Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2011-2015. godina

  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3556

Napisano: 25 Maj 2015 23:05

lokalac ::spisak poginulih alevitskih boraca iz Sela Ištebrek, spisak sa jedne prorežimske fb grupe:
navode se imena 85 boraca, kako se navodi poginulih i nestalih tokom borbi oko Džisr Šugura i sela južno od grada kao i padom bolnice.


ista imena od prorežimskog tviteraša Hasana Rida:


a što znači da potvrđuje ona spisak koji sam postavio od 545 ubijenih režimskih vojnika tokom operacija u i oko Džisr Šugura i okolnih sela. tj ovaj spisak:


85 jednako 545 ja u matematiku nisam sreo nikada.

Dopuna: 25 Maj 2015 23:09

Uskoro ce i Jordan biti izbacen iz rata u Siriji,e ovo su dobre vesti.
Izraelski internet portal Debka u najnovijim izvještajima objavio je da se kolone vojnih vozila terorističko tekfirijske grupe DAIŠ kreću iz Sirije prema Jordanu kako bi osvojili granične prijelaze između dvije zemalje.
Na osnovu izvještaja koji se pozivaju na vojne izvore, navodi se da su teroristi u američkim tenkovima i drugim naprednim vojnim vozilima, koji su osvojili u iračkim gradovima, iz Palmire krenuli prema jordanskoj granici.


Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 02 Feb 2015
  • Poruke: 2683

Ne mogu da se otmem utisku da bivsa braca poput Carasco-a i lokalac-a i ostali nista manje ne zaostaju navijaju za sto vise mrtvih na strani SAA kao i Armije Novorosije...njima bas nije dato da imaju svoj stav nego vazda kako im narede..."Sinu tisucljetne kulture"

  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3556

Kao sto sam ranije danas rekao onaj napad na Latakiju je delo terorista

Raketni napad na Latakiju. Izvještaji govore o četiri poginula i više ranjenih.

  • sezan  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2008
  • Poruke: 3131
  • Gde živiš: Kragujevac

igorsr ::zoran-ruma ::Dosta hriscana je izbeglo iz Sirije, uglavnom one koje sam upoznao su katolici. Sa jednom devojkom sam bio duze vremena na jednom kursu i malo smo se dotakli teme o tom ratu, nisam zeleo da mnogo ispitujem da ne bi vracao uspomene, ali ono sto sam zakljucio je da ona ne voli Asada zbog onoga zbog cega se ne voli prosecan politicar na Zapadu, znaci nista bitno i epohalno, a ono je pobegla ne zbog Asada vec zbog noza ''boraca za demokratiju'' koje Zapad podrzava i finansira. Nikada nisam osetio da mrzi Asada, mozda nije zadovoljna politikom, ali kako ona kaze ipak nisu bili serijatska zemlja. U svakom slucaju Asad prestavlja umerenu politiku, gde sve verske grupe mogu da zive zajedno, kod ovih drugih toga nema, i ako pobede u Siriji pitanje je samo vremena kada ce taj ceo sistem da pukne, prevashodno mislim na S. Arabiju i slicne zemlje, koje su sve samo ne prijatelji islama i muslimana.To vecina nas na ovom forumu prica sve vreme...Ali ima i ovih sto im se kavez drma...

Nije on prvi na forumu ni poslednji.neki su se dozvali pameti hvala bogu ,a onima kojima nema pomoći bacimo svi na " ignore" i sam ode jer nema sagovornike za svoju satanističku ideologiju ...
probali smo ..nije nam uspelo ..jednostavno nema pomoći ...nećemo se moliti za njegovu dušu što kaže Šeik Imran i još treba da ga podržimo u odlasku na sirijsko ratište da se pridruži "braći"...i nama će ovde biti lakše...
To upravo Izrael i Ameri rade ,bolje Asadova vojska da ih poubija nego mi da šaljemo američke vojnike...divim im se po neki put ...u svoj toj njihovoj krvoločnosti i bezobzirnosti...
Zato samo napred " Lokalci" požurite da pomognete braći jer su ugnjeteni i trpe nepravdu ..

