prijatno sam iznenadjen drzanjem SAA kod Idliba ovih par dana. iako su brojcano DALEKOO nadjacani odolijevaju svim napadima, ni oprobani recept nusre sa bmp punim eksploziva i samobuicom u njemu nije im upalio. gubici su poveliki na obije strane, prema pro SAA twiterima u zadnja 3 dana SAA je imala 47 poginulih.
gubici rebela.... ja mislim da ih niko tacno nezna.
jako je vazno sto je SAA ocito uspela da povrati ta 3 brda na putu prema Arihi, osim toga rebeli nisu nidje napredovali.
Ovo je vrhunac koji se ocekivao prepustanjem Idliba okupili su Drekavci napali frontovski,e tu prolaze kao bosi po trnju. Gde napadas frontovski vojsku koja ima toliko artiljerije i avijacije majke mi ovi koji vode Nusru nisu normalni,pa ni ID to ne radi nego napada gerilski u malim grupama,jer frontovski ne maju sta da traze.
Ovo me poceca na Karaulu Kosare tako su i Siptari sa svojih 4000 boraca krenuli na 400 vojna JNA i doziveli fijasko i ako su imali prednost u vazduhu i svo vreme podrsku NATO aviona,satelitskih snimaka...
Troops camping outside Idlib waiting the go order.
The battle of Idlib is going to be different than any other battle on the Syrian soil, by the time it is over we will share why!
The past week carried very harsh weather conditions, but that did not stop the men from gaining some points around the city.
SyAAF today alone conducted over 50 airstrikes around and inside the city targeting terrorist locations.
There are too few information coming out from there, however, we will post everything we can once we get it.
Syrian Arab Army
Dopuna: 24 Apr 2015 23:57
Yesterday, after receiving a report from the Military Intelligence, a ranger unit was air lifted to the hill of Qlemas town in Idlib countryside. The operation goal was to eliminate high value al-Nusra field commanders coordinating the attack against SAA checkpoints in the region.
20 terrorists were eliminated and the unit was evacuated safely to its division HQ
Syrian Arab Army
Increasing numbers of terrorists killed as army targets more of their positions
The army and armed forces carried out more operations targeting positions of terrorist organizations in areas all around the country, killing increasing numbers of their members and leaving their hideouts destroyed.
The army destroyed dens and vehicles of terrorists, killed many of them in the surrounding of Nasyib crossing point, foils an infiltration attempt by terrorists into Attaman town in Daraa countryside.
An army unit targeted several hideouts of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists north of Tal al-Mal, one of the most important points leading to the strategic al-Harra in the north western countryside of Daraa, a military source said.
A numbers of terrorists were killed or injured in the operations, which also left arms and ammunition of various types destroyed, the source told SANA.
Another army unit carried out a special operation against dens of terrorists linked to Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist organizations in the area surrounding Bir Um al-Daraj and west of al-Bajabjeh neighborhood in Daraa al-Balad in the city of Daraa. Many members of those groups were killed.
The Takfiri terrorist organizations acknowledged on their social media pages the death of 15 of their members during the army operations in Daraa.
Earlier on Tuesday, over 40 terrorists were killed in Busr al-Hareer in the countryside of the province.
The army destroyed dens and vehicles for terrorists and killed many of them near the air force faculty, al-Halak, al-Haidariya, al-Ramouseh and al-Mintar in Aleppo and its countryside.
Earlier, The army targeted terrorists’ positions in Kuweris and Deir Hafer in Aleppo’s southern and eastern countryside, destroying 7 vehicles loaded with weapons, ammunition and explosives and killing a number of terrorists.
It also targeted terrorists’ positions and concentrations in Rasm al-Sayala, Ramla and al-Manara to the south-east of Aleppo city, killing and injuring a number of terrorists and destroying 5 of their vehicles.
Social media pages affiliated to the terrorist groups confessed that a number of terrorists, including field commanders, were killed in the process.
In the neighboring Quneitra province, an army unit destroyed vehicles equipped with machine guns in al-Ajraf village and killed numbers of terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra and other organizations.
An Army unit eliminated a number of terrorists who were members in “Ahrar al-Sham Islamic Movement” and destroyed their vehicles and ammunition in Eyn al-Tina village southeast of Quneitra.
Terrorist organizations admitted on their social media pages the death of many of their members, among them Mohammed Moussa Abu Omar.
