Zorge ::Зар је ова тема баш толико погодно тло за овакве прозивке?
Научите да игноришете онога ко вам иде на живце; то је добар начин да он престане да чини то.
Nema to nikakve veze sa temom vec sa ucesnicima u istoj. Imam osjecaj da bi pojedini nasli razloga za prepucavanje i vrijedjanje da se tu raspravlja i o velicini sisa kod zena starijih od 70 godina.
pikseta ::Broj prebega visokih oficira je zanamarljiv ( u poslednje vreme uopste nema prebega)
Vest od prekjuče + ovdeSyrian troops, general defect to Turkey
A group of some 20 Syrian soldiers including a general defected from the army Tuesday and fled to Turkey, joining hundreds of other ex-troops from Syria's military, a Turkish diplomat told AFP.
"The soldiers who fled to Turkey include a general, three colonels and several other officers," the source said on condition of anonymity.
Some 40 people, including defectors and family members, crossed the border into the southern Turkish province of Hatay. They were taken to the Apaydin refugee camp, which holds all Syria's defected soldiers, Turkey's state-run Anatolia news agency reported.
Since the start of the civil war between Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime and rebel forces, dozens of senior army officers including some 40 generals have defected and headed to Turkey.
Turkish authorities have refused to give the exact number of Syrian defectors, who typically join the anti-Assad Free Syrian Army.
Turkey, which supports the insurgency, is housing a total of some 150,000 Syrian refugees at camps near the border.
Izveštaj Al Arabiye o navodnim režimskim lažima (video materijali dobijeni od prebega od pre neki dan iz Asadove televizije) link
Realno gledano spominju se neke stvari koje mi ne mozemo da znama sa sigurnoscu kao npr to da je obustavljena pomoc u novcu i oruziju. Da li je to posljedica kvalitetnog djelovanja srijskih snaga ili su iscpljeni fondovi za finansiranje. Gvalna je stanje na terenu.
Pa da vidimo sa padom koje baze i aerodroma pocinjemo danasnji dan
Dopuna: 04 Jan 2013 13:02
Danas zestoka bombardovanja sirom zemlje Dara,Dasmask, Der Azor, Hama , Alepo zracni udari pa posle artiljerija, prirema se nesto krupno. Primjetio sam da se ne spomunju Homs i Idlib znaci li to da je tamo situacija pod kontrolom vojske.
ruso ::-
prirema se nesto krupno. Primjetio sam da se ne spomunju Homs i Idlib znaci li to da je tamo situacija pod kontrolom vojske.
Nema vojska snage za nešto krupno...u Homsu je sve mirno jer su se rebeli odbranili u centru a ovi ih više ne napadaju, bombarduju da ali nema više direktnih pokušaja da zauzmu teritoriju...u Idlibu su rebeli na više frontova u ofanzivi (sam aerodrom tj. heliodrom kod seoceta Taftanaz koji napadaju ti je 14 km vazdušne linije od centra Idliba pa je već nedeljama okružen i u opsadi bez naznaka pomoći odatle, to ti mnogo govori o snazi vojske)...zamrla je i kontraofanziva kod Hame (zauzeli su delimično Morek, važno raskršće koje su rebeli preuzeli ranije)...Evo najnovije od Guardiana vezano za Taftanaz+ ovdeTaftanaz air base
The battle for control of the Taftanaz military air base has continued for a third day, according to an update from the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
In an email it claimed negotiations were under way between government forces and rebels for an exchange of those killed and injured in the battle.
The opposition Sham News claimed 15 soldiers had defected from the base.
The state media Sana said government forces continued to control the base, and that they had inflicted heavy losses on Jabhat al-Nusra the jihadi group it claims is leading the attack.
None of the reports can be independently verified.
Pundit Michael Weiss outlines the significance of the battle.
If rebels do take Taftanaz, that's a big deal. Regime personnel regularly flown into it.
dragojlodudić ::ruso ::-
prirema se nesto krupno. Primjetio sam da se ne spomunju Homs i Idlib znaci li to da je tamo situacija pod kontrolom vojske.
Nema vojska snage za nešto krupno...u Homsu je sve mirno jer su se rebeli odbranili u centru a ovi ih više ne napadaju, bombarduju da ali nema više direktnih pokušaja da zauzmu teritoriju...u Idlibu su rebeli na više frontova u ofanzivi (sam aerodrom tj. heliodrom kod seoceta Taftanaz koji napadaju ti je 14 km vazdušne linije od centra Idliba pa je već nedeljama okružen i u opsadi bez naznaka pomoći odatle, to ti mnogo govori o snazi vojske)...zamrla je i kontraofanziva kod Hame (zauzeli su delimično Morek, važno raskršće koje su rebeli preuzeli ranije)...Evo najnovije od Guardiana vezano za Taftanaz+ ovdeTaftanaz air base
The battle for control of the Taftanaz military air base has continued for a third day, according to an update from the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
In an email it claimed negotiations were under way between government forces and rebels for an exchange of those killed and injured in the battle.
The opposition Sham News claimed 15 soldiers had defected from the base.
The state media Sana said government forces continued to control the base, and that they had inflicted heavy losses on Jabhat al-Nusra the jihadi group it claims is leading the attack.
None of the reports can be independently verified.
Pundit Michael Weiss outlines the significance of the battle.
If rebels do take Taftanaz, that's a big deal. Regime personnel regularly flown into it.
Delimicno je sirok pojam . Ima li podataka u procentima ?