Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina

  • Pridružio: 14 Jun 2014
  • Poruke: 38

igorsr ::Da izginulo je 100000 sAA kao sto je na Kosovu 1999 izginulo 30000 pripadnika Vojske Juvoslavije...Sefe da je do sada izginulo 100000 pripadnika SAA Asadu bi odavno odsekli glavu..
Pod izbacenim iz stroja vjerovatno racunaju i ranjene, poginule, onda se dodje priblizno tom broju od 100000 ako se uzme da je procjena Sirijske strane da je poginulo 15000 vojnika onda bi po nekim procjenama broj izbacenih iz stroja bio bar 3 puta veci.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Mačak
  • Zavarivač
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 2595
  • Gde živiš: Čačak

Iljušin istovario robu.
Usput da pomenem vojska je razbila veliku kolonu koja je išla iz pravca Turske .
Takodje vojska je sve blize Idlibu , nekoliko sela je danas očišćeno.

  • Pridružio: 09 Okt 2014
  • Poruke: 2843

smiks63 ::igorsr ::Da izginulo je 100000 sAA kao sto je na Kosovu 1999 izginulo 30000 pripadnika Vojske Juvoslavije...Sefe da je do sada izginulo 100000 pripadnika SAA Asadu bi odavno odsekli glavu..
Pod izbacenim iz stroja vjerovatno racunaju i ranjene, poginule, onda se dodje priblizno tom broju od 100000 ako se uzme da je procjena Sirijske strane da je poginulo 15000 vojnika onda bi po nekim procjenama broj izbacenih iz stroja bio bar 3 puta veci.

Када се каже "избачени из строја" мисли се на погинуле,рањене,заробљене и нестале.

  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3554

Napisano: 15 Apr 2015 23:22

Rad SAA danas u Idlibu: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=.....2329495862

Dopuna: 15 Apr 2015 23:23

Sa lica mesta,Kafr Najd ponovo u rukama SAA

Dopuna: 15 Apr 2015 23:30

Koliko se kukali ISIS na 5km od palate Asada,Asad je pao gotovo je

Jedni teroristi odlaze, drugi ostaju: ISIL se povukao iz Yarmouk kampa pored Damaska, Al-Nusra Front je i dalje tamo
Prema riječima lokalnog stanovništva i palestinskih dužnosnika, pripadnici terorističke organizacije ISIL uvelike su napustili palestinski Yarmouk kamp, zapravo grad, u blizini Damaska. No, u Yarmouku je ostala Al-Qaeda, tj. njihov sirijski ogranak, Al-Nusra Front.

Izvori prenose kako su se stotine ISIL-ovih boraca povukle natrag u svoje utočište, obližnje predgrađe Damaska, Hajar al Aswad (južno od Yarmouka), otkuda su i pokrenuli upad u Yarmouk početkom ovog mjeseca.
U Yarmouku se ISIL sukobio s militantnom skupinom Aknaf al Maqdis koja je povezana s palestinskim Hamasom. No, unatoč povlačenju ISIL-a, sporadični sukobi između ove dvije skupine i dalje traju na ulazu u Yarmouk.

Nakon odlaska ISIL-a, teroristička skupina Al-Nusra Front sada ostaje kao najsnažnija skupina u Yarmouku.

Dopuna: 15 Apr 2015 23:32

Auu koja propaganda,vidi se da je Asad studirao u Londonu,Asma zavrsila diplomatiju u Londonu gde je i rodjena,a i tast dobro savetuje,e da smo mi 1999 ovako radili gde bi nam kraj bio.