The army’s air force targeted gatherings of terrorists and killed large numbers of them in Binish, Failoun, Job al-Ahmar and to the east of al-Kirmid factory in Idleb countryside.
The army also killed scores of terrorists who were trying to infiltrate into Ayn al-Bardeh in Jisr al-Shoughour in Idleb countryside.
Army units carried out a number of operations in several areas in Homs province, killing and injuring scores of terrorists and destroying their hideouts and concentrations.
A military source told SANA that the army killed and injured a number of terrorists and destroyed their weapons and vehicles in Rajm al-Qasr, Rajm al-Aley, al-Madraja al-Gharbyehh and Umm Sahreej in Homs eastern countryside.
Other army units targeted terrorists’ hideouts in Howsis in Mount Shaer and in Keysin in al-Rastan, killing a number of terrorists and destroying many of their vehicles.
Army units killed a number of terrorists in al-Khashabiyeh, Jabal al-Sayyad and the area east of Morek town in the countryside of the central Hama province.
Syrian Arab Army
Dopuna: 24 Apr 2015 23:57
Army General Command: Full control established over areas in Daraa, cutting off terrorists’ supply lines
The General Command of the Army and Armed Forces said that army units on Monday morning established full control over the towns of Msaika al-Sharqia, Msaika al-Gharbia, al-Khawabi, Ashnan and al-Dallafa, and cordoned off the towns of Mlaihet al-Atash and Busr al-Harir in the countryside of Daraa province as part of a special operation which resulted in killing a large number of terrorists in the aforementioned areas.
In a statement, the General Command said that this achievement clears and secures the vital route between Daraa and Sweida province, and at the same time cuts off terrorist organizations’ supply lines as it closes off the crossing point of al-Lajjat which terrorists had been using to smuggle mercenaries, weapons, and ammo from Jordan to the Badiye desert and to the Eastern Ghouta area in Damascus Countryside.
The General Command said this success is a severe blow to terrorist organizations and will pave the way towards eliminating terrorist hotspots in the area, vowing to continue pursuing terrorists across the country until they are eliminated completely.
Problem je sto je idlib na uzvisenju, ravnica sa desne strane gde su njive, levo je brdovito, tu moze da bude svasta. Onda je usledila kontra terorista od jos jedne velike grupe nize, na putu za Latakiju. Vrlo slozena sutuacija, kao da je ta grupa cekala nastupanje pojacanja ka Idlibu, a onda da ih otsece nize na koridoru.
Izgleda da se svi ganjaju i navlace, tako da pad Idliba i nije bitan u ovoj situaciji, nego ko ce kome da napravi vece gubitke, mozda i katastrofalne. Za sad je dobro, jebo Idlib.
Cini mi se da je resenje ofanziva iz pravca Latakije i Keseba, ali teren je tamo jako planinski, inace neverovatno da tu nije bilo jace kontra ofanzive nakon stabilizacije i povratka granicnog prelaza od pre nekih 6 meseci. Celo primorje je netaknuto, ima i pola miliona stanovnika sugurno i nije mi jasno da da tu masovno nesto ne moze da se uradi.
Sad je vreme za HLOR, mislim da ce i Ameri da "zazmire". Kakva prava kad te ceo dzihadisticki "svet" napada. Hlor bato, i polivaj samo. Moze i napalm.
Sve vise sumnjam da i Asadu odgovara da sto duze traje i da "jebo gradjane" je najbolja opcija.
Kako god se zavrsilo, kakvu ce samo Sirija imati dijasporu po Nemackoj i Evropi, ludilo. Svako jutro dok vodim klinca u obdaniste i usput gledam parkove mahom pune Sirijica. Turci u Nemackoj? Jes' da, ARAPI brale, i to za jedno vece, ko ovih za dvajes' godina (figurativno).
Видим дрекавци напали са 15.000 бораца, а цела Војска Србије има отприлике толико војника. Чисто поређења ради, да будемо свесни размера офанзиве, без намере да нас поредим са било ким, јер ми тренутно и нисмо за поређење, бар не за неко у позитивном смислу.
Irbis ::
Ovo je vrhunac koji se ocekivao prepustanjem Idliba okupili su Drekavci napali frontovski,e tu prolaze kao bosi po trnju. Gde napadas frontovski vojsku koja ima toliko artiljerije i avijacije majke mi ovi koji vode Nusru nisu normalni,pa ni ID to ne radi nego napada gerilski u malim grupama,jer frontovski ne maju sta da traze.
