Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina

  • delrey 
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 16 Feb 2012
  • Poruke: 681

sezan ::Još jedan manje

Syria - Amir of Caucascus Killed last night during battle



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Da li je ubijen u Siriji ili u Rusiji?

  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3556

Napisano: 20 Apr 2015 1:09

Vojna mapa pozicija na Idlibu,,poslije oslobađanja Muqbilah https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CC-VGu2UsAIgsHA.jpg:large
Begami dobro se SAA priblizila Sarminu

Dopuna: 20 Apr 2015 1:10

SAA captured Jubb awwad - Hijarat al Kabirah and Hijarat al Saghirah near Khanaser
SAA preuzela potpunu kontrolu u mjestima Jubb awwad,Hijarat al Kabirah i Hijarat al Saghirah u Khanseru u Alepu

Dopuna: 20 Apr 2015 1:11

Polivanje terorista na Jobaru danas https://www.facebook.com/420898428090513/videos/vb.....=2&theater

Dopuna: 20 Apr 2015 1:11

Clashes between insurgents and ‪#‎SAA‬ forces in the town of al-Rishadiya in ‪#‎Aleppo‬'s southern countryside. ‪#‎Syria‬
Na jugu Alepa u Al Rashadiya vode se žestoke borbe između SAA i terorista,,

Dopuna: 20 Apr 2015 1:12

‎SAA‬ artillery shelling targets in ‪#‎Layramoun‬ district of ‪#‎Aleppo‬ amid ‪#‎SyAAF‬ attacks on insurgent positions located in ‪#‎Anadan‬ city. ‪#‎Syria‬
Danas SAA Artiljerija granatira teroristička uporišta u Layramoun,,dok SAF poliva teroriste na Andanu u Alepu

Dopuna: 20 Apr 2015 1:13

Teroristi iz Libanonskog grada Arsala pokušali se infiltrirati na sjever Kalamuna u Falitu što je vojska prozrela dočekala ih i potamanila,,a prošle sedmice mnogi putevi u okolici Zabadania su oslobođeni tako da je to ustabililo linije na Kalamunu,,
An attack BY the armed groups in Madajen southern qualamon
So it's a failed attack, because the army has surrounded the area
Terrorists coming from arssal south of Lebanon trying to sneak in to fletta Syria
The attack was a failure as.usuel
And remember that many. Zabadani hights were liberated last week so this will help of the stabilisation of Qualamon

Husein Mortada u oslobođenoj faiulon Muqbalah u Idlibu https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CC89vdoUkAA5AON.jpg:large

#‎Syria‬ ‪#‎Idlib‬ Al Manar Somar Hatem Officially declares ‪#‎Muqbalah‬ Under ‪#‎SAA‬ control after taking farmlands ysterday
SAA preuzela potpunu kontrolu u Muqbalah nakon što su juče očistili sva okolna polja od terorista!!B.N

  • delrey 
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 16 Feb 2012
  • Poruke: 681

Milan A. Nikolic ::Da li je ubijen u Siriji ili u Rusiji?
У Сирији ваљда.
Иначе Абу Мукхамед му је ратничко име било, право име Алиасхаб Алибулатович Кебеков.
Наследник Дока Уморов.
Ово је одлична вест

  • sezan  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2008
  • Poruke: 3131
  • Gde živiš: Kragujevac

Milan A. Nikolic ::Da li je ubijen u Siriji ili u Rusiji?
Ne piše.Pa verovatno u Siriji ...
Jel bitno?

Upravu je kolega
na ime mu se dodaje prefiks tj odakle je Ali Abou Mouhammad al Dagestani..
Znači u Siriji ili iraku...i još piše "last night" (19-og) znači nije u Dagestanu poginuo...

  • Gama  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Jun 2004
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pein ::
Dakle SAA definitivno ide na potpuno okruživanje grada za sad im ide dobro nadajmo se da im neće ništa poremetiti ništa planove.

Teško da će okružiti grad u narednih mesec-dva. Nekako mi deluje kao da idu u slučaju sa akcijama oko Alepa - enklava sa kojom se treba spojiti.

Nego, nešto sam primetio da u zadnje vreme sirijska avijacija deluje poprilično u odnosu na pre, a nisam video da je došlo do obaranja nekog aviona. Da li to znači da su se istrošili pobunjenici kada su prenosivi PA raketni sistemi u pitanju?
Ima neko info o tome?