Narod bježi od terorista Ahrar al Shama prema Sirijskoj Arapskoj Armiji koja ih je dočekala ,nahranila i smjestila u prihvatni centar,,

Dopuna: 15 Apr 2015 23:34

Na Idlibu SAA je preuzela potpunu kontrolu i u al-‪#‎Muqbalah‬ zapadno o Mastumah,, ovo je znači skoro pa cijeli dio završen sve osim Samarina a i Samarin će uskoro biti oslobođen,,https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCo_XH8UgAAI9EC.jpg:large

Dopuna: 15 Apr 2015 23:34

NDF I PLO su preuzeli kontrolu u četvrti Ka'oush i na glavnoj cesti Yarmouk palestinskog kampa
Na sjeveru Damaska Ain Terma pod kontrolom Sirijske Arapske Armije http://i.imgur.com/aDzbDjP.jpg

Dopuna: 15 Apr 2015 23:35

Znači osim prodora specijalni postrojbi Tigrove brigade sinoć u Industrijsku zonu Idliba gdje u stigli do Tvornice pločica,,danas su u potpunosti kopletirana i mjesta Nahlaya,Kafrnajd,Faylun i Qmenas,,,

Dopuna: 15 Apr 2015 23:36

Sirijska novinarka Siba Mansour slika iz Kafr Najda u Idlibu https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCpV-UNUMAAZUZh.jpg:large

  • Pridružio: 13 Jul 2014
  • Poruke: 83

Irbise molim te prvo procitaj ono sto sam napisao dakle nisam rekao poginulih nego izbacenih iz stroja ako u opste znas sta to znaci. A to sto je gospodin Asad izjavio da su gubici SAA 15000 sa sve NDF od preko 210 000 + do sada poginulih u Siriji koliko se procenjuje pada u vodu. A plus to sto je pocetkom rata bilo masovno dezertiranje iz vojske dakle ko je pobegao pobegao je. Dokle ce SAA moci ovako videcemo evo vam zadnji primer u Idlibu cime se SAA popunjava odnosno ko je menja taj takozvani NDF. ISIS se popunjava teroristima iz celog sveta i ostale grupe kao sto su AL-Nusra dok jedino stagnira FSA i SAA. I samo jedno pitanje koje "pobunjenicke" grupe drze Daraju i Jobar ?

  • Pridružio: 22 Jan 2014
  • Poruke: 1269
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

Ovo oko Idliba je kao i kod Keseba i granicnog prelaza iznad Latakije pre jedno 6 meseci i vise. Znaci prikupe se u turskoj, obuce i zalete se, pa sta bude. To sto ih izgine pola, nema veze. To je taj problem sto ih mobilisu nesmetano gde stignu. Buljuk. Ovi sto ne izginu i uspeju da se vrate su tempirane bombe za zajednicu odakle su dosli.
Mozda je resenje HLOR, pa kud puklo da puklo.

Uh, ne valja desno (severozapadno) od Hasake, tamo vise nema crvenih (?). Izgleda da odbacuju sve preko reke, onda ostaje levi bok ka Hasaki. Nije mi jasno zasto nema koordinisanog napada na tom delu Kurda i SAA? Kao da su sve neki dogovori, neko cekanje, trange-frange.

Po ovoj mapi Brka cisti i dalje oko Deir Ez Zora.


  • sezan  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2008
  • Poruke: 3131
  • Gde živiš: Kragujevac

Syria. Джобар. Зачистка школы. Часть 4

  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3554

Napisano: 16 Apr 2015 12:10

Limeni91 ::Irbise molim te prvo procitaj ono sto sam napisao dakle nisam rekao poginulih nego izbacenih iz stroja ako u opste znas sta to znaci. A to sto je gospodin Asad izjavio da su gubici SAA 15000 sa sve NDF od preko 210 000 + do sada poginulih u Siriji koliko se procenjuje pada u vodu. A plus to sto je pocetkom rata bilo masovno dezertiranje iz vojske dakle ko je pobegao pobegao je. Dokle ce SAA moci ovako videcemo evo vam zadnji primer u Idlibu cime se SAA popunjava odnosno ko je menja taj takozvani NDF. ISIS se popunjava teroristima iz celog sveta i ostale grupe kao sto su AL-Nusra dok jedino stagnira FSA i SAA. I samo jedno pitanje koje "pobunjenicke" grupe drze Daraju i Jobar ?

