Citat:Belgium is ready to send ground troops to Syria as part of an international coalition but “we must first re-establish order,” the country’s defence minister, Steven Vandeput, said on Saturday.
kurirdragan ::Cigi ::Russia Flies Around NATO Airspace To Supply Weapons To Syria: Debka File Citat:Moscow has opened an alternate route over the Caspian Sea and northern Iran and Iraq to supply weapons to Syria after Turkey, Greek, Bulgaria and Cyprus closed their airspace to Russian military aircraft.
Citat:A direct flight over the Mediterranean spans 1,025 km, which the Russian AN-124 (Condor) can cover in two hours. The long way round is three times as long – more than 2,900 km – and takes six hours, the news website reported.
Ova alternativa je i podosta rizičnija, nego morski put. Ovde preleću preko neprijateljske teritorije, ne bi me čudilo da neka nepoznata bespilotna letelica sruši neku 124_ku
nije to baš tako jednostavno a nisu ni Rusi mutavi, imaju li te bespilotne uopšte V-V rakete?
su27 ::kurirdragan ::Cigi ::Russia Flies Around NATO Airspace To Supply Weapons To Syria: Debka File
Citat:Moscow has opened an alternate route over the Caspian Sea and northern Iran and Iraq to supply weapons to Syria after Turkey, Greek, Bulgaria and Cyprus closed their airspace to Russian military aircraft.
Citat:A direct flight over the Mediterranean spans 1,025 km, which the Russian AN-124 (Condor) can cover in two hours. The long way round is three times as long – more than 2,900 km – and takes six hours, the news website reported.
Ova alternativa je i podosta rizičnija, nego morski put. Ovde preleću preko neprijateljske teritorije, ne bi me čudilo da neka nepoznata bespilotna letelica sruši neku 124_ku
nije to baš tako jednostavno a nisu ni Rusi mutavi, imaju li te bespilotne uopšte V-V rakete?
Nemoguće da nemaju vv, ne znam da li je u ovom slučaju realna pratnja lovačke avijacije u cilju odbrane transportne avijacije?
Razbio ih SAA na komadice u guti i na severnom ulasku u Damask
Terrorist attack on Damascus' northern entrance was described by one of our admin members located in the area by saying "It was like we were hunting ducks."
NDF pulled from number of locations when the attack started, after a little it terrorists lost the force they were counting on as spear head.
More than 250 dead terrorists were the result of the attack and the positions NDF pulled out of are now retaken by SAA and NDF.