Poslao: 28 Jun 2015 13:05
- Pridružio: 23 Jul 2004
- Poruke: 222
- Gde živiš: srbija
After the failed attacks on Syrian Army positions in the South, terrorist leaders had a meeting in Dar`aa.
SyAAF intelligence operatives on the ground reported to SyAAF central command the data they had; terrorist leaders changed the location of that meeting three times before finally setting it in the old Ghazar prison building in South East of Dar`aa.
Intel cam in confirming the arrival of the high value targets to the meeting being held.
A single SyAAF attack bomber took off, headed toward the meeting location, and number of SyAAF fighters and interceptors were armed, fueled and put on stand by in case any foreign side decide to act stupidly.
Long range air defense batteries, and ground controllers were given orders to provide cover from the ground for the attack bomber.
By the name of God, the Homeland, their fellow fallen heroes, and the command, the cargo was released, and leveled down the building where the meeting was held; the result was eliminating 5 terrorist high commander in that meeting.
SyAAF intelligence operatives confirmed 5 high value targets were eliminated.
Syrian Arab Army
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 28 Jun 2015 13:39
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 102160
Reportaza o vazduhoplovnoj bazi T4
Fortress T4: An Airbase at War
Citat:The Islamic State's offensive in Central Syria has not only allowed the fighters of the Islamic State to expand their operations into areas previously out of reach, but it now also threatens the regime's gas supplies, its presence on numerous fronts, its control over the only road leading to the vitally important T4 airbase and the airbase itself, the largest of its kind in Syria.
T4, sharing its name with the nearby pumping station, is more commonly (yet incorrectly) known as Tiyas and a whole host of other names. After the fall of Tadmur airbase, it is now one of sixteen operational airbases under control of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF), and its defence is essential to the SyAAF's ability to exercise control over the Syrian skies. No less than three fighter-bomber squadrons and one helicopter squadron are currently operating out of T4, including the pride of the SyAAF: its Su-24M2s. The airbase is also home to the now decommissioned MiG-25 fleet, largely phased out in the previous decade. Despite being Syria's largest airbase, T4 only has one runway, making the airbase extremely vulnerable in case this single runway gets taken out.
In anticipation of an Islamic State offensive on T4 after their lightning advance throughout Central and Eastern Syria in mid and late 2014, the airbase's assets were heavily reinforced by a temporarily detachment of L-39s, formerly deployed to the then recently overrun Tabqa airbase and by one detachment of at least four Mi-8/17s.
Poslao: 28 Jun 2015 15:43
- Pridružio: 23 Jul 2004
- Poruke: 222
- Gde živiš: srbija
Nusra izdala proglas da senpovlaci iz svih akcija FSA zbog jucerasnje smrti 8 komandata Al Nuste u Dari.Naime po proglasu,optuzuju FSA da su neki njihovi ljudi umesani u akcijuSirijskog vazduhoplovstva koje je otkrilo tacnu pouziciju sastanka i izvrsilo napad na komandante Al Nuste.Neki od vodecih FSA komandanata se povuklo sa mesta sastanka par minuta pre ubitacnih naletta.
Poslao: 28 Jun 2015 16:06
- Irbis
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 10 Avg 2014
- Poruke: 3554
Njihove pustisnjske baze gde retko pada kise bolje su sredjene nego nasa Batajnica. Svi avioni u hangarima,a kod nas samo MIG29. E zivote lutalico.