U Sirijiji je prvo bi gradjanski rat tako da ne mozes da racunas dezerterstvo kao vojnike izbacene iz stroja,drugo pricanje o brojkama je glupo pogotovu o brojkama SAA i FSA i koalicije,jedini izvor su oni iz Londona,a ako pratis rat od pocetka video si na delu njihovu proceni gubici SAA su 100 vonika,a posle se ispostavi da su od 100 SAA 50 bili civili,40 teroristi,a isti ti su gubitke terorista smanjivali i ubacivali u civilne zrtve.. Jedino sto mozes da racunas o gubicima SAA je oni 15 000 sto je Asad reko,jer i da je smanjio za duplo pa ajde vise nije mogao jer bi se porodice pobunile,a to se tamo ne prasta.

Najbolji pokazatelj je bio gadjanje pekare u Alepu pa je FSA rekla evo ubili civile,a pored svakog su bili kalasnjikovi,a u Londonu su rekli pobili su civile.

Trece najvaznije ne mozes da kazes imaju izbacenih iz stroja za 4 godine jer u Siriji postoji vise nego dobre vojne bolnice,a bolnia u Alepu je bila bolje opremljena nego VMA,tako da nekog ko je lakse ranjenali je imao metak npr u nozi i nije mogo da hode nego su ga odveli u bolnicu i operisali i vratli u jedinicu posle nekoliko nedelja se vodi kao izbacen iz stroja,ali oni jos ratuju.
Sledece preko 100 vojnika koje je branilo zatvor u Alepu su po tome izbaceni iz stroja jer su mesec dana bili u Latakiji na oporavku i milion drugih primera. Ako imas podatak o Gubicima SAA za proslu godinu,ili broj izbacenih iz stroja u prosloj godini daj,a ne tako samo da pises brojke.

Dopuna: 16 Apr 2015 12:14

Syrian Army achieves great progress in ‪#‎Idlib‬ countryside (Local news networks)
Syrian Army recaptures and the town of ‪#‎Korin‬, 5 km only from the city of #Idlib

Dopuna: 16 Apr 2015 12:16

Syrian Army recaptures town of ‪#‎Rashidiyah‬ in ‪#‎Aleppo‬ countryside

Syrian Arab Army seizes ‪#‎Turkish‬ and ‪#‎Israeli‬ rockets in ‪#‎idlib‬ countryside

Syria ‪#‎Idlib‬ : Kurin is also under control of ‪#‎SAA‬ ‪#‎NDF‬ today.
Kafr_Najd & Nahlaya : SAA hasn't been to these villages in 2 years.


Dopuna: 16 Apr 2015 12:17

Kafr Najd ‪#‎Idlib‬

Dopuna: 16 Apr 2015 12:18

Update 5- Army establishes full control over Nahlia and Kafar Najd in Idleb, targets terrorist positions in other areas

Syria ‪#‎Idlib‬ Syrian reporter Siba Mansour is in Kafr_Najd & Nahlaya with ‪#‎SAA‬ ‪#‎NDF‬


SAA and Tiger forces crush terrorists in Idleb
‪#‎Syria‬ ‪#‎Idlib‬
Activists: Syrian Army imposes firearms-control over al-Muqblah town in Idlib countryside, after restoring Kafer Najed and Nahlaia today morning.
As clashes continue with fighters of al-Fateh Army around Feeloun and Qoureen villages in the southern countryside.
Jets of Syrian army launched airstrikes on the Islamic battalions in Senjar, Bzabour, Saraqeb, Sermeen, al-Bara, al-Sahen, Jedraya, Ebleen and Ta’aoum and many locations in Taftanaz and the surroundings of its military airport, which caused casualties and scores of injuries.