  • Irbis 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
  • Poruke: 3556

Napisano: 25 Maj 2015 23:16

Onaj narandzasti dim je posledica ovog
Breaking: Reconnaissance Aircraft Crashes into a Residential Building in Latakia

Dopuna: 25 Maj 2015 23:16

Press tv na jedan kilometar od Palmire. A3

Dopuna: 25 Maj 2015 23:18

Venecuela još jednom dokazuje da je država sa stavom,daju punu podržku Sirijskom predsjedniku Bashar al Assadu i Sirijskom narodu http://sana.sy/en/?p=42217

  • Pridružio: 10 Feb 2010
  • Poruke: 3862

Пичи без једног точка.

  • sezan  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2008
  • Poruke: 3131
  • Gde živiš: Kragujevac

Can Bashar al-Assad win the war ?

image: http://edge.liveleak.com/80281E/u/u/ll2/attention.gif
Part of channel(s): Syria (current event)

"Islamic state" has taken the capital of Anbar province in Iraq, the city of half a million inhabitants Ramadi."Islamic state" and its jihadists showed once again that they are stronger than the Iraqi Army, which is in a constant deviation. It is interesting that despite the intensive airstrikes the coalition forces led by the United States, the fighters "Islamic state" did not lose the initiative on the battlefields in Syria and Iraq.

Although perhaps air strikes are not as "intense" as they are the Western media represent. Iraqi Army in Ramadi found in complete disarray. This testimony and reports RT television that showed the evacuation, which was carried out by helicopters, the Iraqi army unit that remained behind enemy lines in the general retreat.These units are left in Ramadi after a panic withdrawal of the Iraqi army and civilians. That says how much violent attack made in this Iraqi city. Local media report that the Islamic jihadists state atrocities carried out against civilians and members of the Iraqi army.We have to ask the question, namely, how is it possible that the "Islamic state", although under constant strikes from the air, able to organize and implement important tactical and strategic operations on the territory of Syria and Iraq?

"Islamic state" to fight against Shiites and Alawites, as against Christians and Kurds, but not against the Sunnis and because it represents the main threat to Iran. America is, to be sure, was a major when it comes to any arming, equipping and logistical support to jihadists who attacked the army in Syria Bashar al-Assad.America is the main enemy of the last secular Islamic state in Syria. America was responsible when they are now armed, equipped and trained jihadis crossed the borders of Syria and conquered a vast territory of Iraq.The Islamic State of America so that "intensive" bombing is actually the American project with the help of which they can overcome the two enemies: Bashar al-Assad and Shiites.

"Islamic state" in Iraq and Syria restraining and restricting Iranian or Shiite influence, and therefore, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, the US actually help "Islamic state". Jihadists "Islamic state" under their control swathes of territory in Syria and Iraq.Recently fighters "Islamic state" led a bitter struggle with regular Syrian forces to the ancient city of Palmyra. Luckily for the residents of the city, jihadists were rejected, but it killed more than a hundred Syrian soldiers.Syrian army for several years fought a bitter battle with the terrorists and jihadists, which the West has trained, armed and dispatched to Syria through Turkey, Jordan, Iraq and other countries. The alleged freedom fighters struggling against Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president legal, they came from many Islamic countries where Sunnis predominate.

Most of them were from Saudi Arabia, a country that leads the world blacklisted by the liquidation of decapitation! Others come from Qatar, Jordan, Kosovo, Raska, the Muslim-Croatian federation, but there are lots of young people from all over the West who are seduced by jihadist propaganda and who join these terrorists or "Islamic state."Will these fighters impose democracy and freedom of the Syrian society? Company which is one of the most tolerant in the world by the expression of religious customs. In Syria will spare seen a Christian girl in modern clothes with a short skirt, which passes next to a woman who was dressed in traditional Islamic clothing.

It was an example to all secular states in the Arab world before he arrived American "democracy."

