operations in the
towns of Koum al-Wawiyat and al-Sheikh Miskeen north
of Daraa city, destroying concentrations of terrorists
from Jabhet al-Nusra and the “Muthanna Islamic
Movement” terrorist organizations.
Other army operations in Tal al-Mal east of Mas’hara
village resulted in the death and injury of several
terrorists, while operations near Hani roundabout west
of Atman town resulted in the death of all members of
a terrorist group and the destruction of their weapons
and ammo.
The army also directed precision strikes at terrorist
hideouts southeast of Enkhel town, leaving many
terrorists dead or injured and destroying their weapons
and ammo.
The army carried out intensive operations in various
areas in the countryside of Hama province.
Some of those were concentrated in Jana al-Elbawi and
al-Eqeirbat in the eastern countryside and Kafar Zita in
northwestern Hama. Several vehicles with terrorists on
board were destroyed in those areas.
Other army operations took place in the southern and
central al-Kastal, Qleib al-Thawr, Hamadi Omar,Jurouh,
al-Zakat, Atshan, al-Hamamiyat and al-Rasafeh in the
countryside of Hama.
Army units destroyed terrorist hideouts in al-
Layramoun, Handarat Camp, al-Mallah farms, the
surroundings of Bakshoi, Khan al-Assal, and the
surroundings of Nubbul and al-Zahra’a in Aleppo
Poslao: 04 Apr 2015 10:03
- Pridružio: 23 Jul 2004
- Poruke: 222
- Gde živiš: srbija
PA Ukratko receno voj e snage Sirije su juce u celoj zemlji sprovodili akcije unistenja "dzepova'' terorista Islamske drzave i Al Nusre...Ubijeno je stotinak terorista ,a naveli su i 20ak imena ubijenih...Dosta ih je doslo sa strane.
Poslao: 04 Apr 2015 10:19
- Pridružio: 07 Mar 2015
- Poruke: 281
isis teroristi,zapalili zastavu palestine u izbegličkom kampu yarmouk,,,,kidnapovali su do sad preko osamdeset palestinaca,,,mnogima su odsekli glave,,,,,borbe oko ovog izbegličkog kampa i dalje traju,,,,,,twiter