  • sezan  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2008
  • Poruke: 3131
  • Gde živiš: Kragujevac

JA bi pre reko da su se završili remonti. Te su mašine toliko rabljene da su morale bar dva puta kompletno da se remontuju..

  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3556

Napisano: 20 Apr 2015 11:42

Na idlibu je prdekno i Saudijski terorista Adel Wahabi AlHarbi,koji je bio jedan od vodećih ljudi u Al Kaidi https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CC81wCQUgAAJA_s.jpg

Dopuna: 20 Apr 2015 11:43

Slika iz oslobođenog Rashidia na sjeveru Alepa ,,žestoka ofanziva širom Sirije,,,

Provincija Daraa je najaktivnija,SAA je preuzela i Mseikeh selo u području Lajat,sjeverno od BusraAlHarira

‪#‎SAA‬ forces have captured the village of Hajara al-Kabeera and the surrounding hills near the strategic town of ‪#‎Khanaser‬.
SAA preuzeli kontrolu u Hajara al-Kabeera i okolnim brdima Khanasera u Alepu,,a jes piče ljudi na svim frontovima trenutno,

Units of the army and the armed forces started Monday a military operation and established full control over the towns of Miskiya al-Sharqiya, Miskiya al-Gharbiya, Rasm al -Khawabi, Ashnan and al-Dallasa in the northeastern countryside of Daraa southern province.
SAA I NDF jutros su krenuli u operacije u sjeveroistočnom djelu provincije Daraa,vojska je oslobodila gradove Miskiya al-Sharqiya, Miskiya al-Gharbiya, Rasm al -Khawabi, Ashnan i al-Dallas!

Dopuna: 20 Apr 2015 11:44

Homs‬ - SAA frustrated an attack mounted by Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) against Um Jamia village in the eastern countryside of Homs.
A number of terrorists were killed, others were injured and their weapons, ammunition and communication devices were seized during the operation.
‪#‎Syria24‬ | S.M.

Dopuna: 20 Apr 2015 11:46

Izgleda da su dva bloda uplovila u Tartus ovo sve sto je SAA pocela da napada dobila je neku podrsku,ovo je prvi put ja mislim od pocetka rata da dva borda istovremeno uplove u Tartus

Dopuna: 20 Apr 2015 11:47

On Monday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s 5th Armored Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Palestine Liberation Army (PLA) – have captured 5 villages in northeast Dara’a after fierce clashes with the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” and Liwaa Al-Yarmouk.
The 5th Division and their allies surprised Jabhat Al-Nusra with a powerful assault at 8 A.M. on Monday that resulted in the capture of East Maseekat, West Maseekat, Rassum Al-Khawaabi, Ishnaan, and Al-Dalasat in northeast Dara’a.
Also in northeast Dara’a, Al-‘Alam journalist, Hussein Murtada, has reported that the SAA has encircled the villages of Busra Al-Hareer and Milayhat Al-‘Atrash.
According to preliminary reports from Dara’a, the 5th Division and their allies killed just over 30 militants from Jabhat Al-Nusra and Liwaa Al-Yarmouk – number has yet to be confirmed.
As of recently, the border of Dara’a and As-Sweida has erupted in violence, as the SAA and rebel forces continue this tug-of-war battle for control of southern Syria.
The recent surge of activity from the SAA is likely due to the increased rebel presence outside of the town of Al-Lijat; this had forced the SAA to take the offensive in order to protect the Khalkhalah Airbase in northwest As-Sweida.
In southern Dara’a, the militants from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Jabhat Al-Nusra are preparing for a offensive at the provincial capital; however, no date has been set for this alleged offensive.
‪#‎Syria24‬ | S.M.

Military source: the Army fully besieges Mulaihet al-Atash and Basr al-Hareer towns in ‪#‎Daraa‬ countryside.

Dopuna: 20 Apr 2015 11:47

Syrian Arab Army fully besieges Mulaihet al-Atash and Basr al-Hareer towns in Daraa

Dopuna: 20 Apr 2015 11:50

‪#‎SAA‬ shelling terrorists positions ‪#‎Busra_Harir‬ ‪#‎Daraa‬

SAA captured Mseikeh and 4 other villages and surrounded Busra al Harir and Mleihat al atash completely
‪#‎Syria24‬ | S.M.