Therefore, the Syrian army fought for several years to preserve Syria of terrorists infiltrated from across the Sunni Islamic world, and now is still on its territory appeared and called. "Islamic state", that took a huge territory in the east, north-east and south-east of Syria.Syrian army naturally has a horrendous losses since has been fighting against terrorists shows signs of decay and destruction. Jihadists "Islamic state" not necessary Syria and Alawites who hold power structures in Syria.Syrian army is the only remaining western coastal part of the country with the port of Latakia and Russian military naval base of Tartus and the southwestern part of the country, where the Damascus.However, what is crucial is that Syria is not without allies, on the contrary. If it was not powerful allies, Syria would not be able to survive this long exposed to daily terrifying attacks by jihadists.

We can say that disjointed group of jihadists in Syria have not achieved the expected goal, the Syrian army still has modern Russian-made tanks and powerful assault aviation that terrorists have no luck,and that is the destruction of the Syrian army and the killing of Bashar al-Assad, the plan of the West was not only the demolition of President Bashar from power, but his murder by already tested recipe in Iraq and Libya. That is why America has created "Islamic state" as another attempt to destroy the rule of Alawites in Syria.

However, as we have said, Syria has powerful allies in the world.

In the first place it is Russia, which the political apparatus maintained alavitsku government and Bashar al-Assad. Russia may help the Syrian military and army, in this we can not be sure, but a good indication is the fact that the Syrian army has survived this long.

Then, in addition to Russia, the most powerful ally, President Bashar al-Assad is supported by Iran. Iran has openly sent his elite Republican Guard to fight against terrorists and jihadists, on the other hand there is the Hezbollah who was also involved in the fighting in Syria on the side alavitskog president.

All tickets are open, war will probably continue until one side is completely destroyed. This is a war of extermination. Two mortar shells hit the Russian embassy in Damascus,Fortunately, no one was injured, but the shells are not just accidentally hit the Russian embassy. It is a signal that America and the Russian Federation are fighting in Syria and around Syria. America would like to see dead Bashar al-Assad, but Russia views it as his last ally in the Arab world, so that at any cost will not allow Syria to repeat the Libyan scenario.

Only time will tell who will win and whether the current president of the wounded and bled Syria survive, but one thing is certain, the war will continue unabated and civilians will pay a high price. Unfortunately, if we are right and America and Russia are now fighting each other in Syria, the highest price will be paid by ordinary citizens.

Our "friends" from the "Islamic state"

The progress of the militia of the Islamic state in Iraq and Syria is the best confirmation of a false war that Arabs and Westerners against the Caliphate.Despite published severe wounding Abu Bakr al Baghdadi and liquidation of another man El Afrijet, and,, Minister for Oil "Abu Sayyaf, the soldiers of the Caliphate were wrested from Iraqi troops control over Ramadi,a few dozen kilometers from Baghdad, forcing the withdrawal hotfix also American military advisors who supported the soldiers of Baghdad.

In Syria, only determination troops Bashar Assad has made it possible to refuse yesterday jihadists oasis of Palmyra, hosting the evocative Roman ruins in the desert and is one of the most important archaeological sites in the Middle East.

From a year ago, the West beat the head of any archaeological heritage that demolishing jihadists "Islamic state", but despite that, no one helps regular Syrian forces to beat merciless enemy who beheaded opponents like Roman statues, in a hurry to demolish everything does not match the Sunni Islamic orthodoxy.Where are the Allied bombers, disarmed Italian Tornado aircraft?

We continue to dread because of the massacre of Christians, Kurds and Yazidi, yet does not move a finger to defend Damascus, whose regime certainly poorly tends to democracy, but has always respected and protected minority.

Europeans, unable to defend its own borders even of illegal immigrants, will be participating in the coalition, which states that fought against the Caliphate, but supports the Islamists. The coalition, rather than to defend Christians and other minorities, as well as archaeological sites, continues to support, directly or indirectly, Sunni jihadists.