Dopuna: 16 Apr 2015 12:19

SAA units are advancing in Idlib countrysides, so far secured 4 villages around the city.
SyAAF intelligence provided highly accurate data about locations of al-Nusra Jahanam mortar inside the city, and number of terrorist field command centers which allowed the air force to effectively target them before the operation. Estimated terrorist dead count from the airstrikes as reported by SyAAF intelligence reached ~45
The operation command is being discrete, we will post details when possible.
Syrian Arab Army

Dopuna: 16 Apr 2015 12:19

Army continues military operations to crush terrorist organizations-
Army on Monday continued operations to crush and uproot armed terrorist organizations across the country, killing and wounding scores of their members.
The army destroyed dens and vehicles of terrorists, killed many of them in al-Ghantu and Jazal in Homs countryside.
The army destroyed dens of terrorists and killed many of them in Binish, Maarat al-Numan, Koren, Khan Sheikhoun, Kfar Jales in Idleb countryside.
The army also eliminated a number of terrorists, among them leaders in Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization.
Units of the army and armed forces targeted terrorists’ gatherings in Idleb city, destroying dens of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists and other terrorist organizations in a number of villages and towns in the countryside of Idleb northern province.
A military source told SANA that units of the army and armed forces carried out a series of special and precise operations against gatherings of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Idleb city, killing
scores of them and injuring others, in addition to destroying their arms and ammunition.
The terrorist organizations admitted on their social media pages that they suffered heavy losses as scores of their members were killed in Idleb city among them terrorists Hassan Kurdi, Salmi Kurdi, Khalid Haj Lattouf and Bishir Abbadi.
In Sarmin town, 7 km to the northeast of Idleb qcity, an army unit destroyed terrorists’ vehicles equipped with heavy machineguns, killing a number of terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra and the so-
called Islamic Front and Ahrar al-Sham Islamic movement, according to the source.
The source affirmed that heavy losses were inflicted upon terrorist organizations during an operation carried out by the army against their dens in the village of Qumainas to the southeast of Idleb.
The source indicated that the army also targeted dens and gatherings of the Takfiri terrorist organizations in Kafrouma village and in Ma’aret al-Nu’aman city, killing or injuring scores of terrorists.
To the southeast of al-Arba’ain mountain, a unit of the army and the armed forces continued to launch concentrated operations against the terrorist organizations, killing scores of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists and destroying their arms and ammunition in Kafarlata village.
Meanwhile, units of the army carried out direct blows against terrorists’ gatherings in Kourin Village to the southwest of Idleb city, destroying a number of their vehicles and dens with all the arms and ammunition inside them.
The terrorist organizations admitted on their pages on the social networking websites that they suffered heavy losses in their ammunition and members as 20 of their members were killed in
Kourin village.
Damascus Countryside
The army carried out several operations against dens of the so-called Jabhat al-Nusra and “Islam army” terrorist organizations in Damascus countryside.
SANA field reporter said the army killed two Saudi terrorists Nayef al-Mteri and Abdullah al-Mukhtari, Jordanain terrorist Abdullah Harb, Yemeni terrorist Yakzan al- Zafar, Wahid Nader and Nidal Sabouni in the eastern farms of Zibdeen in al-Ghouta, destroying three vehicles equipped with rocket-launching pads.
In Zamalka, a number of terrorists were killed during a special army operation.
Kuawiti terrorist Faraj bin Ghadban, Jihad Elwan, Said Jabour, Wadah al-Mufti and Wajih Nayef were identified among the dead terrorists.
The army also inflected heavy losses upon terrorists in Douma region as clashes in Alyia farms led to the killing of terrorists Abdullah Zahra abd Salah Abdul-Razak.