Хмммм, убеђен сам да Нусру воде директно из Вашингтона, Тел Авива и Брисела, а тамо не седе будале у команди, само је њима циљ да жртава буде што више и међу онима којима руководе. Тешко могу да прихватим чињеницу да је тамо нека банда неписмених козојеба у стању да изврши свеопшту офанзиву у читавој Сирији, са толико прикупљеног (не)људства из читавог света, технике и огромном логистичком подршком, а да нису зналачки вођени из неког озбиљног центра моћи.
Ево и једне добре вести:
Breaking: Tiger Forces Capture Koreen in West Idlib
nizam ::prijatno sam iznenadjen drzanjem SAA kod Idliba ovih par dana. iako su brojcano DALEKOO nadjacani odolijevaju svim napadima, ni oprobani recept nusre sa bmp punim eksploziva i samobuicom u njemu nije im upalio. gubici su poveliki na obije strane, prema pro SAA twiterima u zadnja 3 dana SAA je imala 47 poginulih.
gubici rebela.... ja mislim da ih niko tacno nezna.
jako je vazno sto je SAA ocito uspela da povrati ta 3 brda na putu prema Arihi, osim toga rebeli nisu nidje napredovali. napredovali su u gradu jisr al shughour ,već drže pola grada,,to je na putu izmedju idliba i latakije,,,,borbr još traju,,,,,tviter
Dopuna: 25 Apr 2015 10:27
milan i dragan ::nizam ::prijatno sam iznenadjen drzanjem SAA kod Idliba ovih par dana. iako su brojcano DALEKOO nadjacani odolijevaju svim napadima, ni oprobani recept nusre sa bmp punim eksploziva i samobuicom u njemu nije im upalio. gubici su poveliki na obije strane, prema pro SAA twiterima u zadnja 3 dana SAA je imala 47 poginulih.
gubici rebela.... ja mislim da ih niko tacno nezna.
jako je vazno sto je SAA ocito uspela da povrati ta 3 brda na putu prema Arihi, osim toga rebeli nisu nidje napredovali. napredovali su u gradu jisr al shughour ,već drže pola grada,,to je na putu izmedju idliba i latakije,,,,borbr još traju,,,,,tviter mislim na pobunjenike
ogroman nedostatk ljudstva kod SAA... jos ako uspiju da se izvuku ovi kod idliba da im je super .
Jisr al-Shughour je definitivno pao. ostalo je jos nesto SAA vojnika kod bolnice, na zalost ocekujem da ih gledamo na snimcima u rukama nusre u roku od dan dva.
31 ::Видим дрекавци напали са 15.000 бораца, а цела Војска Србије има отприлике толико војника. Чисто поређења ради, да будемо свесни размера офанзиве, без намере да нас поредим са било ким, јер ми тренутно и нисмо за поређење, бар не за неко у позитивном смислу.
Irbis ::
Ovo je vrhunac koji se ocekivao prepustanjem Idliba okupili su Drekavci napali frontovski,e tu prolaze kao bosi po trnju. Gde napadas frontovski vojsku koja ima toliko artiljerije i avijacije majke mi ovi koji vode Nusru nisu normalni,pa ni ID to ne radi nego napada gerilski u malim grupama,jer frontovski ne maju sta da traze.
Хмммм, убеђен сам да Нусру воде директно из Вашингтона, Тел Авива и Брисела, а тамо не седе будале у команди, само је њима циљ да жртава буде што више и међу онима којима руководе. Тешко могу да прихватим чињеницу да је тамо нека банда неписмених козојеба у стању да изврши свеопшту офанзиву у читавој Сирији, са толико прикупљеног (не)људства из читавог света, технике и огромном логистичком подршком, а да нису зналачки вођени из неког озбиљног центра моћи.
Ево и једне добре вести:
Breaking: Tiger Forces Capture Koreen in West Idlib
Ja mislim da SAD namerno zrvuje Al Nusra povezana je sa Al kaidom,a i nakupulio se mnogo tih gamadi i izgleda da se ne stvori novi ISIS oni ih zrtvuju. Previse su ojacali,dok su osali oslabeli,a to ne odgovara ni Saudiskoj arabiji.