"Islamic state" recently broke through the lines of the Syrian army in Palmyra, where the fighting a few kilometers from the spectacular Roman ruins that are the legacy of UNESCO. Hundreds of civilians fled, the hospital was evacuated, and are fierce fighting near the airport.This morning (Thursday, prim. Interpreter) the city is completely in the hands of "Islamic state", whose militia already control half of the Syrian border. After the fall of the city, Damascus, was approved by intensive air strikes in order to put the brakes on the progress of jihadist militias.

While the archaeological sites, as reported by the Syrian director of the Department of Antiquities, removed hundred statues and valuable discoveries, the obvious fear is that it will destroy the jihadists as they did with Nineveh, Hatra and Nimrud, using bulldozers to the ruins of the razed.Everyone in the West worried, but no one to intervene if only to say that the strength of Damascus to help because they are the only alternative to an Islamist caliphate.

Instead, 350 US advisers began a few days ago to train in Turkey and Jordan, four thousand Syrian rebels, carefully selected by the Turks, Saudis and Kataran, it is the sponsor of the Islamic state, which today support the new Islamist alliance that is the end of March took control of Idlib in northern Syria.It is a conquest,, Army "(Jaish al-Fatah), composed of a wide range of jihadist militia - salafita, the Muslim Brotherhood, the people of al Qaeda and al Nusra Front.

There is no "Islamic state", but only for opportunistic reasons, to refrain from fighting on the western front without mixing with other groups that are ideologically similar to her. The emergence,, Army conquest "still indicates that SAUDITA and Qatar signed an agreement on behalf of a common goal - the overthrow of Bashar Assad Shiite laity.

The program envisages training of five thousand fighters in three years, at a price (the Pentagon paid) a total of $ 1.5 billion.

With more parties are rumors about an agreement between Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, aimed at overthrowing Bashar Assad, certainly not to the fight against "Islamic state." In Ankara, the opposition have been saying for quite a while on the delivery of weapons to Islamic militias in Syria, carried out by the government.

As for us Europeans, only one headless and suicidal policy can lead us to the fact that we are actually allies of jihadist and salafita, resolved to impose sharia in Damascus.In Washington, they want to convince us only that the new warriors to fight against "Islamic state", but nobody managed to explain how they can lead the fight against the caliph weakening the Syrian army, the only enemy, along with Kurds, able to stand up to the people of El Baghdadi .

Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=694_1432588067#bIVvCVFTb9DdfbQo.99

  • su27 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2012
  • Poruke: 2527

MarKhan ::Пичи без једног точка.

zašto ih ima toliko Smile)

  • Pridružio: 08 Feb 2010
  • Poruke: 266

su27 ::da su alevitska vojska odavno bi pali, sve i da imaju najmodernije naoružanje a ne sovjetske muzejske eksponate

Jos 2012 sam rekao, da su svi Suniti protiv Assada odavno bi mu razvukli creva po Damasku ...
Više 70% Sunitska zemlja se pobunila protiv "diktatora" iz manjinskih Alavita ,kojeg podrzavaju Šijiti i Hriscani ,da je to tako nebi se morao strguati ološ sa dna blisko istocne kacei ko zna jos odakle i dovoditi u Siriju da ratuju protiv Asada...

Neko je rekao "nikad vojnika od Arapina" ali SAA me je razuverila u tu izjavu.SAA se stvarno lavovski bori ,pritisnuti su sa svih srtana ,razvučeni po Siriji od Golana do Alepa umiru ali se ne predaju
Citava Sirija je jedan Staljingrad

  • su27 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2012
  • Poruke: 2527

nije vojska samo ne predavati se, hrabrost jeste jako bitna za vojnika ali mislim da je organizacija i utreniranost ono što im jako fali sve ove godine, još početkom sukoba sam rekao da bi ovo moglo potrajati i da bi dobro bilo da investiraju u trening specijalnih jedinica i da ih "proizvedu" što više, sada bi ih imali bar 10ak hiljada i čistili bi sve redom...

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