Terrorist Samir Ajena, leader of a terrorist group, was confirmed dead in Joubar too.
earlier, an army unit carried out an operation against dens of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Ein al-Bustan village to the north of Saasa town, Damascus Countryside, killing a number of terrorists and injuring others.
Another unit injured a number of terrorists at the southern part of Marwan hill near Magr al-Meer village, a military source told SANA.
An army unit killed 69 terrorists in a precise operation on two terrorist’s gatherings in Bab al-Hadid neighborhood in the city of Aleppo, a military source told SANA Monday.
The source added that 9 terrorists were killed, 13 others were injured in Kadi Askar neighborhood and 6 vehicles of the terrorist organizations were destroyed, while other 17 terrorists were killed in Sheikh Khedur neighborhood in a special military operations targeted their gatherings.
The army destroyed a number of vehicles and killed many of them in Ouenan in Aleppo.
Other Units carried out direct blows against terrorists’ gatherings in the old city of Aleppo and Bani Zaid neighborhood.
The army operations resulted in killing and wounding of many terrorists in addition to the destruction of their weapons and ammunition, the source affirmed.
Earlier Sunday, terrorists affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra, the so-called Islam Army, the Islamic Front, Ahrar al-Sham, al-Ansar Front targeted the safe residential neighborhoods of al-Suliamaniyeh, al-Shihan and Salah Eddin in the city with rocket shells, killing and injuring more than 109 civilians among them 11 children and 17 women.
Meanwhile, an army unit destroyed Jabhat al-Nusra and the so-called al-Shamiyeh Front terrorist Takfiri organization’s dens at the
surroundings of Handarat in the northern countryside of Aleppo province, killing and injuring scores of their members.
The army destroyed dens of terrorists, killed many of them in al-Ajraf village in Quneitra northern countryside.
The army also killed several terrorists and injured many others to the south of Um al-Izzam village to the east of Quneitra.
Earlier, units of the army and armed forces killed and injured scores of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Bir Ajam in the countryside of Quneitra southern province.
After monitoring and following up movements of members of terrorist organizations, a unit of army destroyed an armed vehicle with all terrorists on board and killed a number of their members on al-Sadd road in Daraa al-Balad where positions of Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist organizations are located and commit crimes and massacres, a military source told SANA.
The source added that a number of terrorists from Jabhat al- Nusra were killed and others were injured while a vehicle with all its arms and ammunition was destroyed in an operation by the army and armed forces against their gatherings in al-Mlaiha al-Gharbia village northeast Daraa.
The army eliminated a number of terrorists and destroyed their dens to the north of Morek, Tal al-Zaatar, Atshan, Um Harteen, Kfar Zeita, Masaada and Hamadi Omar in Hama countryside.
Tens of terrorists were killed and many others were injured during army operations against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Jabhet al-Nusra, and others terrorist organizations in Hama countryside.
Army units carried out intensive operations against Jabhet al-Nusra and “Cham Legion” terrorists in Kafr Zita, al-Latamina, Attshan, and Skik in the northern countryside of Hama, which resulted in the death of many terrorists, the injuring of many others, and the destruction of vehicles equipped with machine guns and loaded with weapons and ammunition.
Others army units destroyed ISIS gatherings and vehicles, killing a number of their members and injuring others in al-Tanahij, al-Twabia, Qtisha and al-Ma’damia in the eastern countryside of Hama.
Terrorist organizations acknowledged on their social media pages that they suffered heavy losses. Hayil Zeid al-Jaro and Mohamed Mahmoud al-Khadir were named among the dead.
Source: Syrian Arab News Agency - SANA
Syrian Arab Army