‪#‎SAA‬ | ‪#‎Aleppo‬ | ‪#‎Khanaser‬
Army establishes control over Hajara al-Kabeera, Jub Awad, Sheikh Mohammad in Khanaser
Read more: http://breakingnews.sy/en/article/57060.html

Army establishes control over towns, cordon off others in ‪#‎Daraa‬ province
Daraa, SANA, Units of the army and the armed forces started Monday a military operation and established full control over the towns of Miskiya al-Sharqiya, Miskiya al-Gharbiya, Rasm
al -Khawabi, Ashnan and al-Dallasa in the northeastern countryside of Daraa southern province, a military source told SANA.
The units, also, completely cordoned off the villages of Mlaihat al-Atash and Busr al-Harir, the source added.
Earlier Sunday, army units destroyed dens of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in the villages of Saida, Kafr Shams and al-Ghariyeh
al-Sharqiyeh, and eliminated many terrorists after monitoring their movements near al-Sultan gas station on the road of Gharaz prison to the south of al-Nu'eima town in the eastern countryside of the province.
‪#‎Syria24‬ | S.M.
On Saturday, the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” attempted to infiltrate into the predominately Armenian town of Kassab, capturing some territory at Jabal Al-Nisr near the hill at Point 45; however, fighting dissipated by nightfall and the militant group was forced to retreat.
The Jabhat Al-Nusra assault was repelled on Saturday; however, they resumed their offensive at the village of Nabi’ Al-Mir near the Turkish border, attacking the National Defense Forces (NDF), Mouqawama Souri (Syrian Resistance) and Syrian Arab Army (SAA) from the eastern flank towards Kassab.
After withstanding the second day of Jabhat Al-Nusra’s offensive, the NDF and SAA countered the militant group’s assault with an attack of their own, pushing their way back into the village of Nabi’ Al-Mir.
The successful forestallment of Jabhat Al-Nusra and their allies at Nabi’ Al-Mir has paid dividends for the SAA and NDF, as they were able to secure the entire territory around the town of Kassab, while also launching a counter-offensive at this area in northern Latakia.
According to a military source in Kassab, the NDF and SAA killed over 40 militants from Jabhat Al-Nusra on Sunday, including their leader “Nizar Turkman” at Nabi’ Al-Mir; meanwhile, the NDF and SAA lost a total of 22 fighters in the last two days.
‪#‎Syria24‬ | S.M.

‪#‎Hama_countryside‬: ‪#‎Syrian_Army‬ finishes large numbers of gunmen in Hamadi Omar and Bir Kasab.
Mrzi me vise,da kopiram ukratko SAA je pokrenula napada u tri provincije i to Idblid,Alep i Daara.

Dopuna: 20 Apr 2015 13:35

Po nekim procenama izgleda da od koalicije FSA-Al nusra-Islamski front najvise clanova ima Al Nusra u pocetku je brojala oko 8000 pripadnika,a dans je ubedljivo najjaca vojna formacija drekavaca bez ISIS.

Dopuna: 20 Apr 2015 13:36

Aleppo Report: ISIS Storms Kuweires Airbase; Hezbollah Advances at Al-Zahra

Dopuna: 20 Apr 2015 14:24

Evo našeg brke ptica veselica:: Izvještaj da je SAA I NDF jutros su krenuli u operacije u sjeveroistočnom djelu provincije Daraa,vojska je oslobodila gradove Miskiya al-Sharqiya, Miskiya al-Gharbiya, Rasm al -Khawabi, Ashnan i al-Dallas,,https://www.facebook.com/nasra.alassad.syria/videos/432840330214603/

  • sezan  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2008
  • Poruke: 3131
  • Gde živiš: Kragujevac

Napisano: 20 Apr 2015 22:44

delrey ::Milan A. Nikolic ::Da li je ubijen u Siriji ili u Rusiji?
У Сирији ваљда.
Иначе Абу Мукхамед му је ратничко име било, право име Алиасхаб Алибулатович Кебеков.
Наследник Дока Уморов.
Ово је одлична вест

Ipak su ga Rusi smakli...

Dopuna: 20 Apr 2015 22:48

Syria. Джобар. Зачистка школы. Часть 5

  • Pridružio: 19 Sep 2013
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sezan ::

Ipak su ga Rusi smakli...

"Е тако се то ради кратко али јебитачно."


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