Dopuna: 16 Apr 2015 12:20

Kratak pregled vesti za 14. april 2015. godine Agencija Anna news. Prevod sa ruskog, admin 3.
Teroristi Dzabat Al Nusre nastavljaju raketiranje zapadnog dela grada Alepo. Na Vaskrs je zestoko raketiran hriscanski reon Sulejmanija. Teroristi su objavili da su dejstvovali iz VBR sistema "grad". Eksperti su medjutim potvrdili da je steta koju su rakete nanosile tri puta veca nego da je gadjano sistemom grad. Obrusili su se delovi nekih zgrada od udara raketa. 7 ljudi je ubijeno, 40 je ranjeno. Operacija po spasavanju ljudi ispor rusevina se nastavlja. Na liniji Al Zahra nastavljaju se pozicione borbe sa teroristima, nema promena.
U provinciji Damask pod obezbedjenjem sirijske armije i crvenog krsta izvuceno je iz palestinskog kampa Jarmuk 600 ljudi. Izbeglice pricjau o tome da su pripadnici ISILA zgrabili svu pomoc crvenog krsta od gradjana. Crveni krst i komitet za nacionalno primirenje dostavili su 30 kamiona pomoci izbeglicama. Deca skandiraju, Boze cuvaj armiju!
U istocnom delu provincije Homs, blizu grada Palmira, teroristi su napali sistem vodosnabdevanja. On je u poslednjih godinu dana tri puta izbacivan iz stroja i ponovo pustan u pogon. Kao rezultat poslednjeg napada terorista 15 ih je ubijeno a mnogo ranjeno. Zaplenjeno je dosta oruzja i municije. U samom gradu Homs samoubica bombas na usrks je ubio 4 coveka a 30 ranio. Nanesena je velika materijalna steta.
Uvacena je grupa lopova. Pokradene stvari su vracenje vlasnicima. Novac telefoni itd.
Al Hasaka.
Sprecen je teroristicki akt. Zadrzan je minirani automobil. Automobil je uspesno deminiran. Nema povredjenih ni poginulih.
U provinciji Sueda unistena je grupa terorista koji su napadali mirne zitelje. Zarobljen je spisak placenika koji su ucestvovali u operaciji, medju njima gradjani Jordana. Tunisa i Alzira.

Dopuna: 16 Apr 2015 12:22

Al akbaria u Kafr Najdu u Idlibu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45opqvuvZGM&feature=youtu.be

Dopuna: 16 Apr 2015 12:23

Sirijska novinarka Siba u Qmenasu

I evo je Mapa,,IDEMO HEROJI,,,SVAKA VAM ČAST,na ovakvoj brzini oslobađanja teritorija zavidi vam i najjača pješadija na svijetu ona Turska,,,

Dopuna: 16 Apr 2015 12:24

Na al Zabadaniu oslobođena i planina Tal Hamra https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCpcD1DUkAAic19.jpg:large

Dopuna: 16 Apr 2015 12:25

‪#‎SAA‬ air raid on ‪#‎IS‬ positions in and around Al-'Albawi east of ‪#‎Salamiyah‬ ‪#‎Hama‬ killing at least 30 militants | ‪#‎Syria24‬

‪#‎SAA‬ repelled a ‪#‎JN‬ attack on ‪#‎Al_Samdaniyah‬ east of Madinat ‪#‎Baath‬ ‪#‎Quneitra‬ countryside | ‪#‎Syria24‬

‪#‎Syrian_Army‬ and Hezbollah Capture Tal Sheer in Southern Al-Zabadani
‪#‎Hezbollah‬ and the Syrian Arab Army’s ‪#‎SAA‬ 1st Armored Division have captured the strategic hill of Tal Sheer on the outskirts of southern Al-‪#‎Zabadani‬ after fierce clashes with the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-‪#‎Nusra‬” and Liwaa Suqour Al-Zabadani.
According to a military source, the resistance forces launched their attack in the wee hours on Wednesday morning, killing 22 enemy combatants from Jabhat Al-Nusra and Liwaa Suqour Al-Zabadani, while securing the southern perimeter of the hill at 8 A.M.
After securing the southern perimeter of the hill, the resistance forces fought their way to the top of Tal Hamra before they were able to capture the remaining Nusra-held territory.
The capture of Tal Sheer comes 24 hours after Hezbollah and the 1st Armored Division seized control over Tal Al-Hamra – the hill overlooking Al-Zabadani from the Western Mountains. | ‪#‎Syria24‬

Dopuna: 16 Apr 2015 12:26

The army established full control on Kafar Najd and Nahlia villages in the southern countryside of Idleb on Wednesday, a military source said.
The source explained to SANA that assuming control of the two villages came as a result of intensive operations which were carried out by the army air force against terrorists’ positions and some of their supply routes in the northern province.
The army smashed dens of terrorists in Idleb, killed scores of them and injured many others.
Libyan terrorist called “Abu al-Baraa al-Libi,” Ahmad Darkoushi, Mohammad Silo, Jasem Zreik and Mohammad Ghiyath Hamoudeen were identified among the dead terrorists.
The hideouts and gatherings of terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra and its affiliates were eliminated to the last one in the villages, with dozens of terrorists getting killed according to the source.
Meanwhile, in northern Aleppo city, and specifically in Maarat Masrin that constitutes a main passage for infiltration from Turkey, the army air force targeted and destroyed vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns and armored vehicles belonging to Jabhat al-Nusra and its affiliates, leaving tens of terrorists dead or wounded.
The army airstrikes in al-Mukbela and Kourin villages and Sarmin town in Idleb also resulted in killing scores of terrorists and destroying plenty of armored vehicles and vehicles with heavy machine guns mounted on them.
The army artillery also destroyed hideouts of terrorist organizations in Mantaf town, 25 km to the south of Idleb.
The army operations also targeted hideouts of Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist organizations in Kafar Lata, Tal al-Sahn and Tal al-Aawar, where a huge number of vehicles with terrorists, arms and ammunition on board were destroyed.
Dozens of terrorists were killed in those areas, some of them were foreigners. ‪#‎Syria24‬

Dopuna: 16 Apr 2015 12:27

Syrian Armed Forces ‪#‎SAA‬ Make Huge Strides in ‪#‎Idlib‬; Israeli and Turkish Weapons Seized...

Dopuna: 16 Apr 2015 12:28

Kukali ste kako je IS dosao do 5km od asadove palate,a sada neso ne kukate
Islamska država na pragu SAD?

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12605


Ne izvrci. Limeni je napisao izbaceni iz stroja a ti si ga isprozivao ko da je napisao poginuli. Sad filozofiras i pokusavas da pokazes da nije izbaceno 100.000 iz stroja. Priznaj da si pogresio pa onda filozofiraj.

Inace ako je Asad rekao da je poginulo 15000 onda je za ocekivati da je izbaceno znatno vise iz stroja.

  • Pridružio: 13 Jul 2014
  • Poruke: 83

mean_machine ::@Irbis

Ne izvrci. Limeni je napisao izbaceni iz stroja a ti si ga isprozivao ko da je napisao poginuli. Sad filozofiras i pokusavas da pokazes da nije izbaceno 100.000 iz stroja. Priznaj da si pogresio pa onda filozofiraj.

Inace ako je Asad rekao da je poginulo 15000 onda je za ocekivati da je izbaceno znatno vise iz stroja.

Samo bih se nadovezao za jos jednu stvar on je to izjavio po recima Irbisa prosle godine u ovo vreme dakle pre godinu dana su po njegovim podacima 15000 poginulih a od tad proslo godinu dana naravno da su gubici narasli pogotovo sto je SAA u proteklih godinu dana imala par ofanziva. A o broju Hezbolahovih dobrovoljaca i siitske milicije iz Iraka i Iranaca ko zna. Sve u svemu krvav je ovo rat posteno nema sta.

Ko je trenutno na forumu

Ukupno su 855 korisnika na forumu :: 21 registrovanih, 3 sakrivenih i 831 gosta   ::   [ Administrator ] [ Supermoderator ] [ Moderator ] :: Detaljnije

Najviše korisnika na forumu ikad bilo je 3195 - dana 09 Nov 2023 14:47

Korisnici koji su trenutno na forumu:
Korisnici trenutno na forumu: aramis s, babaroga, brufen, ccoogg123, cuculo, Dimitrije Paunovic, Dorcolac, elenemste, galerija, ivan1973, Još malo pa deda, koom0001, MB120mm, mercedesamg, nemkea71, Oscar, raketaš, simazr, vathra, Vatreni Zmaj, yufighter